The Prize

The Prize


Everyone knew what life the Empress lived. It was no secret truly.

Her every move was like a grey cloud that swallowed up the sun. Everyone knew, but no one dared to say anything - or they just simply never cared enough to speak up about it.

With each passing day, her scandals and tyrannizing grew. She tormented her maids and servants in every way. With each breath they took, her whip would be coming right at them! One time, one of her maids asked her for a leave day because she was ill, but rather than giving her a day off, she made her every day a holiday by vanishing her from the palace.

Another time, when one of the maids accidentally broke a vase, the Empress ordered the servants to dunk her head in cold water and whip her 20 times!

Her cruelty surely has no bounds.

The power she gets comes from the Emperor. It's not that the Emperor is a tyrant. Rather, he is one of the wisest and most reasonable emperors, according to the people, that is.

But when it comes to the Empress, he is a fool in love with his hands tied.

It is not shocking. Their love story is known to everyone, 'How The Emperor Went On A War For His Love'. Every child and adult in the empire knew this love story.

They know how the Emperor saw the most beautiful lady in his eyes at a ball and fell for her that very night and asked her hand in marriage the next day. Still, unfortunately, the lady, who was a princess, was already handed over to her uncle in marriage.

The emperor was devastated, but he still asked her, "Would you like to be by my side?"

of course, the princess said yes but her father, the king, said no without even a moment of thinking, and as every hero, the Emperor declared war if the king didn't have her hand, and now the Killemartin kingdom is ruled by our Emperor, Adriano de Lysander. A war for 2 months just for a woman. 2 months of obsession. 2 months of suffering.

But does a rushed love truly last?

Not so long after their marriage, the Empress had a child in her womb, which is such joyous news but as challenging and doubtful too.

What is between the child's legs determines the power and what life stores for the Empress or any other women in the living, of course, they can have children one after another but the taste of the first one will always remain on the tongue but even if they do have a son as a firstborn that will never be a reason for her to stop being a baby machine.

I mean, after all, that's one of her jobs apart from obeying her husband, is it not?

and now the heaven smiling down at the couple and the empire, well, mostly the Empress. Gifted them with a child exactly like the Emperor, by everything I mean everything, starting from the black jet hair to what's in its pants. No one could raise questions about the child being the emperor's or not.

Perhaps this was the time when the empress finally became aware of the power she held. Walking into the place with full confidence, looking in the eye while talking. previously, she would give recommendations. Now, she giving commands.

The power surely was too much for her to handle cause why would she start tormenting the servants over such little things?

She is acting like a nincompoop by pushing the emperor away, her only source of power, that is.

Maybe this was the time when the emperor finally fell out of love with her because soon after all this, the emperor had a new wife come in, a wife similar looking to the Empress, probably that's what his type is but even if the features matches the action are the opposite, she is a Saint, the way that she talks, the way that she walks, the way she does anything is so simple yet delicate as if she is a saint, which now thinking about, she really might be a saint.

Her hair is like snowy silk that matches her red lips and fair skin. Her eyes are like the ocean. You may drown in them if you stare too hard. She is Florence de Astrid, a humble lady from the house of Baron Astrid.

She is the opposite of the Empress in every way, but somehow, she is also similar to her, which is truly confusing.

The Empress has blonde hair like honey, pink lips like rose petals and amber eyes like the dawn of morning when the sun and moon bid their farewell.

There is no possible way that they look like each other, but somehow, they do.

Perhaps this was the doll-like features of their face and that smile that may even brighten that sad moon that forgets its half.

The Empress didn't feel threatened until the birth of the second Prince, which was not hers but the Emperor's and his second wife's, and worst of all, for the Empress, it was a boy!

Now the Empress steps up her game, she tries every little thing to vanish Florence from the palace, and when nothing works, now, she drops the blood.

The birds were chirping, the child was sobbing, the sun was out, but the dark clouds hid its face while the rain poured out, and loud banging on every door to tell about the deceased.

The newspaper had been printed as soon as the news got out. The voices spread like fire, and soon, every person knew what had happened.

The news boldly pointed. out everything as if they aren't scared for their lives and others.

And now the little prince named Giovanni finally made his shine, the son of the Empress, Ashley de Lysander, and the Emperor, Adriano de Lysander. His jet-black hair and pale complexion with blood-red lips made him adorable looking. He looks so majestic when he is a 13-year-old. Who knows how charming he will be when he is a grown young man.?

AN: ik the newspaper thingy is real bad but pls bear with it.



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