Global Catastrophe: Open With 1000 Acres Of Survival Base

Global Catastrophe: Open With 1000 Acres Of Survival Base

Chapter 1: The Age of Catastrophe

"The news is now broadcast. Ningcheng Survival Base has suffered a geological lava disaster. A large amount of magma has poured into the Ningcheng Survival Base. It has caused 35,623 deaths, more than 80,000 people missing, and more than 130,000 people injured. . We now call on all survival bases to actively donate supplies..."

"Guicheng Survival Base was attacked by alien beasts. The north wall of the base collapsed. The number of victims has now risen to 3,453."

"Yuecheng Survival Base suffered from an extremely cold wave, and 2,263 people were killed."

Su Yuan drove a large truck, listened to the radio, and couldn't help but cursed:

"Damn it, why did I travel to the era of catastrophe!"

Seven days ago, Su Yuan traveled to this world parallel to Blue Star. This place entered the era of catastrophe a year ago. The living environment was very harsh, supplies were extremely scarce, and everyone lived in a survival base.

Of course, rich people can build their own private survival base and enjoy king-like treatment.

People like Su Yuan risk their lives and deliver supplies to various survival bases every day, so they can have enough to eat.

But in the survival base, you have to work hard every week for 996, and you have to work hard to get it.

Otherwise, you can only live on the subsistence allowance, a bowl of porridge every day, and life will be more painful than death.

Su Yuan finished delivering the goods and was on his way back to Company T. He didn't dare to drive too fast.

Because of the cold snap last night, the bumpy roads were covered with five to six centimeters of ice.

His usual three-hour journey took more than five hours today.

If he hadn't returned to Company T's survival base before dark, he would have had no choice but to freeze outside.

"God bless, the car must not break down!" Su Yuan thought to himself.

He remembered that one of his colleagues went out with him in the morning and did not come back at night.

Finally, he learned that his colleague was unlucky and encountered an extreme cold wave in broad daylight. He was driving a car at a speed of 60 or 70 horses, and was frozen on the road by the extreme cold wave.

By the time rescue arrived, the man had no vital signs and had to be buried on the spot.

After dark, the chance of encountering a cold wave is much greater than during the day.

Su Yuan drove nervously, looking ahead, and the car slowly avoided the big potholes on the road.

This four-lane highway has not been built since the era of catastrophe.

Be especially careful when running. The big trees on both sides of the road can fall down at any time, and you never know when the ground will collapse.

If it weren't for having enough food and one day off a week, Su Yuan would never be able to work as a transport driver.

After driving for more than half an hour, Su Yuan felt that the day went smoothly. He did not encounter any dangers along the way, and the car did not have any problems. After a while, he could reach the survival base.

However, before Su Yuan could be happy, he saw a big tree falling on the road in front of him.

This kind of thing happens almost every time we drive.

Su Yuan's car was also equipped with equipment to deal with unexpected emergencies.

He stopped the car, put on the mechanical exoskeleton, took the electric saw, walked to the big tree, sawed off the branches of the big tree, and sawed the trunk into pieces.

Then he picked up a tree trunk weighing two to three hundred kilograms and threw it to the side of the road.

Because of the mechanical exoskeleton, Su Yuan can easily lift objects weighing more than 500 kilograms, so it doesn't take much effort.

After going back and forth like this several times, Su Yuan finished cleaning up the big tree, returned to the car, and heard a few more wolf howls in his ears.

Su Yuan hurriedly raised his head and looked out the windshield. Two large foxwolves blocked the truck, grinning and growling at him.

"Exotic beast?"

Su Yuan looked at the fox wolf in surprise. The fox wolf had the body of a wolf and the mouth of a fox. This was the first time he had seen a wolf bigger than a tiger, and it was also the first time he had seen a strange beast after traveling through time.

Alien beasts are the result of countless animals suffering from various extreme weather conditions, rapidly evolving, and they are still constantly alienating.

The two jackals were obviously very hungry and wanted to eat him.

One of the foxwolves jumped directly towards him and hit the windshield of the truck hard.

Even though the truck's windshield was made of thickened bulletproof glass, it was hit by the jackal and had several cracks.

Su Yuan quickly started the truck and hit the fox wolf.

The two foxwolves slyly avoided the truck, and then found an opportunity to jump more than five meters high to the top of the cab, trying to use their sharp claws to tear open the steel plate on the top of the cab.

Su Yuan became anxious and stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, trying to throw the two foxwolves off.

The truck was speeding on the uneven road, just like driving a bouncer. It was shaking so hard that it looked like the truck was about to fall apart.

The two foxwolves stretched out their claws that were sharper than knives, slashed through the steel plate of the roof, and clung to the roof of the car, unwilling to be thrown off.

Su Yuan didn't expect the alien beast to be so difficult to deal with. He picked up the shotgun provided by T Company and fired two shots at the roof of the car.

Bang bang!

A fox wolf whined and fell down.

Su Yuan had been a soldier before and had very flexible hands and feet. While driving, he used his ears to identify the location of the other fox wolf. Then he shot twice and the other fox wolf also fell down.

Finally getting rid of the fox wolf, Su Yuan laughed, looked at the sharp turn ahead, and hurriedly stepped on the brakes to slow down the truck.

However, the speed was too fast, the brakes did not work at all, and the wheels slipped on the ice. Su Yuan's truck drifted directly into a sharp turn, rushed off the road, and hit a big tree on the side of the road.

The huge force directly knocked down a big tree, and the truck also overturned to the ground.

The airbag deployed, saving Su Yuan's life.

Su Yuan climbed out of the truck. Except for the skin on the palm of his left hand being scratched and bleeding, there was no other injury.

On the palm of his left hand, there was a golden galaxy-shaped birthmark, which was burning hot after being covered in blood.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Su Yuan didn't pay attention to the abnormality on his left hand, so he picked up the walkie-talkie and wanted to call for help.

But when he took out the walkie-talkie, he discovered that it was broken and useless.

"It's over! It's over. It's going to be dark soon. If I don't return to the survival base, I will probably freeze to death."

Su Yuan was unwilling to sit still and wait for death, so he climbed into the cab again, took out the mechanical exoskeleton and shotgun, and ran to the survival base.

Because he wears a mechanical exoskeleton, Su Yuan can run almost as fast as a bicycle.

But just a few minutes after running, I heard the cry of the foxwolf again.

Su Yuan turned around and looked behind him. The two fox wolves from before were not dead. One was injured in the leg, and the other was injured in the stomach. They chased after him again, and their speed was much faster than Su Yuan.

Su Yuan knew he couldn't escape, so he turned around and faced the foxwolf, aiming his shotgun at the foxwolf.

The two fox wolves were very smart and immediately separated and rushed towards Su Yuan.

Seeing the two fox wolves running within fifteen meters, Su Yuan fired directly, aimed at the eye of one fox wolf, and killed him with one shot.

The other fox wolf took the opportunity to throw Su Yuan to the ground and bit his neck.

Su Yuan quickly picked up the shotgun and pressed it against the fox wolf's mouth.

Although the foxwolf's teeth were sharp, it could not bite the barrel of the shotgun for a while.

Su Yuan found an opportunity, pulled out the dagger tied to his arm, stabbed the fox wolf in the eye, and twisted the fox wolf's brain.

After killing the fox wolf, Su Yuan gasped for air. The physical strength of his time-traveled body was still a bit weak. Even wearing a mechanical exoskeleton, it was very difficult to deal with the alien fox wolf.

Fortunately, Su Yuan had served as a soldier, and his marksmanship and fighting skills were not weak.

Moreover, ever since Su Yuan learned about the existence of strange beasts, he would tie a dagger to his arms and calves every time he got out of the car.

Otherwise, the shotguns equipped by Company T alone would not be able to kill these two foxwolves.

Su Yuan stood up and prepared to return to the base.

At this time, a mechanical and cold voice sounded in his mind.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for living in the era of catastrophe for seven days, killing two strange beasts, successfully activating the survival base system, and opening the novice gift package!"


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