The Beast King's Harem

The Beast King's Harem

Chapter 1 is out of the book!


[What the writer wants to say:]

Xie Mengzhang's name comes from the Baidu Encyclopedia entry "Qinglong". also known as "Mengzhang Shenjun".


At night, the palace of the Holy Beast Empire was brightly lit.

The Beast King's palace was illuminated by candlelight, and the and the eyes were filled with splendor. White smoke rose from the incense burner, and the room was filled with the aroma of luxury.

After taking a bath. Yi Jin wore a light gauze robe exclusive to the Beast King and sat on the edge of the huge dragon bed.

Kneeling in front of him was a man. This man's name was Xie Mengzhang. He was the former master of the Qinglong Palace in the Palace of the Beast Queen. a beast-shaped Qinglong.

The previous Beast Emperor passed away, and after the new Beast Emperor ascended the throne. he inherit the male concubine of the previous Beast Emperor.

In other words. Xie Mengzhang is now one of Yi Jin's male concubines.

Xie Mengzhang has long black hair lied in a jade crown and wears a black robe. He has a strong figure and handsome face.

He lowered his head towards Yi Jin and said, "Your Majesty, please turn over the cards."

Behind Xie Mengzhang. five young internal officials holding five trays concubines in the harem were neatly placed on the trays. There were 65 brands in tags of the male rank.

There should have been more.

The Beast Queen's Palace has four palaces: Qinglong. White Tiger, Suzaku. and Xuanwu. There are ten concubines in one palace, and there should be 80 concubines in its peak period.

There are now 65 left, and the remaining 15 are all dead. Most of the causes of death are related to the previous Beast King.

Yi Jin looked at the battle in front of him and rolled his eyes in his heart.

He's wearing a bookl

Damn it!

Isn't it because he was a little too curious and read a pornographic novel about malemalenp?

The novel was sent to him by Yi Jin's sister. He didn't even know the name. He only knew thal it was written by someone. He clicked in with a curious mind and read one. At the beginning. I collapsed in the office from exhaustion.

When I woke up again, the scenery in front of me was completely different.

Yijin entered the world of that novel.

This is what is written in the original book--

The Beast King of the Holy Beast Empire is the belief of the entire empire's orcs. He doesn't have to do anything but sleep with the male concubines in his harem every day.

The Beast King was born from the sacred, tree. She was the female with the highest spiritual power and the son. given by God. The Beast King would not have any heirs.

If the country's fortunes are prosperous, the beast emperor's life will last forever: if the country's fortunes decline, the beast emperor can be overthrown.

The male concubines of the Beast Emperor are the best orcs selected from all over the empire. They shoulder the important task of managing the country and govern in place of the Beast Emperor.

The male concubines all have their own exclusive talents and skills. After entering into marriage with the Beast King, their talents and skills are all tied to the Beast King.

The more favor you get from the Beast King, the stronger your talent and skills will be, and vice versa, the weaker you will be. and you may even die due to lack of favor.

Because the former Beast Emperor failed to fulfill his duties as an emperor, and did nol appease the male concubines in the harem, natural disasters continued throughoul the empire, and chaos broke oul everywhere. and the people were in dire straits. There were powerful enemies outside. waiting eagerly. ready to annex the territory of the Holy Beast Empire at any time.

Simply put, this country is a huge mess.

There is another big news.

The former Beast King was poisoned to death by the male concubines.

The Beast King was born from the Holy Tree, but actually came from another world. The people of the Holy Beast Empire were like opening a blind box, not knowing whal kind of person the Beast King born from the Holy Tree would be.

For example, the last Beast King was a straight man. He didn't want to be slept with by his male concubines for decades alter he was in power. He just thought this kind of thing was disgusting. But he was trapped in the palace and couldn't go anywhere. He faced if all day long. A group of men gradually became perverted, did many cruel things. and tortured many male concubines to death.

In addition, the former Beast King also sent several male concubines out to work.

It was said that he was working to relieve the Beast King, but in reality he was dispatched to remote areas.

Male concubines will become weak or even die if they don't get the favor of the Beast King. Those who are sent out are equivalent to waiting for death.

The former Beast Emperor did not fulfill his duties and slept in the harem. Naturally, the talents and skills of the male concubines in the harem gradually weakened, and eventually they gradually became unable to control the government.

Now many provinces in the Holy Beast Empire no longer listen to the royal family, and it is no different from autonomy.

The people's faith in the Beast King was aboul to collapse, so natural disasters continued to occur in the Holy Beast Empire, causing refugees to lood the land, a vicious cycle.

Seeing that the country was in ruins, in such a critical situation, the Palace Master of the Fourth Palace and some other male concubines teamed up to poison the former Beast King.

The mastermind is Xie Mengzhang of Qinglong Palace.

Yi Jin didn't have time to watch what was going to happen next.

Now he is facing Xie Mengzhang. the viper and scorpion who poisoned his last wife to death.

Xie Mengzhang knelt for a long time. Seeing that the new emperor was silent, he reminded him again: "Your Majesty--"

Yijin's wandering was interrupted. He came back to his senses. glanced at the green head card on the plate. and then looked at Xie Mengzhang, trembling.

-1 don't dare to choose one!

Who knows which of these male concubines participated in the murder of the late emperor?

He is so afraid of deathl

Xie Mengzhang is so bold. The former Beast King poisoned him to death if he said he would. If Yijin did something that Xie Mengzhang was not satisfied with, would he still be alive?

Yi Jin stuttered and said. "Um. 1. I just came here, and I'm still a little unaccustomed to it. so tonight... shouldn't I choose?"

Xie Mengzhang lowered his eyes to hide the disappointment in his eyes. He bowed his head to Yi Jin, and the waiters carried the trays out.

When Xie Mengzhang raised his head again. he looked directly at the holy face in a rebellious manner. "Your Majesty. Meng Zhang is bold and asks to stay and sleep with you tonight."

Yi Jin was sitting and Xie Mengzhang was kneeling. Yi Jin was obviously looking down at Xie Mengzhang, but when he met the man's dark eyes. he was suppressed by his strong aura and was speechless.

Yijin did not dare to refuse.

He said: "Okay."

Xie Mengzhang took a few steps on his knees, approached Yi Jin, and reached out to hold his right foot. Yi Jin shrank his feet in fear and stared at Xie Mengzhang in shock.

What does he want to do?

Xie Mengzhang raised his eyes. his gaze was so deep that Yi Jin couldn't understand it. but it was not dangerous. He said, "Your Majesty, I will undress you.

Yi Jin breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately. he didn't want to hit him. Did he just want to help him take off his shoes?

Yi Jin wanted to say no. he would take it off. but when he met Xie Mengzhang's eyes. he swallowed his refusal

Yi Jin had no choice but to say, "Okay."

After saying this word. Yi Jin felt the air pressure around him suddenly lighten up.


As expected. Xie Mengzhang was untouchable.

Xie Mengzhang lowered his head again, holding Yi Jin's right foot with his long and strong fingers, and helped him take off his boots with the other hand, then took off his bright yellow colored footwear, and then took them off in the same way. Boot for left foot.

Xie Mengzhang's movements are very slow. and even when he is doing such a job of serving others. he is extremely elegant.

Yijin's feet are not too big, and her skin is fair and smooth because he seldom walks. The blood vessels on the instep are well defined, and the shape of her toes is very beautiful.

The spring night was still slightly cool. and Yi Jin's feet were a little cold. Xie Mengzhang held his feet in the palm of his hand and gently squeezed them from the heel to the tips of the toes without any emotion, like He just used the warmth of his palms to warm Yijin's feel.

Yijin was indeed made very comfortable by the warmth of Xie Mengzhang's palms, and even wanted to sigh happily.

But he held back.

Xie Mengzhang's hands were so beautiful that Yi Jin fell a sense of blasphemy against beauty and moved his toes uncomfortably.

Xie Mengzhang let go of his feet, straightened up slightly, and went to untie the belt around Yijin's waist.

The robe that Yijin wore after bathing was like the bathrobe he wore in modern times. However, this bathrobe was also bright yellow , and it was made of excessively translucent fabric. It could not cover anything at all and would only make the His body was looming under the gauze, making it even more alluring.

He was not wearing any underwear, and the official refused to let him wear it. saying that the robe did not have underwear. and His Majesty did not need to wear it. Underwearpants. None of His Majesty's clothes have this thing.

Yi Jin seriously suspected that the author of the novel had set this up on purpose to facilitate the Beast King and his harem to engage in pornography.

The belt loosened easily, exposing "Okay. just sleep like this!" Yi Jin's fair chest. He grabbed the skirt of his clothes and said quickly:

After saying that. he retracted his legs upward and rolled into the dragon bed. leaving a lot of space for Xie Mengzhang.

The dragon bed is as big as a small house, so Xie Mengzhang had better not touch him.

Yi Jin honestly closed her eyes. not looking at Xie Mengzhang. and pretended to be sleepy.

He heard the rustle of cloth. It must be that Xie Mengzhang took off his clothes and lay down.

Xie Mengzhang's presence was so strong that Yi Jin was always afraid to sleep.

To be honest. if Yijin hadn't read the novel and knew that, Xie Mengzhang was a scorpion beautiful person, with Xie Mengzhang's appearance and temperament. he would have puť him to sleep long ago.

Xie Mengzhang is much prettier than the top male slars in his previous lifel


Yi Jin was thinking wildly. and Xie Mengzhang was also thinking a lot.

The new emperor also seemed unwilling to visit the harem.

He didn't want to delve into the reason. but he only knew that the male concubines in the harem could hardly wait any longer.

If the Beast King doesn't help. people will continue to die.

The empire can't wait any longer.

If Yijin still doesn't bear the responsibility of being the Beast King like the late emperor, then he Xie Mengzhang doesn't mind committing the crime and forcing Yijin.

If this doesn't work. then he will go against heaven again and change to a Beast King!

You've already done it once. so why not do it again?

Xie Mengzhang closed his eyes to hide the cold light in his eyes.

Xie Mengzhang moved to Yi Jin's side. to Yi Jin's side, leaning on his side and looking down at Yi Jin. His long black hair fell k to Yi Jin's cheek.

The new emperor has short black hair and a beautiful face. It is hard to tell whether he is male or female. He even worse than the previous emperor.

It's an appearance that makes people fall in love with him at first sight.

But as long as Xie Mengzhang thinks of all the misdeeds of the previous emperor. it is really difficult for him to have a good impression of the new emperor.

"Your Majesty." Xie Mengzhang whispered, "I serve your Majesty--"

One of his hands reached into the thin quilt and placed it on Yi Jin's thigh through the gauze.

But before he could make a move. Yi Jin opened his eyes. took his hand off. and said shyly: "Don't, don't be like this... We just met today, you are just a stranger to me, and a stranger It's very, very awkward for people to do it."

Yi Jin opened his almond-shaped eyes and said seriously. "Can you wait until we get to know each other betler?

This is of course an excuse.

Yi Jin didn't want to have sex with Xie Mengzhang, he had to find some way to escape.

Xie, Mengzhang retracted his hand without any embarrassment al being rejected, and simply said: "Yes, 1 understand.

It was true that he was impatient.

He should figure it out slowly.



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