The Voice That Rose

The Voice That Rose

The Forgotten Town

Chapter 1: The Forgotten Town

The town where Eliza was born was not the kind of place you’d find on any map. Tucked away in a secluded valley, it was surrounded by dense forests that whispered with ancient secrets. The sky above always seemed a little grayer, the air a bit thicker with mystery. The town had no name, at least none that anyone could remember. The few who lived there simply called it "home," as though they had forgotten there was a world beyond its borders.

Eliza’s house, if you could call it that, stood on the edge of town, where the forest crept closer each year, as if trying to reclaim what once belonged to it. The house was small and worn, with peeling paint and a roof that sagged in the middle. Inside, it was just as modest—a single room that served as both bedroom and living space for Eliza and her mother. The fireplace was their only source of warmth during the harsh winters, and its flickering light often cast long, dancing shadows across the walls.

Eliza’s mother, Clara, worked long hours at the town’s only diner, a run-down place where the locals gathered more out of habit than for the food. Clara’s hands were rough from years of scrubbing dishes, her back bent from endless hours on her feet, yet she always managed to find a smile for Eliza when she returned home each night. Despite the hardships, Clara made sure their little home was filled with music. She would hum old tunes as she prepared their simple meals, her voice soft and sweet, a balm for the soul.

Eliza was different from the other children in town. While they played in the dusty streets, she preferred to sit by the window, listening to the wind as it whispered through the trees. The wind seemed to carry a melody only she could hear, a haunting tune that tugged at her heart. She would hum along, her voice blending with the wind’s song, creating a harmony that seemed to make the world a little brighter.

At school, Eliza was quiet, almost invisible. She wasn’t like the other kids, who wore the latest fashions from the city or played the newest games. Her clothes were hand-me-downs, patched up and worn thin, and she never seemed to fit in. The other children teased her, calling her "the ghost girl" because of her pale skin and quiet demeanor. But Eliza didn’t mind. She had something they didn’t—a secret world where the wind sang to her and the forest seemed alive with magic.

Her closest friends, Uma and Jay, were the only ones who truly understood her. Uma was a tall, lanky girl with a wild mop of curly hair and a knack for getting into trouble. She was always full of energy, her bright green eyes sparkling with mischief. Jay, on the other hand, was the quiet, brooding type, with dark hair that fell over his eyes and a sharp mind that often got him out of the scrapes Uma got him into. The three of them were inseparable, exploring the edges of the town where the forest began and the magic of the world seeped through the cracks of reality.

One afternoon, as they wandered through the woods, they came across an old, twisted tree with branches that seemed to reach out like skeletal fingers. Eliza felt a strange pull toward the tree, as if it were calling to her. She stepped closer, her heart pounding in her chest, and placed a hand on the rough bark. Instantly, she felt a warmth spread through her, a familiar sensation that reminded her of the way her voice resonated with the wind. The tree hummed softly under her touch, as if sharing its ancient secrets with her.

“What do you think it is?” Uma asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“I don’t know,” Eliza replied, her eyes wide with wonder. “But it feels… alive.”

Jay, ever the skeptic, frowned. “It’s just a tree, Eliza. Probably just an old one with some weird fungus or something.”

But Eliza knew better. There was something special about this tree, something connected to the strange, unspoken magic of their town. She could feel it in her bones, in the way the wind seemed to swirl around them, whispering in that familiar melody.

As they stood there, a gust of wind blew through the clearing, lifting Eliza’s hair and rustling the leaves above them. The wind carried a sound, faint at first but growing stronger—a song, haunting and beautiful, woven into the very fabric of the air. Eliza closed her eyes and began to hum along, her voice merging with the wind’s song, creating a harmony that sent shivers down her spine.

Uma and Jay exchanged a glance, their eyes wide with surprise. They had heard Eliza hum before, but this was different. There was a power in her voice now, something that made the world around them seem to shimmer with possibilities.

“Eliza,” Uma whispered, “I think there’s something special about you.”

Eliza opened her eyes, the song fading into the wind. She didn’t know what was happening, but she could feel it too—something deep inside her was waking up, something that had been waiting for this moment all her life.

And as they walked back to town, the old, twisted tree standing silently behind them, Eliza couldn’t shake the feeling that her life was about to change in ways she could never have imagined.

The town may have been forgotten by the world, but Eliza was beginning to realize that she was destined for something much greater.





Uma and Jay? Really? Surprised no one noticed the name choices 😂



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