Gentle Flames

Gentle Flames

Chapter 1: The Beginning

Alex Parker sat at his usual spot in the library, his nose buried in a textbook. The soft hum of the overhead lights and the faint rustling of pages created a comforting background noise. It was his sanctuary, a place where he could escape from the chaos of high school life and focus on his studies.

"Hey, Alex, right?" a voice broke through his concentration.

Alex looked up to see Ethan Miller standing across the table. Ethan was holding a stack of books and wearing a friendly smile. Alex felt a flutter of nerves in his stomach. Ethan was one of those people who seemed to have it all—popularity, charm, and a natural ease that Alex envied.

Yeah, that's me," Alex replied, trying to keep his voice steady. "Do you need something?

I think we're partners for the history project, Ethan said, setting his books down. "Mr. Thompson said we could choose our own topic. Any ideas?

Alex blinked, momentarily caught off guard. He hadn't expected to be paired with someone like Ethan. "Uh, I hadn't thought about it yet. Maybe something about the Civil Rights Movement? There's a lot to cover, and it's relevant."

Ethan nodded, his expression thoughtful. "Sounds good to me. How about we meet here after school tomorrow and brainstorm?"

Sure," Alex agreed, feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety. "Tomorrow works."

As Ethan walked away, Alex couldn't help but watch him. There was something about the way Ethan carried himself, a confidence that Alex wished he had. He shook his head, trying to focus on his book again, but the thought of their project—and Ethan—kept intruding.

The next day, Alex arrived at the library early, his nerves on edge. He set up his notes and tried to look busy, but his mind kept wandering. When Ethan finally arrived, he greeted Alex with a warm smile and a wave.

"Hey! Ready to get started?" Ethan asked, pulling out a chair.

"Yeah, let's do this," Alex said, offering a small smile in return.

As they delved into their project, Alex found himself relaxing. Ethan was easy to talk to, and his enthusiasm was contagious. They bounced ideas off each other, gradually forming a plan for their presentation. By the time they wrapped up, Alex realized he had actually enjoyed the time spent with Ethan.

Thanks for today," Ren said as they packed up their things. "I think we're going to make a great team

Yeah, me too," Jin replied, feeling a warmth spread through him. "See you tomorrow?"

Definitely," Ren said with a grin. "See you tomorrow, Jin."

As Jin walked home, he felt lighter than he had in a long time. There was something about Ren that made him feel seen, understood in a way he hadn't expected. For the first time in a while, he looked forward to what tomorrow might bring.


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