Rise of Horror

Rise of Horror


He jumped and screamed and, as he did, the face of the thing came up

towards him: no eyes, no nose, no mouth. He screamed again and

rushed to the door. He felt the thing touch his back and start to tear

at his shirt...

Things ... things in the night, things in the house, screaming,

running, staring ... In these stories there are things that are worse

than your worst dreams.

Giant black spiders living in a tree. The terrible ghost that

waits outside a window. Empty clothes that walk. The strange

thin woman who moves through a man’s picture. The boy with

the long, dirty fingernails - and a hole in his chest. The woman

who screams from the bottom of a lake. And the dry dusty old

man who reads - but has no eyes!


According to these researchers, stimulation is one of the driving forces behind the consumption of horror.

 Exposure to terrifying acts like stories of demonic possession or alien infestation can be stimulating both

 mentally and physically. These experiences can give rise to both negative feelings, such as fear or anxiety,

and positive feelings, such as excitement or joy. And we tend to feel the most positive emotions when

 something makes us feel the most negative ones.

Horror entertainment can also provide a novel experience, like a zombie apocalypse, that doesn't

 necessarily happen in the real world. At the same time, horror entertainment is a safe way to satisfy a

 curiosity about the dark side of humanity through storylines and characters facing the darkest parts of

 the human condition.


The question remains as to why some people get a kick out of horror while others do not. Research

 suggests that those who enjoy horror have a psychological “protective frame” that falls into three


First is a safety frame. Watching a horror film or show means we have to know for sure that we are safe,

 and that the evil entity is distant and cannot hurt us. The second category of protective frame involves a

 sense of detachment. We need to be reminded that horror we are seeing is not real—it's just great acting,

 special effects, and art direction. Finally, the protective frame involves our sense of control and the

 confidence in managing the dangers we encounter. We can still get a thrill from a good scare if we feel

 confident about controlling and overcoming the perceived danger.

Our sense of control can serve as a form of psychological protective frame, a prerequisite to experiencing



From many years, there are some unsolved questions which are haunting mankind. One among those

mysterious questions is “Do ghosts and such entities really exist?”. This is a million-dollar question,

though many people say that “it’s a trash”, there are some fascinating facts and proofs which makes that

trash a hidden treasure yet to be found. There are many people who dedicated their lives in order find the

answer to this question. According to a survey, even in the most developed countries like America, around

45% of the people believe in the existence of paranormal entities. There are many scientific theories

which explain about the existence of the unknown entities. Even there are many proofs which can prove

the existence of paranormal creatures, simply termed as ghosts. Though some of them are considered to

be pointless, some of the theories and proofs may not be neglected, as there is no evidence to disprove

them. In this paper we are going to discuss about various theories, and about various researchers who are

termed as “parapsychologists” and their explanations regarding this topic. Here we are going to discuss

about different energies and their impact on human brain and also some information regarding

mysterious terms like “Exorcism” and “Pocession”.

pleasure from horror consumption,”



Sindi S Mahulauw'Riry

Sindi S Mahulauw'Riry

Author, you're killing me with the cliffhangers! Update quickly!



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