I'm Not An Innocent Girl... So What?

I'm Not An Innocent Girl... So What?

I guess this is what usually happens.

I guess getting married by contract is as old as the hills, the modern thing is getting married for Love, and even so, to be honest, I never imagined as a contractual wife, but well ... I didn't imagine myself like a married woman either, and here we are. I have read so many stories of deceived women, who got married without knowing what they were getting into…  and here I am,  just that I know very well what I’m doing, and I will never would  do it if was blind about it.

Just that knowing and agreeing doesn’t guarantee success. There’s a high chance of complications. Luckily, I’m not a naive 20-year-old about to marry. At 35, I can take care of myself, I have my own place and I have traveled the world. Yet, here I am, considering a 5-year marriage contract, with the option to extend if all parties involved agree no matter if we are two or four if you know what that means.

I need to figure out where to start. The best point would be when he asked me to marry him.  My best answer was a big laugh; the only background between us was a kiss a long time ago, a really good one, but it wasn't a big deal; this time I found him fleeing from a horde of "ladies" who surrounded him like a great artist, oblivious to the effect his foreign accent had on some "good" girls.

For my part, I just watched while drinking some of my beer, a very well-paid one, the fruit of my hard work. I think I look like the least dangerous woman on the planet because he came to talk to me while he was trying to escape from the "girl fans". We talked for quite a while, partly in his language and partly in mine. I told him that this was a trip we could call mixed, part work, part fun; more friends and other "ladies" trying to get his attention arrived and he came closer to me, then more of his friends arrived with whom he talked happily. We all exchanged contacts and then I left alone and quietly to my hotel. I would be here for at least 2 semesters, which I had committed to as a professor at the university based on this tropical island, So, It seemed like a good idea to make us friends, since he would also be here for a while.

We coincided several more times in that nightclub and many others, as a group, we met to go out and dance, listen to music, and entertain ourselves as  the 18-year-olds think we 30+ don't do it (news, yes we do it, but the hangover and lack of sleep hit harder). Every time something similar happened: we were at the party, he would chat happily with his friends, but he would run away from the girls as if they were the plague and we would end up going dancing. Over time I gained confidence and lost precautions, I know that when I drink I can go off the boil a little bit, and if you do not know if there is someone to trust it is better to hold the urge to drink, but, that night I felt confident and at ease, moreover I came to think that again this aura of frigidity that tending to looks like a uninterst in the opposite sex had led me to find new “gay” friend.

Yes, I know I was biased, I accept it, I'm not proud of it, not much of what I have done drunk is a source of pride.

Anyway, I was already dancing bachata with the guy, we were chatting and in the end, I told him I thought he was gay....

He opened his eyes as if they were going to pop out and his mouth to  trying to talk, thenI realized that I had been very tongue-tied with someone I barely knew and I started to apologize. He tried to interrupt me and I kept apologizing, then he kissed me, while he pushed me into the dark, against the wall I realized that he handled those hands with skill, he knew where to put them when kissing.

Once the song was over, we broke up and I laughed again, I said -ok, ok, the message got through, sorry for the misunderstanding- we sat down and continued chatting and drinking. That moment reminded me of my college days where it was common to end up kissing someone new going out somewhere, or If the kiss was good like the one with the aforementioned, he could become the trusted “friend with the right to kiss”.

I know, I'm not a saint, I'm not a libertarian either. I simply believe that I have the right to decide, I believe that having sex or not having sex does not define me in my morals, other things do, like the decisions I make about who I have relationships with. I also think that this play called marriage and more expressly, the marriage contract is what those involved consider it to be.


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