Devil's Deal

Devil's Deal

the letter

Luna and Yuna are biological twin sisters or I might say psycho sister. They both don't have any fear but one fear they both had was of being 21 year old. Basically there step parents were poor at the time when they were adopted . So, to become rich they made a deal with the devil kingdom's king. The Deal was that - Luna and Yuna  have to marry there both son's when they become  of 21 year old. When Luna and Yuna was of 10 years there parents died in a car accident. Because of loneliness and the fear they both became cold and transformed into the moon psycho killer sisters - Lunar and Yunar .


Both Luna and Yuna is now of twenty years and they soon will become twenty one as tomorrow is there birthday. They both were just at home eating snacks, but suddenly the doorbell rings. Luna goes and open the door , she found a letter on the floor so she picked it up. The letter was strange , it was written by a red thick liquid which they can recognise it was blood as they had killed so  many people. One more thing they found strange is that there was no address from where the letter came and who gave it. In the letter it was written about the deal and saying that they don't have to pack there things. They both were confused about what deal it was written about as they forgot about the deal , but after some time they slept and wake up in the morning. After doing the morning routine , they started to clean there house but Luna felt like someone is in  their house.

Luna: Yuna i think there is someone in our house ...... Yuna: oh...

Saying this Yuna grabbed a knife and then they both started to move towards the living room and as they entered there they are shocked  by seeing who are they......They were surprised and shocked to see some people in there living room, they were there friends.

Lisa: Happy Birthday to both of you !!!!                       

Jennie: Now you both are gonna be of 21 years.           

Both Luna and Yuna : What today is our birthday.         

Jisso : Yes.                                                                            

Both Luna and Yuna : ohh.... Ok then lets party..

They all do fun and enjoy the whole day but at nearly 12 o' clock , there friends left and also Luna and Yuna felt like sleepy so they goes to home they reached home at correct 12 o' clock and just when they were going to lie down on the bed the electricity gone and all security camera turned off.

Luna: Today i think we also cut a hand of thief like we   cutted the cake .

Yuna: Yes, I can bet, tomorrows news headline will be - " One more haunt by Moon sisters."

It was all dark in there room and suddenly a portal appears

Yuna: what the f*ck!!

Luna: Mind your words in front of me...

Yuna: Ok-ok, but what the Hell is this?!!

Luna: maybe it is some kind of a portal...

Yuna : So can we go inside this?

Yuna was just going inside the portal but suddenly some people came out from it.

Yuna: Who are you people?? And from where you came?? (shocked and confused)

Guard1:We are the guards from the devil kingdom.. Our kings sent us to bring you both to the devil kingdom and maybe our kings also sent  you a letter.

Luna: The letter written by blood?


Yuna: And what if we say that we don't want to go?(smirk)

Yuna and luna refused to go so they just do some magic on both of them and make both of them asleep....but before they did that yuna and luna hides knife with them.

Guard1: lets go..

After one hour they both wakes up and find themselves in a strange but beautiful place. It was the forest of magic. The guards are talking about something and without wasting time yuna and luna killed them..

Luna: I didn't thought that it will be that much easy to kill these brats..

Yuna : Comparing them with the people we killed it was a piece of cake. 

Luna : Now we have to find the way to get out from here.. 

They are  just discovering the place but suddenly a old man appeares ..

Old man : Little kids , what are you doing here in this devil kingdom?, i think that you both are humans then why are you here??

Luna : And why should we tell you this ? You ugly old man..( while holding the knife)

Yuna : Sister if you are tired then let me do this for you..

Old man : sure you can kill me you don't want to know how to get out of this place..

Yuna: sis just kill him he is getting on my nerves...

Old man: if you complete my tas...k.( luna just cuts the old mans neck)

Yuna : Sure but its too late, now me and my sister are tooooo tired...(teasing)

When they both were leaving, they heard a roar  which make them to turn around and they saw that the old man is became a furious beast.

Yuna: how could it be possible!!!!!

Luna: everything is possible in this devil kingdom..

Yuna: so, now what we have to do?

Luna: asking as if you don't know..(smirk) just kill this beast!!

Yuna and Luna tried there best to kill the beast but the beast is very powerful but then suddenly two person come flying ....the two kings.

Luna: watch out Yuna!!!!!!!

A big stone is just going to hit Yuna but someone saved her........



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