Caesar's Curse (a Story Inspired by Måneskin)

Caesar's Curse (a Story Inspired by Måneskin)

a normal class trip, right?

"And this is Caesar's statue... An ancient statue... This was made 46 years before Christ's birth... The word has spread that Cleopatra herself licked the statue a bit", the museum guide said

"Haha, good one. When will you finally stop bullshitting us mr.?"

"VICTORIA DE ANGELIS, SHOW SOME RESPECT. For god's love and sake, you and your lil friends there are never trying to behave", the teacher raised her voice

"And here we go again... Mrs. Romano screeching at us to just stop telling the truth", Marlena rolled her eyes

The teacher raised her voice again "Marlena, don't talk to me like that. Mister, please continue and ignore these idiots."

"Whatever", the guide rolled his eyes and continued, "And there's a rumor-"

"Lemme guess - a race", Thomas interrupted him.

"Thank you for spoiling it. Anyway, the word has it that whoever touches Caesar's body, will disappear... FOREVER", the guide says dramatically.

"Please stop bullshitting us, sir", Ethan politely asked.

"Me? Bullshitting you? Never. Well let's go on...", the guide proposed, and all students followed, except our five friends.

"Do they really expect us, music-studying students, to be interested in this? I should've stayed at school with Matteo...", Damiano starts talking

"You're joking, right? You would have written 50 pages just to not come here? You're really dumb...", Victoria adds

"50 pages? Holy moly... my hand would have fallen off", Thomas says dramatically.

"To be real guys, isn't thi-", Marlena leans against a wall and falls down. "Uh, guys… I think I found a secret passage…"

"Finally some action!", Thomas smiled and rubbed his palms against each other.

Marlena stands up and starts punching the 'Wall'

Marlena added: "Damn, this is just a big fabric piece pained so realistically, that you wouldn't realize that it isn't an actual wall" She tries to punch the fabric and as expected, it started wobbling around as she punched it.

Ethan added: "I don't think its such a good idea-"

"Don't ruin our fun Ethan! We finally got away from that dumb shit, and you suggest that we catch up with them?", Damiano asks sarcastically

..."I didn't even say that-" Ethan responds, but it's too late. Marlena, Thomas and Victoria already went behind the piece of fabric. Damiano grabs his hand and pulls him behind that fake wall. Ethan stumbles over his feet and tries to see something... ...

The tunnel they just entered is really dark, and it's really hard to even recognize their own body.

Marlena says: "Guys, follow the wall."

Damiano starts yapping: "How dumb do you think we are Marlena?"

Marlena answers: "Damiano, you can't even do basic Math so shut up"

Damiano mumbles: "I can, but you don't acknowledge it.."

Suddenly Thomas stumbles over something that feels like.. A Leg? No, that's not possible..


*Marlena's perspective*

I suddenly heard someone fall and scream.. It felt like the person who screamed just vanished in the air.. It kinda sounded like.. Thomas? Maybe that curse was real.. Shit, what have I done?

"Thomas?" , the silence is broken by Victoria's voice but he doesn't awnser.. Thommy, where are you?


Updated 1 Episodes


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