Dear Vampire You Are Only MINE "Timeless Treasures"

Dear Vampire You Are Only MINE "Timeless Treasures"

Chapter 1: The New Beginnings

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This shop, "Timeless Treasures," was owned by a reclusive old man named Mr. Whitaker. Recently, he hired a young assistant, a boy named Ethan, whose life was about to be intertwined with beings far older and more mysterious than he could ever imagine....
Ethan's first day at "Timeless Treasures" was filled with awe and curiosity. The shop was a labyrinth of old clocks, faded paintings, and ancient books, each with its own story. As he meticulously dusted a shelf of delicate porcelain, the shop bell jingled, announcing the arrival of a customer...
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"Ethan, could you please attend to the customer?" Mr. Whitaker called
his voice gravelly with age...
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
making his way to the front...
And then..
Ethan's POV
I was met with the sight of three strikingly beautiful individuals. There was an air of timeless elegance about them, their features flawless and eyes gleaming with an intensity that made him feel both drawn and unsettled.
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Good morning...How can I help you?" Sir, (greeted them with a polite smile) 😊
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
(The man in the center, who seemed to be the leader, stepped forward. His voice was smooth and velvety....) *in mind*
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
"We’re looking for something... special.
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
An artifact that has been lost through the ages."
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan blinked, taken aback by the request. "We have many rare items. Could you be more specific?"
Ethan's POV
The woman beside the man smiled, her red lips contrasting sharply with her pale skin...
Selene Marov
Selene Marov
"We’re looking for the Blood Amulet. It’s an ancient relic, rumored to be in this area."
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
I had heard of many artifacts in his short time working here, but the Blood Amulet was not one of them... 🤔
Before Ethan could respond, Mr. Whitaker appeared from the back, his eyes narrowing at the trio.. 👀
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
Is there something I can assist you with?"
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
(Mr. Whitaker asked, his tone worry..)
The Third visitor, another man with piercing Blue Eyes, stepped forward..
Lucian Vorst
Lucian Vorst
"We are merely inquiring about an old legend, sir. We mean no harm."
Mr. Whitaker's expression softened slightly..
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"Legends often lead to trouble. But, if you’re interested in artifacts, you’re welcome to look around."
As the Three guests dispersed to browse the shop, Mr. Whitaker pulled Ethan aside.
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"Be careful around them," he whispered. "They’re not who they seem."
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Who are they?? (frowned)😕
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"Vampires," Mr. Whitaker said bluntly..
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
Ancient ones. They’ve been searching for that amulet for centuries."
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan’s heart skipped a beat. He had always been fascinated by the supernatural, but hearing it confirmed was something entirely different...
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
He glanced back at the trio, who now seemed even more enigmatic..👀👀
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian approached Ethan once more...
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
Hey Young boy... come here
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
"You seem knowledgeable about the artifacts here. Do you believe in the legends?"
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
(He asked..) with polite smile 😊
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
( hesitated) "I think every legend has a bit of truth in it."
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
(Adrian's eyes sparkled with amusement), 🤩🤩
Adrian Drakovick
Adrian Drakovick
"Wise for your age. We will return, young Ethan. And perhaps, you’ll help us uncover the truth."
With that, the trio left, their departure as silent as their arrival...
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
Ethan exhaled, not realizing he had been holding his breath..🙆
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
"Why didn’t you tell me we had vampires visiting?"( To Mr. Whitaker,)
Ethan Carter
Ethan Carter
(his voice a mix of excitement and fear..)😱
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
"Because you wouldn’t have believed me," (Mr. Whitaker replied. ")😕
Mr. Whitaker
Mr. Whitaker
And because some things are better discovered firsthand...
As the day continued, Ethan couldn’t shake the feeling that his life was about to change dramatically. He was right. The arrival of the vampires marked the beginning of a new chapter, one filled with danger, secrets, and a romance that would defy time itself...
And so, Ethan's journey into the world of the supernatural began, with each tick of the antique clocks in "Timeless Treasures" marking a step deeper into the unknown...


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