Beyond The Mist

Beyond The Mist


In the world of Tenebrous, where demons and humans coexisted in an uneasy balance of power, the town of Liancheng was ablaze with color and light. Lanterns of all shapes and sizes illuminated the night sky, casting a warm glow over the bustling streets. The air was filled with the sweet scent of pastries and the sound of laughter and music.

Amidst the festivities, a young half-demon with piercing blue eyes and jet-black hair walked through the crowds, his movements fluid and graceful. He was a stranger in this town, with no particular destination in mind, simply enjoying the sights and sounds of the lantern festival.

As he turned a corner, a figure with blonde hair and piercing purple eyes hastily running towards him bumped into him, apologizing profusely before quickly scrambling to their feet and continuing their frantic pace. The half-demon watched them go, intrigued by the sense of urgency in their movements. He couldn't help but notice the subtle hints of dark energy emanating from the stranger, a telltale sign of a demonic cultivator. The stranger's blonde hair was disheveled, and their purple eyes gleamed with a hint of desperation.

The next day, as the lantern festival reached its peak, the half-demon found himself wandering through the market stalls, taking in the vibrant colors and lively atmosphere. Suddenly, he heard a commotion nearby and saw the same stranger from the previous night, surrounded by a group of hostile onlookers. They had discovered the stranger's true nature as a demonic cultivator and were accusing him of evil deeds.

Without hesitation, the half-demon stepped forward, using his strength to disperse the crowd. The stranger turned to him with a mix of curiosity and wariness. "You know what I am, yet you helped me," the stranger said, their eyes narrowing. "Why?"

The half-demon smiled, his eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "You've done nothing wrong, at least not that I've seen. And besides, I have a bit of a personal connection to the demonic arts myself." He revealed his half-demon heritage, and the stranger's eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm...Ryker," the stranger said finally, introducing himself. His blonde hair was messy, and his purple eyes sparkled with gratitude. "And you are?"

The half-demon smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'm Kaito. Nice to meet you, Ryker."

As they walked together, Ryker asked Kaito, "Where were you headed?"

Kaito shrugged, his smile growing wider. "Nowhere in particular. Just enjoying the festival. How about you? Where are you headed?"

Ryker hesitated for a moment before responding, "I'm headed to Jinhua Island: A mystical haven shrouded in mist and legend. This enchanting isle is home to ancient ruins, hidden temples, and mysterious artifacts. Lush forests, shimmering waterfalls, and shimmering coastlines veil secrets of the past. Jinhua's beauty is matched only by its mystique, beckoning adventurers to unravel its secrets."

Kaito's eyes sparkled with curiosity. "Jinhua, you say? I'm headed that way myself." He said it with a sly smile, his eyes glinting with mischief.

Ryker raised an eyebrow but didn't press the issue. Together, they set off towards Jinhua, their journey beginning amidst the vibrant lanterns and bustling streets of Liancheng. Ryker didn't reveal his true purpose for traveling to Jinhua, but Kaito's curiosity was piqued. He had a feeling that their adventure was just beginning.



Akira 05

Akira 05

can't wait for the next episode



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