A Glance from the Past

A Glance from the Past

chapter 1

A black curly haired girl with beautiful blue eyes , very exquisite features and beauty of a vixen was looking at a bunch of stuffing her family basement. She came across a black from with a diamond lock, in a book and took the key. She heard sounds of footsteps from her parents room and immediately carried the book and ran to her room.

She sat on her bed looking at the mysterious book, and it's key. She put the key into the locks opening the book. There was a flash of light that blinded her eyes and the book sucked her into it. She landed in a boy with brown hair and eyes as they both fell on the ground.

" Hey watch it will you" the boy said getting up from the ground and dusting off the dirt from his clothes.

" I am so sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen" the girl apologized to the boy.

" It is okay, I don't think I have seen you from around here, sorry who are you exactly" the boy asked as he looked at the girl suspiciously.

" My name is Heaven Marcel and you" the girl named heaven said politely.

" Sorry, my name is Zarin Wilson, and it is a pleasure to meet you Heaven Marcel" the boy named Zarin introduced himself nervously

"So where are you from exactly by the way" Zarin asked looking at heaven clothes strangely.

" I'm not from around here or anything, I'm from Saffira city" Heaven responded to Zarin.

" But there is not a place called Saffira city at all" Zarin questioned Heaven suspiciously.

" What year is this then" Heaven asked worriedly.

"This is 1997, why are you asking" Zarin looked at heaven suspiciously

As soon as Zarin said those words, heaven felt as if the world has collapsed on her, she broke down, and wondered how she had travelled to the past that when she remembered that the book sucked her into this place.

" Hey are you okay what wrong tell me" Zarin worriedly looked at heaven who was crying.

" Please you have to help me, I know what I'm about to say won't make sense, but I have somehow teleported to this place from my timeline, Please you have to help me I'm begging you" heaven begged.

" Fine I will help you so stop crying okay" Zarin worriedly said

"Really, thank you so much" Heaven immediately jumped on Zarin hugging him while her breast rubbed against his chest.

" You are welcome Heaven, I will try my best to help you" Zarin blushed as he hugged heaven enjoying the feeling as her breast rubbing against his chest.

" Come on let go to my sister place, I think that you might need some new clothes, so that you will blend in" Zarin released heaven from the hug and looked at her clothes.

" I think you are right then let go" heaven said excitedly.

Zarin took her to his sister place, as he sneak into his sister room to give some clothes to heaven, he then heard the door of his sister room opening.


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