Taekook : The Unfolded Letter

Taekook : The Unfolded Letter

Chapter 01 : Introduction

This Story is backdrop of the 1960s, Kim Taehyung & Jeon Jungkook.A Love story that unfolds through letters. The narrative centers around Lieutenant Jungkook, an orphaned soldier stationed in Hideout Base who receives anonymous love letters from Unknown named Kim Taehyung.
North Euphoria is known for his cruelty towards their citizens for the outside world , but the people of North euphoria & tribal people who fears their leader and worship their god . They are known as Tribal people's. During a war which took place in 15th century. The Tribal people's of north euphoria was evacuated and the people's were spread amoung the world . But as per the statistics 70% of the people were evacuated and settled in south euphoria border.
This Mountain has a history behind its name . The Temperature here is minus degree . There are two types of Community people's living in this mountain.  From 15th century till 1960's , North euphoria has attained many wars and attack over south euphoria to take the Snowblood mountain under their control , but during the wars many bloods were stained in the mountain. As years passed by it was named as Snowblood Mountain .
In 1964 , Pyrrhos Community ( Terrorist camp )
A Boy around 16 years old was aiming the target while practicing with his Gun . He sees his little sister , 05 years old was playing with hens. She was giggling and catching the hen.while one of hen falls into a pit and she follows the hen to save from pit . The 16 years Boy shouts " Yun Hee " , But since the boy was far away . Yun hee couldn't hear him . When she was near the pit . A bullet passed on the near the little girl and hit the mud . Which become dusty. The little girl started crying in fear . A Boy comes and picks the Yun hee to calm down .
Yun Hee
Yun Hee
Hyung * Cries *
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Calm down baby * Consoles her *
Unknown : Felix , our leader is calling you .
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Yes , coming * Shouts back *
Felix carries the little girl and walks towards the house of the leader. He gives his little sister to his friend and about to walk inside . But A 50's old man walks out of his house
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Leader * Salute *
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
Felix , Today you need to cross the border and enter into South euphoria . .
( Pyrrhos Community )
( Pyrrhos Community )
Leader , WHY ?
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
A Jeep arrives with a man in his 40's .
N.Euphoria soilder
N.Euphoria soilder
Greetings Major * Salutes *
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
* Nods and walks ahead *
N.Euphoria soilder
N.Euphoria soilder
Major , there is a letter for you .
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
* Sees a commotion happening * Who are they ?
N.Euphoria soilder
N.Euphoria soilder
They belong to Pyrrhos Community Terrorist camp.
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
What the hell are they doing here !!!
N.Euphoria soilder
N.Euphoria soilder
Major , Today they are crossing the border towards south euphoria for a mission " OPERATION IGNIS" .
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
What is this operation about ?
N.Euphoria soilder
N.Euphoria soilder
North euphoria has joined hands with Pyrrhos Community to capture over the Snowblood mountain .
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
* Angry *
In Pyrrhos Community ( Terrorist camp)
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
You guys know your purpose right ?
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
In Snowblood mountain, People who belong to Pyrrhos Community & Phoenix community are living together as brother and sister. They are together because of South euphoria ARMY. Our Pyrrhos community people started trusting South euphoria ARMY and pheonix community. We need to break their trust and spread our Pyrrhos Community with them .
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Who is going to help us in this mission ?
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
South euphoria army
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
Soon the mountains will be covered with blood and cries * Laughs *
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
Let's show them who we are !!!
( Pyrrhos Community )
( Pyrrhos Community )
In North euphoria army base
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
This is not good * Angry *
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
How could army work with a terrorist group ? * eyes turned red in anger *
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
I didn't have any information about this * Walks inside the cabin furiously*
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Seize the vehicle * Order to the solider *
Ring Ring
North euphoria General
North euphoria General
📞 Hello
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
📞Good morning sir , Major Lee Minho
North euphoria General
North euphoria General
📞 Yes major ?
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
📞 Regarding Pyrrhos
North euphoria General
North euphoria General
📞 Major Lee Minho it's your duty to make sure they reach the border
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
📞But sir how can we do this ?
North euphoria General
North euphoria General
📞 It is a order , major Lee Minho . Keep it off record.
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
* Sighs in anger *
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
📞Yes General
Call ends
In PYRRHOS community
A Group of boys packed their luggages to depart . Before departing They took a group picture together .
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
* Clicks the photo *
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Leader , Please take care of my sister * Says while patting his Little sister head who was playing with hens *
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
* Nods *
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
* Walk towards Yun hee & Bends towards her level and kiss her forehead *
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Take care my baby
Yun Hee
Yun Hee
* Nods cutely *
Near the Border of South euphoria
Two keeps were followed by horses.
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
* Walks towards Min Ho *
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
* Looks at him with blank face *
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
To capture the Snowblood mountain, I have been preparing them for past 16 years . Snowblood people will beg to us .
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
Snowblood will belong to North euphoria * Smirks *
05 Young 16 years old boys were ready to depart towards their future
Pyrrhos Community major : You guys know what to do in Snowblood right ?
( Pyrrhos Community )
( Pyrrhos Community )
Yes major * Salutes *
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
Felix ( Pyrrhos Community)
We will live as locals along with Snowblood mountain people's and no one should know we belong to Pyrrhos .
other side
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
Lee Min Hoo ( N.Euphoria Major)
They are minors , just 16 years old * Grits in anger *
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
Yes , This is a small trap to capture the Snowblood mountain.
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
um hyo-sup ( Pyrrhos Tribe Head )
Soon the mountain cover in snow , will be burning in fire and blood .
In London
A news channel was tele casting inside the bar
News Channel : In London University, a commotion has happened between two community people of South euphoria and North euphoria . The reason stated because , a group of people burned the north euphoria flag . Now we are here with the north euphoria students youth president Ji eun ( IU ) .
News Channel : Ji eun speaking , This is total absurd. How dare they burn our north euphoria flag , They should be punished .
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Looks at News channel * One whiskey * Says to the bartender *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Walks out of the club with a whiskey bottle *
In front of London University
An Brand Luxurious car was parked with the south euphoria Flag
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Throws the whiskey bottle on car & Turns on the lighters and throws at the car *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Smirks and walks away *
Inside principal cabin
Principal: 📞Where is Ji Eun ? Ask her to come to my cabin !
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
Ji Eun , do you know what mess you have created ?
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Unbothered *
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
* Sigh* Principal is calling now , just say sorry okay ?
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Shrugs and walks inside *
Principal : Ji Eun , do you know whom car you destroyed ?
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Who cares ?
Principal : He is our Trustee of this university. He has donated in crores for our university . Many scholarships students are studying because of him .
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Hi Ji Eun * Walks towards her *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Rolls her eyes *
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Yo , young lady , why this much anger ?
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
I need a solution * Says serious tone *
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
You have only one solution for your anger , rage and violence !
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
That is " LOVE"
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Really * Laughs *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Don't be a Fool * Says Arrogantly *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Principal : Ji eun mind your words
Principal : I am sorry sir
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
* Stops him * Don't be , She should be the one saying sorry .
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Not even in your dreams
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
What can be done ? Instead of sorry * Rolls her eyes *
Principal: Enough Ji eun , I am going to dismiss you from this university.
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
No need , I don't want her studies to be bothered * Walk towards ji Eun and bends to her level *
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Ji Eun , Yes I am millionaire, the car you have destroyed can be fixed in an hour . But I knew the value of money . I still remember the first time I earned my own money . But I guess you should also know the value of it .
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Lee dong Wook ( University trustee)
Give me an 01 million dollar as an compensation for my destroyed car or say a sorry
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
That's it ? I will returns your 01 million dollar in few days
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Walks out of the principal room *
Inside Hostel room
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
Are you fuck*ng kidding me ?
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
Ji Eun , an simple sorry would have solved this issue why are you so stubborn ? * Sighs in defeat *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
I am going to my grandpa's house for money * Says while packing her bag *
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
But you haven't spoken to him for last 02 years !!!
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
I would rather say sorry to my grandpa , rather than that south euphoria millionaire * says in serious tone *
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
Park Min Young ( IU Friend )
* Sighs in defeat *
In North euphoria
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Walks into the Grandpa's house *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Sees her grandpa's photo hanging in wall with a note *
Name : Lee Minho Position : Major of North euphoria Dead : 26-03-1985
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Ji Eun , we have been trying to reach you for this for past one month. More than 100 calls
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
But you never picked up our call * Sighs *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
What happened to him ?
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
You are the reason * Walks away *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
I am not the reason , it's because of him . Am i the one who asked me to send London?
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Your Grandpa was worried for you ? He was afraid of your hatred towards south euphoria. You know very why he sent you to London * Says while looking at her *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Does he think I will change in London ? * Says Angrily*
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
I should not raise my voice for my born country ?
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Ji Eun , you can , but you are raising your voice towards other country * Says calmly*
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Why did you come now ?
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
I need 01 million dollar
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
* Looks at her *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Uncle , I came here for money , I am sure he would have left a gift for his granddaughter.
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Give me that , I need to Return London , I came here on leave .
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
* Hand overs a Letter to Ji eun *
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
* Hands her a Wooden box *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Opens it *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Takes the letter from box *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Debak , Now this old man wants me to deliver this letter ?
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Do I look like a delivery girl ? * Throws the letter *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Uncle , how can I deliver this to Letter ? When the two countries are enemies ? This is madness * Shouts * I will not step into that country, South euphoria, which I Hate from the bottom of heart .
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Uncle , Just give me 1 million dollar . I need to return to London and continue my studies .
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
I can't waste my time in these useless shits
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
* Takes the letter which Ji Eun throw away *
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
No Ji Eun , this is your Grandpa's last wish .
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
This Letter must be delivered to Kim Taehyung , it's your Grandpa plan , if you deliver this only, you will get your properties . Your Grandpa wrote this is in the property paper .
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
Kim Bum (Lawyer of Lee Min Ho)
This is not a help you are doing to your Grandpa , it is your responsibility Ji Eun * Says Calmly *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Takes the Letter in Hand *
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Jeon Jungkook & Kim Taehyung
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
Ji Eun ( Granddaughter of Min Ho )
* Walks away *
Yet to be Delivered
Characters Introduction
Name : Lee Ji Eun ( Known as IU ) Parents : None , Have only grandfather who passed away few months back . College : London University Character : She hates south euphoria and does protest against them and raise her voice against wrong doings . Known for her social activities. She never apologize and stubborn. Country: North Euphoria
Name : Lee Min Ho Position : Major of North Euphoria Dead : 26-03-1984 Have a granddaughter named Lee Ji Eun . Hand over his last wish to his granddaughter. Country: North Euphoria
Name : Park Min Young Friend of Lee Ji Eun Social Activists and studing in same University as Ji Eun . Country: North Euphoria
Name : Lee dong wook London University Trustee A millionaire from South Euphoria Country : South Euphoria
Name : Um Hyo Suk Position : Leader of Pyrrhos Community in Terrorist camp Wants to capture Snowblood mountain and Take his community people of snowblood under his control. Country: North Euphoria
Name : Felix Age : 16 years old Born and brought up in Pyrrhos Community. Went to south euphoria province on a mission Have a little sister called Yun Hee Country: North Euphoria
Name : Yun Hee Relation : Felix ( Brother ) Age : 05 years old Cute little baby Country: North Euphoria
Name : Kim Bum Lawyer of Lee min Ho Country : North Euphoria




North Korea 💀





author I know that you have taken inspiration from the movie. and I don't care as well. But all I want to say is please 🥺🥺🥺 dotn make the ending sad please. please make hero be alive not dead please. give the alternative ending of where both hero and heroine come together 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺



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