The Boy Next World

The Boy Next World

Chapter 1: We are lovers

Phugun didn't understand why he allowed P'Cir into his apartment.

Maybe it's because he knew who P'Cir was.

Maybe it's because he saw the gauze bandage on P'Cir's forehead...

Maybe it's because he saw the surprised look on his neighbors' faces when they saw P'Cir and him hugging each other.

It doesn't matter the reason, now that P'Cir is already sitting in the living room of his apartment.

"And why did he look at me like that?" Phu wondering

Phugun is working hard to be a host who will treat guests well. He looked for water for the guest to drink, but just turning his head to look at the guest's face, the owner of the house was shocked, almost too late to turn his eyes to the refrigerator, and then he could feel his back was on fire, because he could detect that those penetrating eyes were staring at him without blinking.

When he was in high school, the young man had heard a lot of news about the latter, one of which was that the girls at school gave him a nickname...

"Iceberg Prince"

Not because he looks like the actors from the Korean TV series of the same name, but because of his aloofness.

Eeerrrr... but I can more or less understand those girls' minds, well, P'cir's hug is so warm and he hugs me so tightly....

That thought made Phugun's face a little hot, but he quickly dispelled the heat.

"Here's the water, Phi"



The moment Phugun placed the glass of water in front of him, P'Cir opened his mouth, but then he fell silent again, letting the little man look at him in confusion, his large, round eyes meeting his piercing ones.

Making people feel that this person is really not that cold, just a little quiet, too quiet so that people secretly thought it was terrible.

P'Cir said nothing. The tall man just picked up the glass of water and took a sip...

This simple action left Phugun in awe...

Only in close contact did Phugun discover the figure of P'Cir. He is so tall and even taller than Jin. Only this time did he have the opportunity to observe the chiseled face of the rumors.

In the end. he must admit that P'cir is really handsome, he is more handsome than Achi, his eyebrows are like black ink, his eyes are like a knife, and his nose is high and his lips are thin, his face determined with a circle with stubble on his chin making it look exactly like his name means. But he doesn't look messy; in fact, it adds a touch of masculinity. Although the gauze is still on his forehead, this person's beauty has not diminished in the slightest.

[Cir's name in Thai means like a guy with long hair and some beard]

And now this beautiful person is looking at Phugun so coldly.

"Uh, Phi, what happened to you?"

Phugun didn't turn on the air conditioning, but those sharp eyes in front of him made him feel inexplicably cold, and the atmosphere in this room was so suppressed that the rain outside couldn't cover it, until one of the parties decided to take the initiative to break the silence here.

What P'Cir did was raise his hand and hit the side of his head, and gave Phugun a look instead of his answer,

"Ah...! Did something happen?"


After P'Cir responded, the entire house was once again filled with only the sound of persistent rain, Phugun sat on the floor (because he was afraid that the sofa would be stained by wet clothes) moved his body uneasily, thinking about why the senior from college came to him...

"Why did you come?"

He didn't dare ask so abruptly and awkwardly.

With that thought, Phugun raised his eyes and looked at the senior, then lowered his eyes.

Wow... he's really cold ah

Ahhh... so depressed!

This time both of his hands rubbed back and forth.

"You know me?"


Suddenly, P'Cir became the one who spoke. Phugun immediately raised his head and responded loudly. After responding, he discovered what the other party was asking.

No matter who he is with, he seems very indifferent, and his sharp eyes are so cold that no one dares to approach him. This type of personality makes his words so few that he can even count them, but all this does not reduce this person's popularity in any way.

Instead, the more P'Cir doesn't like dealing with people, the more the girls like to run after him and scream.

Some of his friends analyzed P'cir's face and Phugun recalled that a friend of him jealously said that, "If it weren't for that face, who the hell would want to date him? So cold he could kill!"

However, he never got the chance to speak with P'Cir. Even though they were in the same school, a high school student like him won't be able to find a student who graduated from high school like P'Cir.

Even if they enter the same university later, if remembered correctly, "P'Cir majored in management accounting, which also resulted in him not being able to see P'Cir"

At most, he manages to see a friend of P'Cir from time to time, while he is also the oldest at the same school.

That's all Phugun knows about this man, that's why he was surprised on being pulled and hugged.

"Uh, yes, yes." Phu replied

P'Cir seemed to smile a little. That flash of a smile made Phugun wonder that he was dazzled.

"Phi is a senior from high school" he added

But for some reason, those eyes suddenly became dark and frightening. The smile on his face that Phugun thought he saw quickly disappeared.

"So, uh, we're at the same university."

Phugun tried to figure out the correct answer, but P'Cir's expression told him that the answer was wrong.

"Just that?"

"So what kinds of things do I need to know?"

Phugun wondered in his heart, but on the surface, he was just busy nodding his head.


Phugun seemed to see something on that man's face... disappointment.

Not only was it a general disappointment, but P'Cir was so disappointed that he raised his hand and buried his face in it.

"I see, so Phu only knows this side of me."

If it was someone else, Phugun thinks he'll kick that person out of the room. Come in and say all nonsense, but from the appearance of the cold senior, from those trembling shoulders, to spreading and depressing his sadness and disappointment prevented him from opening his mouth...

And also, he still couldn't understand. He didn't know what P'Cir needed.

"Phi are you crying?"

He asked cautiously, the senior looked so fragile as if he was crying.

This question made the person with a well-defined face slowly raise his head.

No tears.

Seeing this, Phugun breathed a sigh of relief. No, his eyes were full of sadness, although there were no tears, and his handsome face was pale, which made him worry whether it was because of the head injury.


Phugun tried to make a single tone, but closed his mouth again, and then he lowered his head and couldn't help but look at those disappointed eyes.

Silence covered the entire room once again, but he could feel that senior was still watching him.


Thunder and lightning scared those two people.

Phugun turned his head and looked out the window, he looked panicked and scared. The sky outside was so terrible that he swallowed hard.

This is very scary!!!

"If I say we're lovers, will Phu believe me?"


At this moment, Phugun felt that what he heard was the strangest thing he had ever heard in his life, so much so that he opened his mouth and exclaimed

"Uh, I don't think I heard clearly, what Phi said, we are..."


Phugun closed his mouth tightly, and the other's low voice emphasized the monotonous tone, and this monotony hides the seriousness. Besides, those eyes didn't show that P'cir was joking.

"Uh, Phi must be kidding me."

Although he could see that P'Cir wasn't joking, he really couldn't think of how to respond. The words made the opposite person lower their eyes.

Why is he so sad? Shouldn't I be the one who's shocked? Phi said we are lovers!

Eh? Me being P'Cir's boyfriend? It's impossible.

Phugun's lips were tight, and he decided to ask,

"Why does Phi think we're a couple?"

P'Cir looked up, and that look made the flesh in Phu's chest feel a twinge of contraction... the sinking sensation in the heart.

"Because we are"

"Crazy!, who let Phi tease me, I don't think it's funny..."

"Does Phu think I'm joking?"

Suddenly, Phugun was speechless again, and the smile he tried to contain disappeared, and he didn't understand why he didn't scream himself, and why he still sat down and didn't say anything, no matter what he thought, he is the only one being shocked.


When he calmed down, P'Cir rubbed his head vigorously and almost made Phugun open his mouth to stop him, fearing that he might touch the wound, but Phugun still didn't speak because his brain was out of shape now. The big one here took a deep breath, as if he had decided something.

"Does Phu believe in parallel worlds?"

"I do not believe that."

The little man was too fast to stop him, so he said this bluntly and then P'Cir's sad look appeared in front of him immediately.


What? I don't understand? Phu really doesn't understand, Jin or Nalin please! Come help me here!!!

Now Phugun's mind is completely confused, and suddenly a thought appears, but this thought is extremely absurd.

"P'Cir won't tell me that we are lovers in another parallel world, right?"

"It's not false"

Phugun tried to talk in a joking manner as much as possible, but those sharp eyes that were looking out still showed no trace of a joke.

On the contrary, the serious expression was even stronger than before, so Phugun swallowed again.

"Phi... you're kidding me, right?"

He asked this sentence again, hoping that the other party would answer yes and reveal the mystery that Achi is the one who made this joke, but silence covered the entire space just like those hurt eyes. All of this made it difficult for Phugun to breathe and wanted to escape this room.

"Phi, don't stop talking."

Phugun tried his best to make him respond, but the other party still looked at him, No, except when P'Cir looked down, he kept looking at Phugun, like looking at someone... he missed.

Don't wait Phu! You are just dreaming!

"Phi..." He called again


Suddenly, the ringing sound rang, but it wasn't from Phugun, but from P'Cir.


Phugun couldn't hear what was said on the other end of the phone, all he could do was look at the pair of eyes staring at him, but in the end he lowered his head unbearably,

"Em, I'm coming back"

P'Cir just responded to those few words, hung up the phone and got up.

"Wait Phi hasn't answered me yet." Phugun protested, and immediately stood up, his big eyes were filled with bewilderment.

Seeing this, the big man took a step forward and left...


It's morning, the sky is blue and it's as clear as if the storm from the night before had never happened. However, it didn't make anyone's mood change from it.

Sisira woke up sad, his hair was messy and his dark circles were clearly visible. All of this was attributed to the senior's incident, which caused him to toss and turn at night and not be able to sleep much throughout the night. If what happened last night was to mock him, Phugun would like to say that it was successful.

"Whatever, I'm not thinking about it anymore." Phugun shook his head. Either way, he couldn't think of the answer.

He called and asked his friends one by one if they were the ones making up this joke, but all he got were the answers of not knowing, so he gave up thinking because the only person who can give him the answer seems to be P'Cir only, but P'Cir has already left, and he doesn't even know how to contact him.

When he decides not to get tangled up anymore, the cute person staggers towards the closet.

This time, he must be prepared. What should I prepare? ...Blue underwear, why?

"I definitely won't make a mistake today" Phugun said to himself, then grabbed everything and went to the bathroom.

when his body was exposed to hot water, his drowsiness was swept away. Furthermore, there was the blessing of lucky colors to let him feel comfortable.

Phugun tugged at the edge of his jeans, looked at the lucky underwear he wears daily and smiled sweetly,

"It's going to be good luck day"

Now, with almost an hour until his first class, he had enough time to eat breakfast at school.

Thinking about this, the young man grabbed his backpack and carried it on his shoulder, took the key and left the room. And then...

"What is it?"

The little man frowned, because he saw a plastic convenience store bag hanging on the door as soon as he opened it. He opened the bag and discovered that it was the red bean bread he usually eats and the lemon-flavored candy he used to buy at school. The candy was also my favorite brand!

"someone hung this on the wrong door"

The young man thought, looked at the neighbor's door to his left and right, but he didn't dare to knock on the door and ask who these things belonged to. It will be a shame to let it throw away, because after looking at the expiration date, the bread was still fresh and unopened.

At this moment, he thought of the person last night.

"Crazy, no... right?"

Phugun shook his head, feeling a little irritated with P'Cir who kept his mind spinning.

Now that he didn't dare to throw this away and didn't dare to hang the bag in front of others, he could only take this bag with him to the car.

He takes it with him, later so he can ask the group of friends.


"Let's talk about P'Cir"

"he's so handsome!"

"Oh, did you just find out? This senior has been handsome for a long time"

"But unfortunately, he likes to put on a cold face"

"Stupid~ This is his selling point, P'Cir has to be silent and cold! So cool!"

"Hehehe, I'm going crazy, why do I get so happy just looking at the senior"

In the university corridor, a group of girls surrounded a young man, although he did not have the name of the school month or because this person refused to participate in any activity, but his particularly attractive figure and appearance make him so famous in college as it was in high school.

No matter how high the wall is, a good-looking guy is a good-looking guy.

"What happened to P'Cir?"

"Oh, I have to talk about this. P'Cir fought the thief who tried to steal his car."

"Huh, really?"

"Well, I heard that Phi saw the thief snooping in the car window, and then almost caught the thief, but suddenly that thief's accomplice came. The accomplice hit him when Phi was unprepared, and started to bleed. Did anyone see he left the hospital yesterday "

"What about the thieves?"

"Everyone got caught."

"Should have caught them and stepped on them with both feet! Luckily, P'Cir is fine."

"Whoever said that, some people saw it and said that he was in a coma for several days and had seven stitches, so they should grab these people and cut them into eight pieces. Don't they know how precious Phi's face is?"

The girls chatted happily while looking at the handsome and charming guy.

Although he was not the hero who beat the bandit to death, but the one who suffered, the group of people watching him still looked at him with love in their eyes.

Think about it, just sitting so still it's so pleasing to the eyes, making people want to take out their phones and take two or three photos of him and collect them.

"Hehe, really handsome"

"Uh! But isn't P'Cir going to have breakfast today?"

"Oh yes! Since when did P'Cir start drinking green tea?"

The group of fans are still watching, the handsome guy in front of them is holding a bottle of green tea with water dripping from the ice into the bottle, some fans even took out their notebooks and included sugary green tea in the list of foods this handsome guy eats.

This scene is so funny that a pretty girl giggled.

"They must reach this level?" achira said

"How can you say that Achi? You have a fan like that too, please."

Nalin laughed happily and caught a glimpse of her handsome friend helping to secure things completely.

"It's different, if I saw someone following me so much, I would have come over to say hello, and I wouldn't have missed the chance to meet them." Those who like to accumulate fans still feel proud.

"P'Cir isn't as seductive as someone here."

"You are my friend?"

"It's exactly because we're friends, so I know all of Achi's shortcomings." Nalin said bluntly, seeing her dear friend wrinkle, the beautiful girl leaned her head on her friend's thick shoulder and rubbed it comfortably, And also, he still couldn't understand. He didn't know what P'Cir doing.

"Don't act like a baby! Patting me on the back after swearing. Is it okay to give candy after slapping someone?" The young man stared.

"It's not the back, I patted achi's shoulders." The cute person curled her lips, and the cute appearance made many boys sigh directly.

Unfortunately, many people thought that Achira is with Nalin, but Achira is extremely seductive, he dates this and that and Nalin never gets angry. Others see that they are still very lovable together no matter where they are. So how can they not hate Achira?


The word bastard is not enough to describe him.

"Uh, haven't you calmed down? So if next time Achi wants to get rid of someone, I won't be helping" Nalin is still smiling sweetly, but the laugh makes the listener suddenly feel a chill.

"Oye, calm down, calm down, uh, who will be angry with Nalin the beauty?"

The tall man immediately smiled, softly satisfied, and made the beautiful woman laugh.

Speaking of pretending, Mr. Achi is still very trustworthy.

Although he will manage and control everyone around him, he sometimes gets out of control. The more girls you associate with, the harder it is to control.

This person who is worried about his image doesn't want to be slapped in the middle of the intersection, so he needs a helper to help him. Tinna waved goodbye to that. He asked her to help, she said wait for the next life. So in the end, only the soft-hearted Nalin can help him.

But every time after helping Achi, Nalin always smiles sweetly and scolds Achi. She stabbed that black heart.

"Achi also has to admit the fact that you're not as handsome as P'Cir and you don't have as many fans as P'Cir."

"What part of me isn't better than this kind of person?" The tall man looked and said.

How can a person who has no interpersonal relationships become more popular than him?

"Everything." His friends replied

This time, Achi gritted his teeth and wanted to respond, but there are so many people here that his good-natured and kind image will be destroyed.

"Uh, but I haven't seen P'Cir smile. If he smiles, he must be more handsome than he is now. In that case, Achi will be even harder to compare with him."

Nalin continued playing with her friends, while looking at the handsome senior who is still sitting silently.


"This is not real!" Nalin exclaimed uncomfortably, eyes widening.

"What's the matter now? You're going to say something bad about me, right?" Achi said irritated.

"Achi! Achi! Look! P'Cir smiled!! P'Cir smiled!" Nalin grabbed her good friend's arm tightly and shook it violently as she looked at the senior who was smiling!

That's right, suddenly, what could be said to be the indifferent and well-defined face changed, and the corners of the mouth became a little arched. Although he didn't smile to the point where all his teeth were exposed, it was already extremely rare. That smile made his sharp eyes suddenly shine, adding an irresistible charm to this senior from another major.

Not only Nalin, but also many girls dropped their pens.

They watched the tall seniors stand up and walk in one direction and that direction is...

Nalin's eyes flickered, because the person the cold senior went to look for was his dear friend!



Phugun was perplexed, because when he was walking towards his school, he saw the guest from last night, sitting on the long bench on the road leading to the teaching building, and when he wondered what he should do now, P'Cir suddenly smiled and headed straight to him.

Yes, P'Cir is handsome, Phugun already knew that.

But when the senior shaved off his beard, it allows people to see that handsome face clearly, and in addition to that unexpected smile, Phugun's heart suddenly starts to itch, so he immediately looks around, in case that smile is not for him, until the senior comes and stops in front of him.

"We are lovers."

This sentence from last night hit his heart so violently that he immediately erased it from his mind.

Being deceived, you are just being deceived by the senior.

"What's the matter with Phi?" Phugun asked softly, feeling all those scorching eyes cast upon them.

This is the heat of jealousy.

Uh, scary...

The big man didn't answer his question yet, his sharp eyes were just looking at the plastic bag with bread and sweets in his hand, and then he turned to look into Phugun's eyes.

Once again, a faint smile hovered at the corner of his mouth, and then...

The sweetened green tea, and it's the brand I like, was handed in front of me with one hand.

"What..." Phugun asked blankly.

At this time, the senior still didn't answer his question, but the corner of his mouth fell again, and then he pulled Phugun's hand and gave him the green tea and straw.

"What the hell is this?"

Phugun lowered his head to look at the things in his hand and then raised his head to look into the other person's eyes, and that he could see the big hand that was reaching for him.

This left him stunned and his gaze also stopped his opponent's action abruptly.

Although it was only a brief moment, but it stopped. In the end, the opponent's hand was still on his head.

The big hand made heat flow throughout the body

"I'm leaving." P'Cir only said those words before lowering his hand and walking forward, leaving Phugun standing in the same place, not understanding.

"Wait P'Cir! What does that mean?" Just as he was about to leave silently, Phugun turned around and asked.

But the big handsome guy didn't look back, he just continued walking towards the School of Management.

The rest were silent, and then...


"Oh yeah!"

Hearing the screams from all directions, Phugun trembled, turned around and looked around in a circle, all pairs of eyes staring at the green tea in his hands jealously.

Phugun took a few steps back and was preparing to escape, but suddenly he met the eyes of his beautiful friends...

"Phu!!! does Phu know P'Cir too? What is this between you two? What does this mean?"

The young man swears he saw his friend's eyes shining, and also the smoke of curiosity came out of Nalin's nose.

But before he make up a story for his friends

The phone in his pants pocket vibrated and Phugun grabbed the phone immediately, avoiding all kinds of sight.

"...Don't forget to eat bread na..."

[P'Cir used the word na! He knows how to be good only that he chooses to do it selectively]

Phugun clicked to check the message immediately and saw that the sender's name was CIRRUS.


Now he knows that p'Cir's name came from Cirrus, but that is not as important as the following message

["I'll be Phu's boyfriend again"]

["...Be mentally prepared..."]

"Phu, Phu, what happened to you? Why are you blushing so much!!!"

Under his friend's exclamation.

Phugun realized that his face was about to explode with hotness.


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