Lightning Dream

Lightning Dream

Episode 1: Strange Dream

Soldier A:Damn our defences has been breached

???:(What happened? Was there a fight?)

???tried to open his eyes but he can't ,It's just like someone is pressing his eyes tightly.

???:(Fuck , why I can't open my eyes !)

???began to panic, but his body was so stiff that he couldn't do anything.which made him feel a little scared.

Man voice :I'll stop them ,you take the saints and run as far as you can.

The man's voice was very calm but serious, as if he could not resist.

Man voice:Its classified information

But what I can do or what I can tell you right now is throw then into 042 and I will block it

Soldier A :Damn, aren't you all being so kind.

Soldier A ran quickly towards a portal holding the saints.

???:Why do I feel like I'm moving?No,to be more precise, I was being held by someone.

As he ran, countless explosions and screams were heard behind him.At this time, the cries of several babies were heard by Soldier A and???.

Man voice :You bastard, we don't have much time left, just run more faster.

Soldier A :I know!

Soldier A run to the portal in a panic

Soldier A: Please live well, child.

Soldier A throw the Saint towards the portal.

In an instant, ??? felt a strong sense of weightlessness and strong wind.

Yes, he is falling.

???:Wait!No!!!! Help me!!!!

Even though he couldn't see, he felt the fear, and his voice was like grasping the last hope.

Kling kling

Countless chains appeared, slowly blocking the connection between the two worlds.

At this time, a figure rushed in before the connection between the two worlds was completely blocked.

The world was very quiet at this moment. Except for that person's cry for help,and the crying of babies.

??: Ahhhhhh!

???Sitting up from the shock.

???: Wait,why am I in my bed?Is that just a dream?

A boy with weed-like hair and a middle school face said while lying on the bed and holding he head.His eyes were black, but he was still in shock.

?: Lin He! Did you sleep stupidly?

A man with neatly-knit hair and a face a little more mature than a middle school student spoke to the frightened man.

Lin He:  Uhahaha, nothing ,i just had a strange dream.

?: Is it a middle school dream?

Lin He: Wei Tian, your intuition is really accurate.

Wei Tian:I don't believe that,also,hurry up and get up, it's time to go to work, the boss will not forgive us for being late for the 48th time just because we are young.

Lin He: I think he is quite generous, after all, we has been late for 48 times in just 2 months.

Wei Tian: I'm leaving first, I won't wait for you, I don't want my  money get deducted.

Lin He: Okay... Wait, I have breakfast?

Wei Tian: No share for you.


Seemingly feeling helpless, Wei Tian slammed the door shut. Doesn't his ears hurt?

Lin He: Forget it, it's okay to skip breakfast. Change clothes and go out.

?: Hello stupid,the seal of the 042nd dimension is about to be broken. I will stimulate your ability in advance.

Lin He:Aiyo!! What the fuck is that sound?

Instantly, pain appeared all over his body.

Lin He: Ahhhhhh!

The pain made Lin He scream. At the same time, blood flowed from his seven orifices.

The bed was slowly stained red with blood...


Updated 1 Episodes


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