


Woke up and she was right next to me in bed.

So I taught to myself you just met after 7years and you’re taking her to bed, is that the best you can do,

Looking at her the memories flooded my mind.

I was a simple kid 13years old who loved everything about life till I came home one day and realize life ain’t always smooth sailing

My dad’s business went under and the debt collectors were already taking out all our stuff I felt dismayed as I saw them take my favorite video game it’s the only thing in the life of a 13year old that was exciting holding my little brothers hands tightly I went in and saw my mom the tears in her eyes said it all,kids it’s over I went over to hug her when she told us to pack our cloths in a a cracking voice

I took my brother to his room packed his cloths packed mine and went back to mom,with tears in her eyes we left our home

School,friends everything I knew was gone faster than I could blink

two weeks and the streets was cold we’ve been living under a bridge cause my dad still owned a few debts and we’d all sell our organs and still wouldn’t be able to pay that debts

Smiles only brime up my face when I see her approaching our little bridge house .Jessica,she was a little girl around my brother’s age which was three years younger than I was and really warm-hearted after our disaster all of our neighbors turn away from us including Jessica parents and it was so devastating but this little girl who said she liked me cause I always look out for my little brother always brought us something to eat she was real kind a month into out disaster and dad disappeared abounding us with mom with heavy heart she joined an adult club to feed us and what she was paid could only afford us food each night I realized she did a good job at caring for my brother than me so I told her to stop her job and headed for a pc cafe where I got a job as a cleaner.

After working there for two years things started getting better we get a tiny apartment thanks to the manager at the pc cafe and our lives were looking up I continued with my work and used my break time to study coding

Fours years and I still worked hard my little brother was in school and Jessica who knew where we lived visited us once a while

Micheal. I want to enter the cs(code shake) competition should I my brother looked at me with a huge smile and said I know you can do it I smiled back and said yeah bro

That’s who I am the next week I entered the competition and aimed for 1 million dollars.

The day of the competition came and I walked into the hall where it was to take place for the first time I felt like the side character in my own story.I was a 19year old who only studied how to code on my own without any teachings from anyone.

But my opponents where people who learned,experimented and worked for years but it didn’t discourage me.I wanted to keep marking my mom and brother smile

After the intense competition I came in second place and got a hundred thousand($100000)

with that a lot of tech companies wanted to recruit me I smiled while taking all those business cards as I knew the trash outside was the only place I was going to put them I got home and exploded the news to my family who belived in me

Jessica who came over that day gave me a hug and a deep perk on my cheek as we were having dinner she broke the news to us

she was moving with her parents to another country cause of their work I became empty inside but before she left she asked I grant a wish of hers me saying okay without knowing what it was got the fastest kiss I’ve ever had in my life before I could blink her little legs carried her as she sprint her way down the street headed for home I smiled as I blush into my sleep

You have destroyed millions of lives because in the name of justices thus I punish you to live as an ordina human on the planet called earth without your power and memory

I woke and taught to myself “just another dream” I walked down as mom was preparing breakfast and sat at the dining table

So what are you going to do with your prize money mom said in a interviewing voice

am starting a business that’s never gonna fail

in three months I focused on making the best translation man has come to use it was a translator that imprinted languages into one’s brain through their eyes and made them understand any language making them communicate easily with anyone and breaking the language barrier worldwide I became famous and really rich I put my brother in the best University there was cause I wanted him to chase his dream as much as he could

two years and we haven’t heard from Jessica.Life went on regardless in those two years 21 year old me built a virtual reality game that became so addictive it made me the richest man in the world it’s a virtual reality where your whole conscious gets sucked into the game and everything you feel in it is real

Instead of being on top of the food chain,I became the food chain itself I had power to control Governments what I said was word and even then only those at the higher ups knew me,aside that the whole world only knew my signature name(VS) which they didn’t even know the meaning VS(Valentine Stain) was somebody everybody wanted to know

At the age of 26 I met my first love

cute Lille Jessica again ,she has just graduated and was job hunting not knowing who I become, she and I drunk into the night and shared a bed in a luxury hotel which belonged to me.After an intense night with Jessica came my dream one that changed my life forever


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