Blood Runs Thicker Then Water

Blood Runs Thicker Then Water

Crystal Thief (Mads pov)

3 sisters, Danika, Cobie, Madalyn

Danika Gayle- the oldest, a freshman in collage, wanting to be involved with kids being a daycare provider or working at an elementary school. She is mellow go with the flow and follower, very quiet, is a very good friend, very cautious of jumping into things, very fearful. She can also be manipulated easy and can be very selfish at times and watch out, she can be a gold digger. She uses her innocent childish looks to her advantage. She loves to game and of course children. Has high knowledge of tech.

Cobie Gayle- The middle child, she was suppose to be a boy so her parents thought, that's how she got her name! She is very tomboyish at that. A senior in high school who wants it to be over with. She is very clever, logical, introverted, homebody, shy, socially awkward. She usually helps our dad with things and knows more about to fix a car and tools ect and with that she is a lot like her dad, has an “I don’t care” attitude.Once you get to know her she is very werid,funny, loyal and very very loud. She loves to read and cross stitch, can’t forget her Japanese men in her shows and books. She is very patience and holds her tongue but is also very truthful and blunt…. Just depends what mood she is in!

Madalyn Gayle- The youngest, a junior in high school who wants to dance or cook with her life, she hasn't made up her mind yet, Extroverted, not afraid to get herself or other out of there comfort zone, confident and very strong physical and mentally also optimistic . She loves to dance, sing, cook and workout. She can be very dominant and doesn't give up , doesn't listen to anyone at times. My way or the highway attitude. She can also be a bit naive and dramatic at times…She tents to hide her true feelings, she doesn't want anyone to worry about her, she thinks showing emotional feelings of her own is a weakness. Beware, she has a big head, she calls herself the "pretty sibling"

It was the beinging of the year of school, Danika was at a small collage only 20 minutes away from home, she just finished getting settle in her dorm.

For High school getting settle with the new schedules, Cobie hurrying to sit in the back of the class to be left alone and Madalyn trying to find her best friend Jessica, they first met when they where freshman, in the gym, shortly after the gym buddy transfer to the high school, they have been best friends ever since. They had most classes together. They were happy.

When lunch rolled around, they where all on the 2nd lunch, Kobie would rather get embarrassed by Mads in public-

"Ohhhhh Kobie!!!!" Mads screamed with Jess walking besides her smiling shaking her head.

Kobie looks down and put her hood up mumbling "I don't know you guys".

Mads sat down "your always sitting by yourself, make some friends! Get out there!"

Kobie looked up "I like it this way and staying this way."

Mads shrugged her shoulders and looked at her food "gonna eat your mash potatoes?"

Kobie offered her tray as Mads digged right in as Jess smiled and said "you can tell you two are sisters, it's cute!"

Kobie and Mads looked at each other and made a face and Mads ate happily for she loves food and Kobie picked up a book she was reading earlier.

After school was out Mads and Jess changed into their gym clothes and headed out for a workout. It was cardio day, an hour later when they went shopping and cruising, singing, jamming, being girls having a fun time, Jess notice this blue car that has been going the same way they have, they went into Wally World and when they came to a stop in the store by them selfs Jess spoke about it with a nervous voice.

"I think were being followed, those people...they got out of a blue car that has been following us around and now on foot" She points at the people to the right only a few feet away.

Mads looks in that directions looks back at Jess and back and the people and take a step forward,Jess blush and put her hand over her face while Mads spoke in a firm tone "may we help you? Is there something you like to say or do? I DARE you!"

They ran away quickly after Mads came any closer. Mads turns around and says calmly "see, all you gotta do is scare them, which is werid though, usually they go after petite girls and not muscle tone girls like us, oh well, just keep an eye out for them, I've always wanted the excuse to fight, todays the day!"

Jess rolls her eyes "you are way to happy about this, you are not normal you know that right?"

As they walked out with there bags driving home, once again that blue car was following them, Jess was freaking out, Mads looked back in the passenger mirror then at Jess "let me drive Jess"

Without hesitation Jess put it in cruise as they switch spots, Mads step on the gas pedal as Jess hanged onto her seat belt and handle on the ceiling as the faster Mads went, the more of a smile came on her face, taking hard turn, sharp corners and hitting that gas pedal. Jess was holding her mouth for she felt sick to her stomach, Mads on the other hand was having fun. They finally lost them after a while as Jess told her to go to a guest home her parents own. As they got out of the car grabbed their stuff, a bunch of stray dogs came running up to them, barking and showing teeth, acting very aggressive. They drop the stuff they bought and school bags quickly run inside and lock the door. Both breathing and looking at each other to progress what just happened, shortly Mads asked "do you have any pepper spray?"

Jess looks at Mads "seriously?! I mean yes but Mads we need to call the cops!"

Mads nods "ok, you do that I'll get the pepper spray"

The two girls went for their items, Mads pepper spray, Jess, a phone. Once they did Mads was about to head outside before she was hearing some commotion... it was them... they found us and... going through the stuff! As she heard voices such as "where is it?!" "Gotta be here somewhere! Ugh might as well take the free stuff!" "Hey..hey! I found it!"

Mads prepared herself and bust open the door and spray them as they screamed and when she looked it was her pink crystal necklace as she snatched it right back, they demanded the dogs to attack, the dogs obeyed. They were trying to make it back to the car, they slowly succeeded.One of the dogs knocked Mads down. She got into a right position and got her legs under the dog belly and launch it up with a kick. It went so high and far, it went into the street, she was very impressed with her adrenaline, another one came flying and jumping at her, Jess grabbed the dog hands on and chucked it. Mads got up, Jess had another pepper spray and sprayed the dogs as they ran back. The girls quickly got into the house and fell to the floor and rolled over on their backs staring at the ceiling. Hearing the strangers driving away, hitting the curb. Mads took a deep breath and lifted up her necklace wondering, what is so special about this?... and then quickly sat up and got up saying in a hurry "I have to go"

Jess quickly sat up "what?! The cops will be here any minute!"

Mads grabbed Jess's keys "I know I don't have a lot of time to explain right now but I promise I will later, I'll be back before your done with the cops, and I'll bring your car back in one piece!"

Before Jess could say anything Mads left and drove away.

Jessica Wyble


Updated 1 Episodes


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