Love Analysis
This is a question i have always asked myself
And on a fateful day my questions were answered by a fateful encounter
No it was not Love at First Sight and it would be more accurate to say i didn't quite have a clear memory of how I saw him at first
I cant believe at the fact that i fell in love with that idiot
The same idiot who called me Ugly in front of the whole class, The same idiot who created in me the Insecure feeling of ugliness
He is someone who I hated to the point of love
i dont know when or where or how but before i knew it he became a feeling i couldn't erase or ignore, He grew in me as time went by he became like a virus that affected my thought system, He became the feeling i am not able to understand or predict
He became my confusion and as time went by he consumed my thoughts and feelings
He is the one person who i hate and love at the same time, My Nemesis Adrian Anderson .
This is a story which is totally imaginary
I hope readers enjoy this read
Amelia McLaren (Fl)
Sweet but NOT so sweet
Caring but not too much
Sweet but salty Yes,thats me Amelia McLaren and thus story revolves around me and my friends
This is my story which contains my sorrows, happiness and every emotion and story i went through
They say that Adolescence is a transition period and My story consists of mainly some parts of my adolescence and everything else
i am not your regular mary sue type heroine but i can't promise u an entirely realistic story because my existance is The author's imagination and her reality
About the author :
My Name is Pen cat, i am someone who loves pets especially cats.
I am just writing about me because i have to fill the words or i can't upload this
So read only if u have time
I am an 18 yr old who is just trying to verbalize my imagination and delulu self so like if u liked it and comment if u have time and interest abt this story
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