His Obsessesive Love

His Obsessesive Love

painful night

A country, M city in a dark stormy night-

A 6 ft 2 inch boy with eagle-like black eyes that are enough to instill fear in any person, fair complexion, sharp lines, well maintained body, perfect face and features, long pointed nose, pink thin lips, every girl can only say one word after seeing him "Perfect"

This is the hero of our story

"Alexander Helminton".

Alexander was standing on the road in a dark stormy night holding a girl, it seemed by looking at him. He was drunk, he was holding a very beautiful girl in his strong arms. There was immense passion and madness in his eyes but still he was not hurting the girl at all.

Alexander was leaning closer to the girl towards her lips and spoke in a very attractive voice with his red eyes in which pain could also be felt somewhere, "Scarlett my love why are you going away from me, from today whatever you say I will do, whatever you want will happen but come back to me."

The girl was trying to get away from him, "Alexander leave me."

It was as if Alexander did not listen to her, Alexander said further, "I gave you every happiness of the world, I put my stone heart, my honor, status, everything at stake for you, please come back."


Saying this he went closer to her and capturing her lips in his lips started kissing her very passionately, for a moment the girl also stopped trying to get away from him and started supporting him. Leaving her lips he started kissing her whole face and slowly reached her neck. Alexander slowly went near her ear and said in his husky voice, "Scarlett you remember our first kiss"

Hearing this, the girl tightened her arms around his neck, Alexander started moving forward with a lot of passion.

Just then Scarlett's phone rang, she quickly pushed Alexander away from herself. Alexander was not ready for this, he took two steps back. Scarlett took out her phone and saw that Bryce's name was showing on it. She picked up the call and said sorry Bryce I am just coming. From the other side came the boy's loving voice, "it's okay Scarlett I just called to know if you are okay."

Scarlett replied in the affirmative and cut the call saying she would come home soon. Alexander kept staring at her. Scarlett looked at Alexander and said "Alexander, on our wedding day when I was coming to you, I realized that we both were not made for each other. When did I fall in love with Bryce? I did not even realise. Now tears appeared in her eyes. To tell you the truth, I am scared of you now. I am very scared of your anger, of your possessiveness. Every moment I fear that you might get angry, I might feel bad about this. I don't want to live with you. I am getting married very soon. Please don't come in the way of that, or else I will take my life."

Scarlett's eyes had turned red because of tears. The girl turned to leave when suddenly Alexander held her hand from behind and pulled her towards himself and pulling her closer said in his passionate voice, "very soon you will come to me on your own."

Saying this he left her and the girl took two steps back in a flash. Scarlett looked at Alexander and said this will never happen. The innocence on her face was still there like before, looking at her no one could say that this girl can rule the heart of the king of the dark world, which no girl has been able to win till date, the girl turned around, picked up her purse and left. The girl was wearing jeans and a cream coloured loose hoodie.

While leaving, he kept saying to himself, "This will never happen, "alaxander" you will always be my first love but I will never come back to you, goodbye my dark lord."

Meanwhile, Alexander was standing alone there for a long time, looking at that empty road. Looking at that empty road, he said to himself, "You will definitely come back, you have to come."

After a while

Alexander sat in his car and went to the most expensive pub of Country A. This was his own club. He handed over the keys of the car to the gatekeeper. He went inside and kept drinking drink after drink. He usually did not drink and smoke. He did it only when his mood was disturbed. He got very intoxicated. Then the manager of the pub took care of him and sent him to his private room.

And the manager asked a girl passing by to send drinks and snacks to Alexander's room. The girl was new. She had probably joined today only. The girl quietly nodded yes and went away. As soon as she opened the gate, her hands and legs started trembling. A dangerous aura was being felt inside the room.

The girl's gaze went to Alexander sitting on the sofa. He was holding his head. He was feeling strange. Looking at him, it seemed as if he was trying to control himself with great difficulty. Seeing him in such a state, the girl kept the drinks on the side table and ran towards him but as soon as she touched him, Alexander jerked her hand away. He was still talking to himself in a drunken state. The light was a little dim so she couldn't see his face clearly.

The girl went to him again and when she saw his face this time, she was surprised. "Alexander morgan "was a world famous businessman. He had conducted a seminar in the girl's college due to which the girl became his fan. She didn't know much about him except that he was a businessman. She ignored Alexander's misbehavior and touched his forehead which was burning a lot. She felt that Alexander had a fever. She quickly said, "Sir, I will take you to the hospital. You have a fever."

Alexander pushed her away but the girl still went to him and insisted on taking him to the hospital. As soon as Alexander paid attention to the voice, his eyes fell on the girl whose height was neither too much nor too less, fair milky complexion, cute and innocent face like that of a child, big chocolate brown eyes, slim and fit body, the girl looked to be around 17-18 years old, she was really very beautiful but her face was exactly like Scarlett's, if someone saw her at once then would think her to be Scarlett.

Alexander started seeing Scarlett in that girl. He stopped her and came staggering to her. The girl got a little scared and stuttered and said, "Sir, before she could say anything, Alexander took her in his arms. Her eyes had become red due to intoxication and heat was emanating from her whole body."

Alexander did not say anything and came closer to her and then said with a very killer smile, "You did not do the right thing by leaving me Scarlett."

He captured that girl in his arms. That girl was not able to move in his arms and she was also feeling scared. She said in a tearful voice, "Please leave me Sir, but Alexander has become very drunk now." Taking her face in his hands he said, "I have never loved you to my heart's content except kissing you, that's why you are angry. Today I will love you so much that you cannot even imagine. Due to fear the girl did not pay attention to Alexander's words. I will love you more than that Bryce. The girl started shivering with fear, a few drops of sweat appeared on her forehead."

Alexander now completely controlled the girl and made her lie down on the bed tore off all her clothes. The girl kept crying. Alexander captured her lips between his lips due to which the sobs and screams of the girl remained suppressed in her mouth. The entire night Alexander kept loving that girl in every way, thinking of her to be "Scarlett" and kept trying all his strength on her and kept explaining to her lovingly, "don't worry love, it will just hurt a little."

She did not know at what time of the night she fell asleep, but the girl was in no condition to even speak. She tried to get up with great difficulty but she was bleeding a lot. She decided to get up after a while, but Alexander had held her tightly in his arms, as if he gave her a little free hand, she would leave him and run away. Finally, the girl got tired and fell asleep.

Morning time

As soon as Alexander woke up, he felt someone in his arms. He removed the blanket and saw a very innocent face in front of him. It looked exactly like Scarlett. Alexander was still in light sleep, so he thought it was Scarlett and as soon as he saw her, a never seen before loving smile came on his face. He started kissing the girl's lips lovingly. The girl started fidgeting and slowly her eyes started opening. As soon as she saw the peace on Alexander's face, she got lost in him.

When Alexander felt that she was awake, he lifted his face and looked at her with the same sweet smile. The girl was lost in him and had forgotten everything else because at this time Alexander looked like a different person with whom any girl would fall in love. Alexander said to her lovingly, "I troubled you a lot last night, love."

He kissed her on the forehead and took her in his arms. The girl's heart started beating faster. She had forgotten everything at that moment. Alexander said to her lovingly in his cold voice while holding her in his arms, "Thank you for being completely mine today. Love, I promise. I will try my best to change myself for you. I will do everything so that you are always happy."

Saying this, he started kissing her again and after some time, moving away from her, he said while caressing her face, "I love you, love."

Alexander was lost in that girl. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Alexander ignored it. The door kept knocking but Alexander got angry. He controlled himself with difficulty. He said to the girl, "Love wait a little."

And he kissed her lightly on the lips and got up to open the gate. As soon as he opened the gate, his eyes widened in surprise. He looked in his room for a moment, then looked ahead and he understood everything. Scarlett's eyes were red with anger.

Scarlett, controlling her anger, said angrily with a choked throat, "After last night, I thought I should give you a chance, but after seeing all this, this will never happen again."

She turned away in anger. Alexander could not understand for some time what to say. He turned around and looked at the whole room and the girl. Alexander could see hatred and disgust in his eyes. When the girl saw Alexander's face, she got goosebumps. She was not able to say anything but she understood that there was definitely some misunderstanding. She was about to say something in her trembling voice when suddenly she heard an angry cold voice which was enough to send goosebumps to anyone, "Get lost and don't come in front of me even by mistake."

Looking at Alexander, anyone could say that he had controlled his anger with great difficulty. The girl got scared but said in her trembling voice, "Sir."

She had just said this much when Alexander looked around and went to the girl and pushed her down from the bed and choked her and said, "Don't see me again from today or else you won't be able to bear my hatred. Get out of here."

Tears started flowing from the girl's eyes, she got up controlling herself and looked around and started looking at her clothes, her clothes were torn, she picked up Alexander's shirt and wore it which was reaching till her knees and was very loose. And wearing one of his jackets, with great difficulty keeping herself conscious, she went from there. Just after she left, Alexander went after Scarlett.



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