


A loud slap echos through the small woodland home where Faelynne, a half-elf, clutches her bright red cheek as tears threaten to spill from her soft pink eyes. "You are a wretched and rotten little beast, half-blood!" Her so-called mother screamed at her. The house fell quiet as Faelynne tried to blink back her tears.

"You should be grateful that the Roshono family want a filthy half-blood like you, cleaning up after them." Her mother continued to berate her, a small satchel of gold coins dangling from her hip, jingling as she moved. Faelynne stares at the small satchel, causing her 'mother' to smirk.

"They paid good money for you. At first light, you will be shipped off to their home where you and your filthy half-blood will no longer be a burden to us." The words were like a sharp knife, cutting at her skin. Faelynne desperately looked over to her father, the one she trusted to love and protect her. After all, she had his blood running through her veins.

But all he did was look away, not daring to argue with his wife. You could almost hear Fae's heart shatter as she looks back to her 'mother', who was now wearing a smug smirk. "Go on then, get out of my sight, and pack your things. I do not want to see your face until the morning." Her words dripped from her tongue like a honeyed venom.

Without a word, Faelynne ran up the stairs and into her small damp and cramped bedroom that was tucked away in the corner. She barely had any belongings aside from a few odd trinkets from her blood mother. This wasn't fair..she never asked for this. All Faelynne wanted was a loving family, but instead, all she had was misery because her father decided to cheat with a human woman.

Every day, Faelynne endured torment from her mother and older brother. Each day was worse than the last, but Faelynne pushed through it, believing that one day, maybe they would love her. Though there were 5 when Faelynne questioned why they kept her around instead of leaving her to fend for herself. Well, now she knew they had always planned to sell her like livestock, ship her off to the highest bidder.

Faelynne gritted her teeth and clenched her fists. No. Faelynne wasn't going to take this lying down. She quickly and quietly moved through her room, grabbing the only things that really mattered to her, a simple green cloak with a golden trim, an old shortbow, and a small quiver of arrows and a rapier she kept under the bed.

Faelynne was fortunate enough to be allowed a room with a window, and after taking a moment to compose herself, Faelynne quietly climbed out of the window and down the side of the house. Once her feet hit the floor, Faelynne took off running. She did not know where she was going, but as long as it was far away from her 'home', she did not care.

As her house fades into the distance, Faelynne pulls the hood of her cloak up, covering her ears. The last thing she wanted was to be discovered and dragged back to the hell she had just escaped from. A small smile tugged at her lips. For the first time in her life, her life was actually hers..

And all she wanted to do was to see what adventures were awaiting her.


Updated 1 Episodes


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