I'Ve Been Caught By The Tyrant Traps
EP 78
The sunlight filtered softly through the dense canopy as Bernice and Lionel continued their search deeper into the forest. The silence between them was comfortable, the sounds of nature their only companions.
Bernice Nilsson/FL bff
*Calm, focused*The tracks are getting fresher. We must be close.
Lionel Ahlgren/Chief Advisor/ML bff
*Trying to stay cool*Yeah, I think you're right. You're really good at this, Bernice. It's like second nature to you.
Bernice Nilsson/FL bff
*Glancing at him, smirking* Years of training, Lionel. But thanks.
Lionel admired her confidence and poise
This is a Fantasy world, right? Or is it a mordern fantasy? How does he know what a movie is? Why don't they have phones too?