What Is My True Identity
hay it's me your author it's my first story so if there is any mistake then tell me because I don't know How I write and how you all guys take my story in which way so this story is only for entertainment base not in real life so don't take it like serious so let's start story💜
Name- Tanya
Age- 15
Hobby- basketball, hacking, coding
live alone don't like her parents and do a
part time job have six friends and good
night sports and studies.
Name- Vansh
Age- 15
hobby- love is family good studies do a part
time job rich but pretend to poor poor have
five friends live with them in hostel they
know that he is rich. and a high school
Name- Shivangi
Age- 15
hobby- high school student friend of Tanya
love to live with her friends hate her
parents but love his younger brother
introvert with friends extrover don't like to
interact with peoples and hate boys.
Name- Kevin
Age- 15
hobby- like his parents so much love to
play basket ball do part time job tend to
poor but in real life rich yah high school
student live with his friends backbencher
but good at studies.
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