Hero Who Reborn As Villian

Hero Who Reborn As Villian


A thousand years ago, a small, mysterious beam from a distant part of the universe entered our realm.

As it crossed the boundary into our universe, an unknown force disrupted its path, significantly slowing its speed and altering its intended course.

The beam, once swift and purposeful, was misled by this enigmatic force, causing it to veer off its original destination.

After a long, erratic journey, it was drawn towards Earth, coming to a halt on our planet.

Its origin, purpose, and the nature of the force that altered its path remain unknown, shrouded in cosmic mystery.

The beam of light fell deep into the dense forest, a secluded place inhabited solely by tribesmen, creating a small crater with a deep, gaping hole.

Upon impact, the beam mysteriously vanished, becoming invisible to the naked eye.

At that time, the people nearby didn't dare to approach directly and somehow convince themselves as one of their gods that came for them.

These beliefs was active for 500 yrs. Till before the great war at country C begin.

After the events that transpired, these tribes and their rich history with crater seemed to disappear without much explanation or trace.

As a result, little is known about their customs, traditions, or the significant occurrences that once defined their existence.

The details of their lives and culture have faded into obscurity, leaving a void where once there was vibrant and intricate history.

Fast forward to today's world. Only a few km away from one of country C biggest cities, Donghai City, there's a fast developing city but only around 2000 houses, with half of them are farmer and fisherman occupied near the surrounding of this crater.

The city is both sprawling and expansive, with modern developments rapidly spreading across vast stretches of untouched land.

People went about their daily routines, who lived simple, quiet lives, working the land and sea that surrounded this ancient scar on the earth, unaware of the secrets buried beneath their feet.

They plowed fields and cast nets, never questioning the crater’s origins or the history it concealed.

To them, the crater was just a part of the landscape—a familiar, unremarkable presence that had always been there.

Little did they know, the crater held a past that was far more significant than anyone in the city or their community could imagine.

The proximity of their lives to such a mysterious and forgotten landmark was a silent testament to a history long lost, waiting for the moment when the encroaching city would inevitably uncover its secrets.

In these community, an 18 year old boy named Chen Wei and his family, her dad Chen Hao, a fisherman, his mother Xin Yan, a school teacher, with his younger sister Chen Ling are also one of the families who moved here recently.

Since these places had been filled with both folklore and urban legends of mysterious crater and great war.

It had been abandoned land for most of the time until a few decades ago, people started moving due to high inflation on big cities, high rent and population.

One evening, as Chen walked along a path near the forest, he suddenly heard a girl’s terrified scream.

His heart raced, and without thinking, he sprinted toward the sound, pushing through the dense underbrush.

When he emerged onto a narrow trail, he saw a troubling sight: a group of boys was surrounding a girl, who looked about his age, clearly trying to hurt her.

Chen didn't hesitate. He ran forward to help, but as soon as the boys saw him, one of them charged at Chen with a fierce look.

The boy swung his fist towards Chen’s face, but Chen swiftly ducked and countered with a strong knee to the boy’s stomach.

Before he could take another step, the other two boys were on him, raining punches and kicks.

Chen, struggling under the assault, tried to shout to the girl, urging her to run away.

He glanced around, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Assuming she had managed to escape, he braced himself for the worst.

Just then, a loud thud echoed through the forest, followed by a boy’s scream of pain.

Chen looked up and was amazed to see the girl, now holding a thick tree trunk, swinging it with all her strength.

She struck one of the attackers, who fell to the ground in pain, while the other two boys stood frozen in shock.

Seizing the opportunity, Chen quickly got up and, with a swift and powerful blow, knocked out one of the remaining attackers.

The last boy, seeing the situation turn against him, tried to flee. Chen stopped him and sternly told him to take care of his injured friends.

Chen, feeling exhausted and relieved, began to walk away without saying another word.

The girl followed him, her eyes filled with gratitude. “Thank you so much,” she said, her voice full of warmth. “I’m Bai Jingyi, but everyone calls me Baiyi.” She smiled proudly and mentioned that her name was inspired by two of the country’s most famous actresses.

Chen glanced at her, feeling a mix of admiration and awkwardness.

Baiyi was incredibly beautiful, with striking features and an air of confidence that made Chen feel both amazed and slightly uneasy in her presence.

As she continued to speak, Chen found himself captivated by her charm and strength.

Later that night, afraid of his family knowing his current condition, Chen secretly went to one of their doctor's house hoping to had a quick check-up, believing he may had internal injures.

As he arrived and knocked on the door, he was stunned when Bai Jingyi opened it.

Chen felt a wave of embarrassment.

He quickly turned to leave, his steps hurried and anxious.

But before he could escape, Baiyi grabbed his arm with a firm, determined grip. “Wait!” she said, her voice a mix of urgency and an unspoken plea.

Their commotion attracted the attention of Baiyi’s mother, who came out of the kitchen with a concerned expression.

“Baiyi, what’s happening here?” she asked, clearly puzzled.

Chen stood frozen, caught between his embarrassment and the tense situation.

Baiyi’s grip on his arm was unyielding.

Realizing there was no way out, Chen reluctantly turned back and followed her inside.

Baiyi’s mother continued to look at them with curiosity as they entered.

Once inside, Baiyi quickly explained to her mother, “This is the guy who saved me earlier.”

Chen, still feeling awkward, asked if he could see Dr. Lou. Baiyi’s mother nodded and directed him to the room where Dr. Lou was.

As Chen sat down, he realized with a jolt that he had never properly introduced himself or mentioned to Baiyi’s when they first met.

He felt a pang of regret for not having had the chance to do so.

Dr. Lou came in, greeted Chen warmly, and began his examination.

Chen winced a little as Dr. Lou checked his injuries, but he was grateful for the doctor’s gentle care.

Baiyi stood nearby, watching with a mixture of concern and relief.

After the check-up, Chen thanked Dr. Lou and prepared to leave.

He glanced at Baiyi, his cheeks still flushed with embarrassment. “I’m sorry I didn’t introduce myself properly earlier,” he said.

Baiyi smiled warmly, “It’s okay. You’re a hero in my eyes.”

As Chen walked out of the house, he couldn’t help but feel a little lighter, not just because his injuries were being treated, but also because of the unexpected connection he felt with Baiyi.

The following day, Chen and his family went around to visit their neighbors, offering homemade rice cakes and introductions.

As part of their rounds, they also stopped by Baiyi’s house for a final greeting.

Without realizing it, their eyes met and locked in a gaze that sparked an intense and unspoken connection.

Even it just a mere second, for them time seemed to stand still as they exchanged a look filled with mutual understanding and curiosity.

The world around them faded, leaving just the electricity between them, a silent conversation of emotions and intrigue.

Embarrassed, Chen quickly excused himself.

The next day, Chen and his sister began preparing for their new school.

Baiyi, being homeschooled, spent her days at home.

While Chen helped her father with work after school.

As a week passed with no chance for them to see each other.

Chen found himself thinking about their brief encounter.

One evening, while Chen was working on their farm, his mother called him to come inside urgently.

Upon entering their house, he was both surprised and pleased to see Baiyi playing with his little sister.

Baiyi, catching sight of him, approached with a bright smile.

She handed him a letter, inviting him to her birthday party the day after tomorrow, and then quickly ran off, leaving Chen holding the letter and feeling a mix of excitement and curiosity about what lay ahead.

Chen rushed into his room, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and nervous anticipation.

With trembling hands, he carefully unfolded the letter, eager to uncover its contents.

Baiyi neat handwriting filled the page, and as he read, he could almost hear her voice.

She expressed her gratitude once more for his timely help back in the woods, but there was something deeper in her words—a vulnerability that caught Chen off guard.

Baiyi confessed that ever since their first encounter, she had felt an unexplainable connection to him, something that made her both uneasy and curious.

She admitted that although she often found herself shy and embarrassed around him, there was a pull she couldn’t ignore.

Baiyi went on to write that she hoped to meet him again on her upcoming birthday, yearning for a chance to have a longer conversation—one that might help unravel the confusing emotions swirling within her.

The letter ended with a gentle note of hope, wishing they would meet soon. As Chen reached the end, his eyes caught the final touch Baiyi had added: her mobile number and WeChat ID, neatly written in the corner, almost like an unspoken invitation.

After reading the letter, Chen’s heart pounded with an intensity he had never felt before, a rush of happiness that was both exhilarating and unexplainable.

Wanting to make a memorable impression, he decided to buy a beautiful necklace and a pair of bracelets as a symbol of their friendship—or perhaps something more.

As Baiyi’s birthday approached, Chen found himself standing nervously at her front door, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety.

His palms were sweaty, and his hands trembled slightly.

Mustering all his courage, he finally opened the door, only to find a small gathering: Baiyi, her parents, and few of her friend.

The day before, Baiyi, anticipating Chen’s uneasiness, had cleverly persuaded her parents to keep the celebration intimate.

She had used the excuse of her dangerous previous encounter at the woods, sweetly insisting she only wanted Chen and her few friends to be present.

Ofcourse for Baiyi, her friends is only for to avoid any suspicion her parents might have about her feelings toward Chen.

Baiyi greeted him warmly, her eyes sparkling with joy.

While Chen nervously waited for a private moment to give her his gift.

Since he worried that if anyone saw the gesture, they might misunderstand their relationship and tarnish Baiyi’s reputation.

After enjoying the cake and chatting with her family and friend, Chen stepped outside for some fresh air.

As he gazed up at the sky, he noticed a large, bright star unlike any he had ever seen.

Seizing the moment, Chen called Baiyi outside to witness the breathtaking sight.

The two stood together in awe, marveling at the star’s beauty, unaware that this mysterious object was something unknown heading toward their planet.

Believing the star was a good omen, Chen finally handed Baiyi her gift.

She blushed as she opened it and, seeing the necklace, shyly asked Chen if he would put it around her neck.

Without hesitation, Chen obliged, gently fastening the necklace around her.

As he reached for the second present, Baiyi, overcome with emotion, leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek.

Both of their faces turned crimson in the soft glow of the starlight.

Realizing what she had just done, Baiyi, flustered and embarrassed, hurried back inside, leaving Chen standing there, stunned but overwhelmed with joy.

However, Chen’s happiness was short-lived.



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