My Last Mission

My Last Mission

The Legend of Legendaries! Androids Attack David & Melissa!

In the beginning of when quirks manifested in man, there was a man who can take all the multiple quirks and pass it onto someone else. All For One, with his power he can bring death itself, and he used that power to share with villains around the world. Then, when heroes showed up, villains became more bolder, more adaptable, and more dangerous than ever to purge the world of heroes. Some heroes lived after their fight, but many have fallen. All except for...
The most daring and fastest of them all, fought one of the most dangerous villains on the face of the planet. He was the warrior of speed, the symbol of peace and a symbol of freedom. He was also the fastest thing that the world have ever seen. They called him, Sonic. But he was not alone, along came other legendaries. Akeno, the fallen angel hero, Koneko, the rook, Tails, the flying fox, Kurumu, the succubus hero, and Knuckles, the fighting hero. They all traveled the world looking for evil to cause harm.
But, they got what they wished for. There was a villain that was tougher than the boss villain and can easily destroy all the pro heroes today. Nazo, the Supreme life form of Death. The battle between Nazo and the Legendaries lasted weeks and months until Sonic came up with a plan to seal Nazo so that he would never escape.
Shadow and Sonic fused together to carry out the plan, and Nazo was struck from the sky. Never to be seen again. His DNA, his gloves, and his shoes were lost to the convergence of the ocean. But that didn't mean evil ends. Every year, villains all over try to find the remains of Nazo so that he could be resurrected and cause world destruction.
In the quest of the villains, there will always be light to shine against darkness of what evil lurks around each dark corner. It says in the inscription, that, "if Nazo shall return, he will be stopped by a hero who has carried a sacred torch, who can defeat him with all of his/her might".
During the final wars, however, the destruction from King Ghidorah has stirred up the dirt from the sea floor, and Nazo's things washed up. This was a chance to be proven that the war was not over yet.
In London, the Sonic and his allies were informed of suspicious activity through the catacombs in the sewers and in the city. They all spread out into teams of three to see what was happening.
Amy Rose
Amy Rose
Well, anything?
Sally Acorn
Sally Acorn
Nothing. It seems they've given us the slip again. They're more craftier than All For One.
Tails Miles Prower
Tails Miles Prower
*Groans* At this rate, we'll never be able to find the Humarise Organization. The mayor said that we're coming back, and with the heroes out of the picture, we have to fill their place.
Blaze the Cat
Blaze the Cat
*Com* Blaze to Sally. Come in.
Sally Acorn
Sally Acorn
*Answers* What's up? Any luck?
Blaze the Cat
Blaze the Cat
We tried, but no sign of them. Silver thought he sensed them, but he was just interested in a sausage roll.
Blaze the Cat
Blaze the Cat
*Sighs* I'll go and try downtown next. How's Sonic?
Sally Acorn
Sally Acorn
Well, right now, he's racing through the sewers to try and find them. I just hope he's alright down there.
Sonic runs through the sewers. He checks left and right, but there was no sign of them. He couldn't even feel their energy.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Darn it. If only we had Goku with us, then this would've been smoother. Of course, he had to get grounded by Chi-Chi for training secretly.
Sonic the Hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Nevertheless, I have a bad feeling that they might be doing g something reckless and completely idiotic. *Runs off in a different direction*
Sonic ran off in a different direction throughout the catacombs in the sewers. Little did he realize that the Nazo soldiers were hiding by suppressing their energy to an all-time low. The two soldiers waited for the coast to be clear and dashed for their headquarters. As they returned, they gave the full report to their seniors.
Nazo Force Soldier 113B
Nazo Force Soldier 113B
Mr. Sleet, sir, we came back from our recon. It seems the legendaries are still looking for the androids we sent out.
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
What should we do, sir?
Flect Turn says to double the recon. His bombs will be a success. Make sure that they don't have an off switch or is weak to any quirks.
Thanks to Lord Boxman's plans, he left behind before he passed, Flect Turn can now have his time to shine.
Flect Turn
Flect Turn
Everything was taken. The world we were promised. I will deliver for the Demon Lord. He shall see this day as we rule over creation and every living creature that walks on this backward planet.
Nazo Force 112D
Nazo Force 112D
Sir, our scouts from the United States have something very interesting that they wish to report. There's a scientist and his daughter.
Nazo Force 112D
Nazo Force 112D
They're working on these balls that can enhance one's quirk by 88%! Imagine what we could do with these kinds of things.
Hmm...All right, send your man out there ans bring the father and daughter to me. But, be discreet. If Sonic catches you, then we won't have to deal with you anymore.
Roboticizer! Roboticizer! Can I pull the lever this time, Sleet? Huh? Can I? Huh? Can I, can I, huh?
No. Now shut up and keep them working. The bombs have to be departed to all over the world.
You heard him! Move out!
Do that again, and I'm going to morph you into the black plague. *Walks away*
Nazo's soldiers began to finish and gather materials for the bombs they were going to plant all over the world. The day of doomsday was upon them. Meanwhile, in West City...
*Charging towards Piccolo* All right, Pan, break left!
Right! *Breaks left to confuse Piccolo*
*Charges and yells*
Hmph! *Knocks Kaito to the same place as Pan*
Owie! *Rubs her head*
You two okay?
[+Kaito] We're fine!
All right then, that's all for today.
Aw, really? I wanted to keep going.
Being a warrior doesn't mean to keep training until you're exhausted. Your body needs a break, Kaito.
*Puffs his cheeks* Hmph! Fine.
Piccolo pants from the training and feels a bit thirsty. Pan offers him and Kaito both bottles of water. All three of them sat and drank under the breeze and the shade of the trees.
*Stops drinking the bottle* Ah, you two are doing good. Seriously, Gohan...sorry, your dad didn't show this kind of potential. And your father, Kaito, I never knew he passed those fighting genes onto you.
That's because Daddy says fighting bad guys is the lifeblood that flows through our veins, right? I want to be like him someday.
What? A baseball player?
No! I want to be super strong, like both Daddy and Mommy!
Hey, speaking of strong, when are we going to learn energy blast like the Kikoha now?
Or the spirit ball?
Or maybe a combined move with the energy blast? Goten and Trunks know how to do it! Plus, Yamcha and Vidro did that thing during the war, right?
Like I keep telling you two, no projectile techniques until you two got the fundamentals down. You two can't even fly yet.
But flying is hard.
Which is why Pan is going to show you. She learned how to do it during the final wars when she was taken by Cell.
It's easy! Just feel the energy flow through you, then push it to the center of the body.
*Groaning as he pushes his energy*
That's good, Kaito! Now, just push it up and keep it there until you feel lightless.
Don't force it. Will it. Do that, Kaito, and your spirit will take control.
*Exhales and disappointed* It's not working.
*Chuckling* No need to beat yourself up. Pan is four, and you're only three. You have plenty of time. Besides, you have Yamcha's genes flowing through you.
Piccolo is right. It took me a few times to try, but don't worry, you'll get over that first hurdle, Kaito. *Smiles* Trust me. Hehe.
Can I ask you something, Piccolo?
Sure. What is it?
Is it true that before I was born, Daddy and Mommy could be stronger than Pan's Dad?
Pan's Dad? Oh, Gohan, right. Well, back when Gohan was a kid, yeah. But these days, since after the war, he's gotten back into the world of martial arts, I'm glad.
But, he uses these times to train for baseball practices and games.
It's kind of hard to imagine Mommy and Daddy in a fight, though.
There isn't need to. The League of Villains are gone, and the world is back in rightful order. But don't worry. They will when the time comes.
*Stands up from his rock* Okay. You two are gonna be la--*Feels powerful and fading energy*
Piccolo? What's wrong?
Is everything okay, Piccolo?
I'm sensing bad energy coming that direction.
I do, too. What is it?
I don't know. But whatever it is, it can't be good.
Overhead, Piccolo, Kaito, and Pan didn't know that they were being stalked by the Humarise agents. They disappeared without a trace and vanished into the brush.
*Grows concerned* It's gone now. What was it?
I don't know, but I want to find out.
Maybe another time. You two better hurry. You're gonna be late.
'Kay. We'll see you again when preschool lets out! Come on, Kaito. I'll race you!
You're on! *Dashes off*
Kaito and Pan race each other to the bus stop to get ready to go to preschool. They raced around the lagoon and out into the field.
In the United States, Melissa came home from University for Christmas break. When she returned, she saw her dad hard at work with a new invention that should help pro heroes update their durability, stamina, endurance, and health.
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
Dad, I'm home.
David Shield
David Shield
Hey honey, I'm down in the lab. Do you think you can give me a hand?
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
Sure. *Runs towards her lab coat*
Melissa runs downstairs to the lab and puts on her lab coat, so she doesn't get dirty from the oil and dirt from inside.
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
Dad, what're you working on?
David Shield
David Shield
I'm so glad you asked. *Points Melissa to the strange glowing balls*
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
Dad, I don't think pro heroes need balls to help fight villains. Plus, I'm not sure if you heard on the news, but the war is over.
David Shield
David Shield
I know, I know. But, you may never know when a world never-ending evil might show up.
David Shield
David Shield
These aren't just your ordinary balls. These balls are different. Eat one of them, and they not only enhance your quirk by eighty-five percent, but they also enhance your durability, strength, speed, stamina, agility, endurance, and health by ninety-nine percent.
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
*Amazed* Wow, so they actually work?
David Shield
David Shield
Oh, not yet, hon, but when they do, they'll be a great asset to future heroes and pro heroes everywhere.
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
*Proud* That's amazing, dad. Oh, hey, I just got a postcard from Uncle Might. He says that he hopes you'll be able to come to Tokyo for Christmas.
David Shield
David Shield
You know, All Might, will have to get used to us visiting him for Christmas this year. Anyway, did you pack your things?
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
Almost. I just have some last minute items to bring.
Melissa walks upstairs to finish packing her things. Just then, David begins to get a strange feeling. He doesn't know what it is, but it's something that can't be described. Just as Melissa was about to walk the final step...
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
Oh, Dad, question: Where did you put the plastic spoons and forks?
David Shield
David Shield
*Shouting* Melissa, get down!
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
Suddenly, a loud explosion came from upstairs, and the two went to see what was the cause of it. When they got up their, two figures that look like humans were standing at the entrance with soldiers by their side.
All the guns were pointed at them, and they were completely surrounded. The bad feeling was that his new security system didn't go off when the androids arrived. They completely shut down their security system.
David Shield
David Shield
Hey, what are you doing? How did you get in here?
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero
*Menacing* Professor Shield, I presume?
David Shield
David Shield
*Shocked* How did you...?
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
*Worried* Dad, who are they?
David Shield
David Shield
*Stunned after he realizes* No. It can't be! I thought--
Android 19
Android 19
*Scans Melissa through internal scan* Identification. Female known as Melissa Shield. Daughter of David Shield.
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
Dad, what's going on?
David Shield
David Shield
I don't know but stay behind me.
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero
*Looks at the table* I assume that those balls on the table give the user who has quirks enhance abilities? Flect is going to like this report.
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
*Points his laser gun at David* Don't move, or else you and your daughter will be filled with holes. Grab them.
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero
*Walking towards the balls and places them in the black suitcase* Android 19, take these and meet us upstairs.
Android 19
Android 19
Affirmative. *Takes the case and walks upstairs*
David Shield
David Shield
*Trying to resist* What's going on? Why are you doing this?
Nazo Force Soldier 112B
Nazo Force Soldier 112B
David Shield, Melissa Shield, you are under arrest.
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
*Upset* You can't just arrest someone for no reason! My Dad have never done anything bad. Besides, what crimes has he ever committed?
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero
How strange. You didn't tell your own offspring of the things you've done before All Might arrived to the US?
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
*Grows Concerned* Dad, what is he talking about?
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero
Your father has done some questionable things before you were born. But this isn't the time to be talking about your father's failed kept secrets. *Shoots eye beams at David's lab*
David Shield
David Shield
*Yelling and trying to get free* No! Stop it! I said stop it!
The stuff in David's lab gets destroyed. Flames roar as Dr. Gero destroyed everything in sight. David could only watch as his hard work gets destroyed.
David Shield
David Shield
*Wincing in anger* You...bastards! You'll pay for this!
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero
Take them outside. We'll bring them to Sleet and Flect Turn.
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
*Forces David up and moves him with Melissa* Get up. Now! Get moving.
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
*Worried* Dad, what's happening? Let me go!
David Shield
David Shield
*Angry* Don't you dare harm her!
Nazo Force Soldier 112B
Nazo Force Soldier 112B
*Shouts* Shut up! *Hits David unconscious*
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
*Scared* Dad! No! No! Let me go! You can't do this!
They head straight for the bounty ship and put them in the cell. The ship takes off as they grab the Professor Shield, Melissa, and the Glowing Balls he made. The bounty then destroyed their house and all of his hard work along with it as it all burned to the ground.
Melissa and Professor Shield can only look on in horror as their home and the cherished memories of growing up are all gone.
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero
Mission complete, we're heading for base. And when we get their, you two won't be a problem anymore.
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero
So, Android 19, open the case and let's see what they were making.
Android 19 opens the case he was handed to, and they look one last time at the glowing balls that were inside.
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero
Amazing. Not only do these balls give off energy that can give one enhancement on power, but it also gives you unlimited energy.
Android 19
Android 19
Shall we get rid of these balls in case the heroes find them, Dr.?
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero
No. We'll take them to Flect Turn. He's going to love this discovery we've stumbled upon.
The ship kept flying, and they headed over the Atlantic Ocean. Dr. Shield and Melissa's days might be numbered. Meanwhile, at Hilo Intermediate School...
My parents are hosting a party on Maui. My Dad has gotten a promotion to work with Cad at his famous Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea.
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
*Amazed* Whoa, really? That's amazing!
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
君のお父さんがキャドとホテルを経営するの? 最高だね!
Hiromi Seijo
Hiromi Seijo
Big G
Big G
But wait, isn't Maui a Demi God?
*Chokes and coughs*
Big G
Big G
*Shouts* Of course it's not a Demi God, you big clod! It's the name of an island that's right next door to Hilo!
Big G
Big G
Great! Then you can expect me and my family at your hotel for free, every day!
*Nervous* Well, to be fair, the hotel is on the other side of Maui, and plus, bigger and fancy isn't all what it's all cracked up to be.
Just then, Noby walks through the door.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Humming a tune* Huh?
Yeah, and I'm inviting you guys as guest.
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
Oh, really? That's so cool!
Big G
Big G
When I get there, I'm going to eat all the meat that's on the table! All of it!
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
*Excited* これは素晴らしいものになるでしょう!
Maruko Sakata
Maruko Sakata
分かってる! そこで提供されるすべてのおいしいパンとケーキから、すでに口の中がよだれを垂らしています。
Hiromi Seijo
Hiromi Seijo
げっ丸子 あなたの食欲はタケシと同じくらい大きいです。
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
Hey guy, what's going on?
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
Huh? Noby, you're here!
*Shocked* No way! What the heck?
Big G
Big G
*Surprised* Noby is actually on time?
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
It's good to see you, Noby. I'm guessing your morning is going great today. Is it because of...
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
Yep! Knowing that our best friend has participated in a war and saved us all from a mad villain, I can finally feel safe!
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
Plus, since he doesn't have to live at the dorms anymore, he and Codey are coming home today!
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
*Surprised and amazed* That's amazing! So they're really coming home? We have to do a welcoming party.
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
今日中にできるかも! 結局、マウイ島での大きなイベントまであります。
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
Maui? What's happening on Maui?
I'm guessing you didn't hear, but I'll tell you that's going to blow your mind. My dad is throwing a huge party at a lodge on Maui. He's getting promoted with Cad to own the hotel called The Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Shocked* The Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea?! That's awesome! I can't wait to go!
Sorry, you can't come.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
I'm only bringing eight people to join. And you're not one of them.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Stunned* Huh? *Disappointed* Oh, man!
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
*Angry* Sneech, I can't believe you!
*Shocked* Huh? *Falls out of his seat* Whoa!
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
*Angry* You always say you'll invite eight of us, and you always avoid Noby. Well, I'm sick and tired of Noby missing out.
Huh? But...
Big G
Big G
*Trying to reassure Sue* But think about it, Noby will just make this trip boring. Won't it be better if he doesn't come?
Hiromi Seijo
Hiromi Seijo
*Angry* それは本当に暗黒時代だ、タケシ。 すべての人々は平等であり、人々と楽しいことをするために招待されるべきです。
Tenko Yokohama
Tenko Yokohama
*Angry* うん! 私たちは誰を招待するか、招待しないかを社会的地位や外見に基づいて判断します。 性格は重要ではないですか?
Sue Morris
Sue Morris
*Angry* And I made up my mind. Until you include Noby in doing fun things with us like trips and drives, then I'm not going to Maui!
Madoka Nagasaki
Madoka Nagasaki
[+Tenko, Hiromi, and Maruko] *Angry* 私も同じです!
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Surprised/Happy* Sue. Everyone.
*Defeated* Okay, fine. Noby, be sure to bring Junior and Codey along with you. I'm pretty sure they want to have some fun while they're coming back.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Shocked happily* Really? Yahoo! I can't wait to tell Junior that we're going to Maui!
As Noby jumped for joy, the rest of his classmates gathered around Samayo as she did her famous fortune readings that had to deal with astrology. Noby and the others quickly gathered to see what the commotion was about.
Hey guys, what's going on over here?
Samayo is about to read her fortune for her best match-up.
She's trying to see based on astrology who she'll be best partnered with in the future.
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
I bet you it's going to be me.
Joseph His Friend From School
Joseph His Friend From School
No dude, it's obviously me.
Penelope Guy
Penelope Guy
Jr., you already have a girlfriend.
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
Yeah, but someday I want to marry Samayo and have her in the--
そんなことあるわけないだろ サマヨは私のお尻の婚約者です。 だから私たちは永遠に一緒にいるでしょう。
PJ Crenshaw
PJ Crenshaw
Guys, guys, make room for a real champ of the ladies.
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
*Shocked* PJ Crenshaw!?
Joseph His Friend From School
Joseph His Friend From School
*Shocked* Pair of Jammies Crenshaw?!
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
*Shocked* Jammy-Jams Crenshaw!
PJ Crenshaw
PJ Crenshaw
Yep, that's me. So anyway, what's going on here?
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
Well, Mr. Crenshaw, Samayo is doing fortune reading to see who she's best partnered with in the future through astrology.
Joseph His Friend From School
Joseph His Friend From School
And whoever she's paired with, gets to be her boyfriend.
PJ Crenshaw
PJ Crenshaw
Whoa, that sounds cool. I guess I better check this out.
*Whispering* There's no way that PJ Crenshaw won't be picked. Look at him.
*Whispering* I know, he's hot, he's super popular, and all the girls want to be him. And he's a Aries.
*Whispers* Yeah, and so is Chama.
Ojo Samayo
Ojo Samayo
[+Male Classmates] *Shocked* Whaaaat?!
PJ Crenshaw
PJ Crenshaw
Uh...can someone translate that for me please?
You won't believe this, but she said that she's best paired with a Leo. And Noby's sign is a Leo.
PJ Crenshaw
PJ Crenshaw
*Shocked* Whaaat?!
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Shocked* Wait, so, I'm Samayo's best match?
Ojo Samayo
Ojo Samayo
そして私の最悪の試合は、双子座、牡羊座、魚座、いて座の人たちです。 例えば、タケシ、デキスギ、スネオ、チャマ、PJクレンショーなどです。
*Shocked* No way! I'm a Gemini!
Big G
Big G
*Shocked* Wait, does that mean I can't date a Capricorn?
*Defeated* No way.
Wow, congratulations, Noby. That's amazing! I say you and Samayo will make a cute and great couple.
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Doubtful* But, why would it be me and not Ace? I mean, he's smart, and he's got good grades. I just get zeroes.
Ojo Samayo
Ojo Samayo
レオスは友達として残っていても、仕事と楽しみのバランスを取ることで、本当に素晴らしい親になれることがわかりました。 さらに、血液型では、あなたはタイプAで、私はタイプOなので一致します。 ChamaはAB陽性ですが、それは悪い混同です。
Ojo Samayo
Ojo Samayo
名前もチャマはサマヨと合わない。 しかし、のび太は辞書に書かれている他のすべての名前よりも適しています。
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Shocked* Say whaaat!
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
*Rejecting the thought* No way! It can't be! No way that's true. She can't be with Noby!
Joseph His Friend From School
Joseph His Friend From School
Yeah, dude! I mean just look at him! He's a loser!
サマヨと私はお尻の婚約者です! このすべては悪夢に違いない!
Noby Nobi
Noby Nobi
*Blushing* Whoa. Me and Samayo...a perfect match made. I wonder if she'll go out with someone like me.
Ojo Samayo
Ojo Samayo
私とのび太 のび太は俺みたいなワイルドな女の子を飼いならせるかな.
After School...
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
*Upset* I can't believe it. Bad luck really does love those who think they're lucky.
Joseph His Friend From School
Joseph His Friend From School
*Crying* I know, dude. Why wasn't I born a Virgo or a Libra?
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
*Crying* Curse you, birthday astrological signs!
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
Guys, I do feel sad for you that you weren't able to get chosen to be with Samayo. I mean, PJ has it harder than you two.
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
He does? How?
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
Well, it seems that he was born an Aires. So that means he can't date anyone who's a Capricorn.
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
After learning about that, he lost his title as the cool kid and went home crying.
Joseph His Friend From School
Joseph His Friend From School
Noooo!!! She took down PJ Crenshaw, Jammy-Jams Crenshaw, Pair of Jammies Crenshaw!
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
My whole world, even my existence, doesn't make sense. First Penelope breaks up with me and now this!
Cody Nutkiss
Cody Nutkiss
Well guys, think about it. You might be able to meet girls at Sneech's Dad's hotel.
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
Oh, yeah. I forgot about that. I'm definitely going to be there to mingle and party.
Joseph His Friend From School
Joseph His Friend From School
I don't have any cash, bro. So I'm broke as a joke.
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
Well, I know he's definitely going to say yes. In fact, I also have two chefs, and one of them actually loves me. And he's going to say yes.
Moments later...
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
*Happily* No.
Chef Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Chef Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
You heard him, Junior. You're not going to Maui.
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
But why can't I go to Maui? All of my friends are going?
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
The reason why is because we can't go.
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
*Crying* Why don't you love me?
Chef Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Chef Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Because I hate you, you spoiled little brat.
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
I love you very much. But the reason we can't go is that your father spent all of our house payment on Charleyyy and Friends Merchandise, and he's grounded for that.
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
And, Kamemitsu is also grounded for spooning Chama after he played hooky on skipping school. And I have to keep an eye on him.
Chef Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Chef Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Hey, speaking of grounding, what did you take from him?
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
I took his butler, Jii, his helpers, and that's it. Why?
Chef Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Chef Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
*Points to Jii and Kamemitsu* Because I see them trying to sneak out.
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Huh? *Growls in anger*
Kamemitsu Obo
Kamemitsu Obo
*Nervous* ええと、私が説明できますか?
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
*Anger* Okay, that's it! You're going to bed without dinner tonight! And you're grounded for another month!
Kamemitsu Obo
Kamemitsu Obo
私を許してください、ヒュー! 二度とこんな風に抜け出さない ただチャマを舐めさせてください。
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Another thing, no licking Chama!
Kamemitsu and Jii ran separate ways as Jii went home, and Kamemitsu went to his room to be grounded. Jr. got upset since he couldn't go on the trip to Maui.
Braxton Jr
Braxton Jr
*Groans* I've already had the worst day possible! This stinks than Chef PeePee's Alfredo! *Runs to his room upset*
Chef Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Chef Fernando "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
*Offended* Hey, get back here! It doesn't stink!
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
Hugh "Pee Pee" Strongbottom
*Sniffing the Alfredo* He's right. It needs more garlic.
Over the Indo-Pacific Ocean, the villain's that took Melissa and David were almost to their headquarters in Poland. They finally made it to where the heroes didn't sense the Androids and the Nazo force at all. David then had a plan to save Melissa, so she could warn All Might of what's happening.
David Shield
David Shield
*Whispers* Melissa, I have to get you out of here.
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
*Whispering/Worried* But how, dad? I don't think they'll fall for a trick.
David Shield
David Shield
*Whispering* I can create a diversion so that way you can escape unharmed. I'll use my quirk to pick the locks. See that parachute over their? When you see an opening, grab it, jump out, and don't look back.
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
*Whispering* But dad, what about you? And jump out? Where?
David Shield
David Shield
Right now, we are over the Indo-Pacific Ocean. Japan should be under us now. When you see it, jump out and go find your uncle.
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
Melissa didn't know what to expect, but she knew she had to do it. She agreed to the plan. David Shield used his quirk to apply the picking of the lock and successfully unlocked it without Android 19 and Dr. Gero noticing. She then untied herself and bolted for the parachutes and grabbed one off the shelf.
David Shield
David Shield
Hey, you! *Grabs one of the soldiers and punches them* Go! Now!
Nazo Force Soldier 112B
Nazo Force Soldier 112B
Hey, stop! *Chases after Melissa*
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
*Presses the button to the door of the plane* (Dad, don't worry. I'll come back for you, I promise.) *Jumps out of the plane*
Nazo Force Soldier 112B
Nazo Force Soldier 112B
*Contacts Dr. Gero* Sir, the prisoners escaped!
Dr. Gero
Dr. Gero
Well, don't just stand there, give chase after her!
The soldiers chased after Melissa. Luckily, Melissa had a few tricks up her sleeve. Melissa presses the button on her left jacket button, and it dispenses a jetpack inside. She activates the jetpack and flies through the clouds and down to Japan.
The Nazo Force Soldiers give chase and start firing projectiles to shoot her down. Melissa sees them and dodges the energy based attacks. She reaches Japan at the summit of Mt. Fuji and flies past the large mountain and goes straight to town.
Before she could make it, one of the soldiers destroyed the right engine of the jetpack, and she started going down. She crashes through the forest and crashes to the ground. Injured, covered in dirt, and still alive, she runs for cover to hide so they wouldn't find her. Melissa ditches the jetpack and runs. The soldiers drop to the ground to find her on foot.
Nazo Force Soldier 113B
Nazo Force Soldier 113B
Where did she go?
Nazo Force Soldier 127A
Nazo Force Soldier 127A
She went somewhere in the forest.
Nazo Force 112D
Nazo Force 112D
She couldn't have gone that far, right?
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Listen up! She's still around here. Search everywhere!
Nazo Force Soldier 112C
Nazo Force Soldier 112C
How about there?
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Is there a part of everywhere?
Nazo Force Soldier 112C
Nazo Force Soldier 112C
Uh, yeah?
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Just then, a video transmission comes in from Sleet down at the base in the Hollow Earth {Headquarters} to see how the mission they were given went.
Well, did you get the professor and his daughter?
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Yes, sir! We had them for a moment, but forgive us. His daughter escaped.
You let her go?!
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Nazo Force Soldier 112A
Don't worry sir, we're searching everywhere for her. She jumped out of the plane and flew down here to Japan.
Well then, for your sake, you better make sure that she's still in one piece for the roboticizer, or else you'll be taking her place. *Ends the transmission*
As the call ends, the search to find Melissa continues. Luckily, she got far enough to where they couldn't find her. She looked at her phone and the picture of her, her father, and All Might when she was a little girl.
Melissa Shield
Melissa Shield
*Panting* Uncle Might, Deku, I hope you're ready. *Runs off to Tokyo*
To be continued...


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