Beneath The Family Crest

Beneath The Family Crest

The Prisoner's Release

The banquet Hall in the imperial palace was filled with the laughs and gossips by the time she arrived. It was almost 10:00 pm by now. She felt the glares of the nobles on her. She can tell what they were talking about. .. her...she shut her beautiful garnet eyes, took a breath and opened them again.

She shouldn't let them get the best of her,she thought, not today... today's the day to celebrate the end of 2 year long war. It was a glorious night for her father's friend who came victorious from the war. She should be happy for him as her father would have been for him. The thought of her father made her heart ache.

Greetings, Miss Oleander " A woman in her thirties approached her, red dressed with a lot of make up. She pretended not to hear her and turned her back making her silver hair in the ponytail to swirl. That woman spoke in her snobby tone," It looks like the young miss has no manners whatsoever." she looked around for the other nobles to side with her and they did.

"Quite arrogant. "

"All she has is her family name yet acts out of line."

"Well even if she is, she should at least greet countess Brenard. That's an insult to her.."

"An insult you say."she turned towards them and smiled "What about her? She had the audacity to greet the duchess without any manners whatsoever. No curtsy and dared to talk to me in that snobbish tone of hers regardless of our difference in status. "dhe sighed, "Have you ever seen a countess talking informally to a duchess when they aren't even acquainted?" she looked at the nobles who were taken aback and rolled her eyes to the countess who by now had a pale face. "If I were in your shoes, I would've left this place by now, Miss Brenard. "

The countess blushed with embarrassment and left the hall gritting her teeth. The nobles left making excuses because they didn’t want to be her next target of fury.

"Looks like someone made your mood foul again."

"Should we teach them a lesson?"

She turned and gleamed,"Arum" she said as she looked at the girl with red locks tied in a bun. Her emerald eyes smiled as she closed the fan in her hands. She looked at the other girl with blonde hair and bright blue eyes, "Lazuli. Long time no see."

"Well it really has been a while. I suppose we've been too busy the pastfew days. "smiled Lazuli.

"My! Luna you've got so thin! Aren't you eating properly? " Arum gasped. "I guess I was too busy these days." she laughed. "Seriously, you look haggard. Don't skip your meals."

"Anyways, congratulations Arum. Your father has been victorious in the war." said Luna after a chuckle. "The emperor is probably going to reward your family. Has your father thought of what he would like if the emperor allows him to choose for himself?"

"Well I think he has, but he won't tell us." she looked at the door and said" Oh the royal family is entering."

Everyone bowed while the emperor sat on his throne. "Well then, shall we reward the hero of the war now? Name it, Duke Rezef Li,. " He looked at the man standing in front of him. He was in his forties ,had red wavy hair down to his hip bone tied up and emerald green eyes..the familial characteristic of Lily duchy.

"Whatever you like to, your majesty. "his voice was powerful as he spoke.

"I thought about it long and hard and I came to a conclusion that I will grant one wish of yours. How's that?"

"Well if that's the case then..." He remained silent, unsure if his majesty would allow it.

"Don't hesitate. I'll keep my word."

"Then" after a long silence Duke Lily spoke " I would like to ask you to release my brother."

A huge uproar came from the nobles. "Silence. " and the nobles quieted down. The emperor continued "You want me to release your brother Owen from the prison knowing fully well that he's the one who massacred the Whisteria duchy and also attempted to kill you?"

Rezef said nothing. He knew perfectly well that it wasn't possible for Owen to be released. His neck was saved from lifetime imprisonment in peril of despair to replace his death penalty ,but asking to set him free...

"Hahahaha. "The emperor laughed. "I didn't think that you would ask for something like this. You never fail to amuse me. Fine. I'll grant it."

Before the nobles could oppose this, he continued "But he will be removed from the duke's family. He will live as a noble with no title"

The duke's eyes gleamed and he bowed before the emperor "Thank you, your majesty." "Of course he can earn the title if he does any contribution, that is to say, if he can make his way to gain a title. Till then, he'll be a fallen noble. "The emperor added. The smile on Rezef's face was priceless.

The emperor stood from his throne and addressed the people, "Hear ye! I, Callisto Clematis, the 21st emperor of Evimería, hereby release Owen, 3rd child of former duke Felix Lily, from the prison and he shall not be held accountable for his previous crimes. He will gain his title back by sheer hardwork. "

The emperor sat back and mumbled "I guess 'blood is thicker than water' is valid even for brothers who fight for power."

He adressed the people, "I hope you all enjoy tonight's banquet to your hearts content ."





loving it 😍



Sabrina Rahim

Sabrina Rahim




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