Regret and Second Chance

Regret and Second Chance

Ep. 1: A Beginning To the End

*He pressing you against the car, cuffs ready*

Kaito: You're under arrest. Watch what you say, it could be used in Court.

Y/N: *sighs resignedly* You got the wrong person, but guess it doesn't matter to you, huh? Strictly by the book?

kaito: That's right. But, there is something fishy about you involving in her murder.

Y/N: *I look at him* I didn't do anything.

Kaito: Don't lie to me! I saw you on the security guards' camera! You were seen running towards the place where she was found!

Y/N: *I sigh deeply, then look Kaito dead in the eyes* Fine, I'll play along. Why?

Kaito: *he smirked* Because I'm going to enjoy this.

Y/N: *I smirk back* Oh really? What makes me guilty?

Kaito: Don't play dumb with me! The evidence will surely convinct you.

Y/N: *I raise my eyebrows* What evidence?

Kaito: *A piece of paper appears in his hand* This fingerprint does not match yours from the database. I bet it's her fingerprints. Now You better start telling me the truth before I make a move to take you to the station!

Y/N: *I look at Kaito* I'm innocent.

Kaito: Don't play dumb with me! The evidence will surely convict you.

Y/N: *I lean in closer* If I’m the culprit, why am I so calm about it?

Kaito: *he raised his eyebrows* People who are guilty are usually calm like this. They always think of another way to escape.

Y/N: *I glance around* If I'm guilty, where's the motive? You haven't found it yet, have you?

Kaito: *he frowned* What are you getting at?

Y/N: *I shrug* Just saying.

Kaito: I don't trust you. You might be trying to divert my attention.

An Hour later...

Kaito: *he glanced at the fingerprint on his hand* This fingerprint...

Y/N: what now?

Kaito: I seem to remember where I got this from....*he looked up and stared at you* Did you give this to me before your detention?

Y/N: *I narrow my eyes* Maybe. Why do you think I would?

 Kaito: I'm sure that you gave this to me before her death.

Y/N: *I raise an eyebrow skeptically* Or maybe it's just a coincidence? Ever considered that, Kaito?

Kaito: Coincidence won't work here. This isn't over yet. *he cuffed you* Let's go. You're coming with me.

Y/N: *I sigh deeply* Alright, let's clear this up once and for all.

Kaito: I will get to the truth.

Y/N: *I stand* Let's go then, Kaito.

Kaito: *he looks at you with an angry gaze* You're enjoying this, aren't you?

Y/N: *I chuckle softly* No, I'm just curious.

Kaito: *he snorted* Sure. Whatever you say.

*he opens the door of the police car* Get in.

*Y/N Gets in and he gets in as well and starts the engine*

Kaito: You know, I've always thought you were innocent...

Y/N: *I frown slightly* That's surprising. Why did you think that?

Kaito: *he glances at the road* I saw how you were treated badly by your parents, and I felt bad for you. So yeah, I thought you were innocent.

Y/N: *I look away, feeling a bit emotional* Yeah...

Kaito: But now... *he cleared his throat* Now, I see that you're just as bad as they are.

Y/N: Yeah.. if that's what you think of then

*an hour has passed and he arrived at the police station*

Kaito: You'll be charged with her murder. *he sneers* And also, obstruction of justice because of lying to me earlier.

Y/N: *I glance away*

Kaito: You're not allowed to leave the cell. Wait for the trial. *he turns his nose in disgust* And clean yourself up. You smell like s**t.

Y/N: *I didn't say anything and clean myself up*

Kaito: *after hours, he came back* Food! Eat this up. This is on you so better not waste it.

Y/N: *I take the food* Thanks Kaito.

Kaito: Don't thank me yet. Wait till the judge decides your fate. *he smirks*

Y/N: *I put the food down away from me*

Kaito: What's the matter? Don't you want to eat anymore?

Y/N: yeah..

Kaito: *sarcastically* Oh, poor baby. You're acting like a little kid who doesn't get his way. Wow, I'm actually laughing at you right now.

Y/N: *I laugh bitterly* Is this really how you treat everyone?

Kaito: With suspects like you, yes. *he sighs* I have studied law enforcement since I was a kid. My dad used to be a police officer too. So yeah, I guess you can say that being a cop runs in my family. But I never expected someone like you to end up here. Especially someone like you who was once mistreated and discriminated against by those who were supposed to love and care for you most. I mean, you're like an inspiration... or rather, a shame, actually, to all the people who were once wronged like you.

Y/N: And I thought you'll believe in me just like you promised since we're kids.. guess everyone can changed..

Kaito: *he sighed* I'm sorry. I know you looked up to me to keep my promise and believe in you when the time comes but things change and people change. I changed.

Y/N: I know... just get out of my cell now..

Kaito: Fine. *he leaves the cell and heads outside* You can have some fresh air...for a few more hours though, you'll be rotting inside that stinky cell. Haha

Y/N: *I turned around facing the wall crying silently not trying to make a sound*

Kaito: *he smirked* Now, don't try to escape or do something stupid, okay?

Y/N: *I didn't respond*

Kaito: Alright, whatever. I'll be back soon anyway.

*he walked away while muttering to himself* S****d b***h... thinking she can fool me...

Y/N: I can't believe this is happening.. *I said in my mind*

(Meanwhile At Kaito's POV)

*he received a call and answers it* Yes, sir? When? I see. I will make sure she eats well. At least, food is the only thing she can have for now...hmm...okay.

Y/N POV: *unknown figure came to me*

are you the one who framed me?... *in my low voice*

*the unknown figure nodded at you before leaving the area silently without making any noises*

Y/N: Wait don't leave yet.. I wanna know why are you doing this to me... why me? who are you?

*the figure didn't budge and didn't react*

*the figure finally moved and walked in front of you* Who am I? Well, let's just know me... or at least, you should know me.

Don't you remember me?

*the figure removed the mask, revealing their face* It's me, Erika...your best friend from high school!

*My eyes widened in Shocked and hurt*

Why...? why of all people you framed me?

*Erika sighs as she reminisces the past* Honestly, I thought you forgot about me already. We lost contact after we graduated and I heard from our mutual friends that you were doing great and successful. I envied you. I felt so worthless and jealous.

Y/N: Just because of that...?

Yes. Just because of that! You left me behind. You forgot about me! You didn't even attend our graduation because you already switched school! You just abandoned me! *she cried and raised my voice*

Y/N: I didn't... I never forgot about you..

Liar! If you didn't forget about me, you would have searched for me! *she shouted again* You would've known that I'm trying to find you! Why did you have to leave without telling me?!

Y/N: It was all of a sudden.. You know how my parents are..

They were just an excuse! You should have tried finding me! Or at least, you could've messaged me! But no, you just suddenly vanished! That's why, I hate you!

Now, A gun point is reserved for culprits like you so... *she shot you dead* bye, Y/N *her tears fell down as she wiped her gun, putting it back inside her bag*

she's finally dead. Justice has been served. *she talked to herself then walked away*

*my vision blurred* I guess this is it.. at least I found Peace...

To Be Continued~~


Updated 1 Episodes


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