Himari’S Secret

Himari’S Secret

Chapter 1

Time goes fast, so sometimes I get scared it goes too fast. The summer in South Hest was just as usual, not very hot and cooler in the morning. It’s kind of weird in the town I’m living in, but it’s fine. It’s rather cool. I find it unique. During the summer, I stayed in my backyard all day. Just sitting there, identifying the scents and sounds of everything around me. Every now and then during break, I would think with no reason that if I had to tell anyone one goal I had for this year, it would be to just, you know, become a better human being, nicer, helping others, never mean, that person who knows everyone in the neighborhood. But I do know no one really acts like this in their actual minds. I know this will definitely take a while to achieve, that’s guaranteed. I can never consider being that kind of lovey-dovey perfect person. It’s probably my first and most hardest ever goal I’m gonna achieve in my lifetime. 

“Himari, wake up!” my mom called to my room. I stir for a little, then slowly get up. I’m really not excited. I walk to the bathroom and wash my face quickly, then meet her at the table. “So, any special commentaries on your first morning of another year of school?” Mom asks me, her eyebrows a little raised, making her sound like she’s bragging or something. 

“I’m not excited,” I admit. 

“Oh? And why is that?” she asks as she puts some butter on a toast. 

“Because…well…It feels the same every single year.” she chuckled as I said that.

“Agreed,” she added.

I’m always grateful for my mom. 

“Your dad’s at church, so he can’t give you a ride, unfortunately. Better walk to school.” she said to me as I left the dining room. 


Ten minutes early, I say in my head as I walk. I had put out my uniform yesterday and packed everything I needed for school. I took some time to draw in the summer breeze. It smelled just as usual, with the fresh scent of heliotrope and a little bit of sea water(South Hest has a sea nearby). I could identify it. So fresh. 

After a few minutes of walking, I reached the front entrance. It’s really not those modern and high tech schools some people say were made recently. I guess you could say “enchanted”, with wooden doors and old hallways. There weren’t a lot of people coming to this school, so I knew everyone, since I’ve been here since I was born(though I’ve never actually been hanging out with all of them.)

“Hey, Himari!” Someone calls from behind. Then she grabs onto me, almost jumping on me and tripping me over. It was Mika, my classmate. We’ve both been here since we were born.

I don’t reply. I examined her for a second. Her long pigtails and uniform didn’t change since the last time I saw her. Her smell didn’t change either, that delightful scent of jasmine. Mika gave a grin. “You haven’t changed at all, except for your hair,” she pointed at my simple black hair, what used to be a medium length now long. “Your hair looks so lustrous,” she continues. “But it could use some more brushing.” I let out an expression, but not that harsh(because of a certain goal I haven’t forgotten about). Mika is all about looks and fashion. You could most likely consider her the popular girl, since she’s adored by literally everyone. But she is adored for a reason. Her unique hair with that hint of blue is known all throughout the school. That’s it. She always asks me to tutor her in math. I don’t think she’s really good at anything else, except for signing. “Oh! Did you see the two new students?” Mika asked, suddenly changing the subject.

“No,” I replied.

“Well, you should’ve seen them!!! They’re both guys!!!” she screamed with a squeal. Mika’s looking for her one true soulmate, one whom she says is “hot and cool at the same time.” I have no idea what she’s talking about.

“Well, good luck,” I said, trying to sound at least a little enthusiastic. Mika then grabs me by my shoulders.

“Good luck to both of us!! The other boy could be yours!!” 

I couldn’t speak because I was concentrating on hiding my disgust. I really was.

Then the bell rings.



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