My Boss Is My Ex

My Boss Is My Ex


Kyler Kingston, CEO of KK Internationals, sat at his desk, focused on the financial reports in front of him. A knock at the door broke his concentration.
CEO's cabin
Knock Knock*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Enter *said in a cold voice*
Haider (Ml PA)
Haider (Ml PA)
Haider (Ml PA)
Haider (Ml PA)
Sir, the actors for your new short TV drama are here. *professional smile*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Send them in ❄️
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Looking at their pictures*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
You can leave ❄️
Haider (Ml PA)
Haider (Ml PA)
Bow and left*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Katherine Wilson *mumble*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
She changed her surname
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Looked at her picture*
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Even she has changed alot
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Well it great that she is here. Let me show who I am.*smirk*
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Looking at his picture*
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
I never thought that some day I will work under him. *sad smile*
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
I am going to meet him after 5 years*sigh*
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Haider open the door revealing a group of actors.
Haider (Ml PA)
Haider (Ml PA)
Sir, this is.....
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
interrupted* Let them introduce themselves ❄️
Vincel Mart
Vincel Mart
Vincel Mart from Shine City
The man said with a wide smile on his face.
Rion Sen
Rion Sen
Rion Sen from Blue city *professional smile*
Tiana May
Tiana May
Tiana May from Cloud city *little smile*
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson from Rain city. *said in a soft voice*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Clench his fist after hearing Wilson**
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Wilson *mumbled with a little smirk on his face*
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Welcome everyone. I am your new boss ❄️
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
I expect your best work on this drama as it is crucial to my "SUCCESS STORY" * said with a smirk on his face as he glared at Kathrine*
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Understood? It's better if you do❄️
Vincel Mart
Vincel Mart
Yes boss
Rion Sen
Rion Sen
Yes boss
Tiana May
Tiana May
Yes boss
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Yes boss * in low voice*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
You can leave now❄️
The actors filed out, but Kathrine lingered
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Looked at him*
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Do you have something to say miss?🤨
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
If not then please leave❄️
Kathrine's eyes widened she was hurt. Looking at the man's cold behavior
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Clench her fist*
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Have a nice day sir
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Professional smile*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kyler leaned back in his chair, memories flooding his mind. He remembered how happy they were as a couple, how Katherine, an orphan, had promised to become Mrs. Kingston.
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
leaned at the chair*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Staring at the cealing*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
where did it go wrong?
Kyler's eyes glazed over, lost in thought...
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
Came out after giving audition**
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
It didn't go well*sad* I hope I get this role.
Kathy looked at a boy who was coming towards her with a flirty smile on his face
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Hey, beautiful lady, are you waiting for someone? *trying to flirt*
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
Yes I am waiting for my boyfriend 😇💢
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
lady, if your boyfriend is making you wait for so long then you must break up with him. *sigh* *face palm*
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
*Sigh* What to do even if he is a piece of sh*t, I still love him. *wrap her hands around his neck*
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Piece of what!?
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
Sh*t *said with a smile*
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Whyyyyyyy *wines*😩
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
looked at her watch* Because you are exactly 45 minutes late
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
I was playing video games and fell asleep 😅😅
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
Sorry rejected 😬
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Solly bubu 🥺🥺
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
Hump *Looking other side*
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Mrs. Katherine Kingston, your Mr. Kingston is sorry naa🥺🥺
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
Who is Kingston, when did I marry you. *blush*
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Not now but in future surely😏
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Katherine Kingston
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
kyler*red face*
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
She is going to be Kathrine Kingston *shout* my wife*shout*
People: 1: what is wrong with that man? Shouting like crazy. 2: Kids these days *sigh* *shake his head* 3: Is he crazy or what?
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
Hey stop it. *Blush*
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
Everyone is looking at us *blush*
Kyler (Ml)
Kyler (Ml)
Hehehe. *Little shy* *burry his head in her shoulder*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
I wish you were my Mrs. Kingston *teary eyes*
Haider (Ml PA)
Haider (Ml PA)
Sir are you okay!? *worried*
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Startled* Yes...yes I'm fine
Haider (Ml PA)
Haider (Ml PA)
Are you sure sir. You were saying something about Mrs Kingston 🤔
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
It's... it's nothing. You can leave now. I want to be alone.
Haider (Ml PA)
Haider (Ml PA)
Sure sir. *bow and left*
Kyler's thoughts continue to wander...
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
*whispering* Why did you leave me, Katherine? Why did you break your promise?
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
Kyler Kingston (Ml)
You're Wilson've moved on...but I haven't.
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
Kathrine Wilson(Fl)
I wish I could be your Mrs Kingston *tear roll down*
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
Hello guys, please encourage our author by supporting.
Kathy (Fl)
Kathy (Fl)
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