The Devil CEO Is In Love With Me!?

The Devil CEO Is In Love With Me!?


“You're ready to go?” Dad asked from the other line. 

“Mhm!” It's all lies. I'm not ready for that! It's my first day there. How am I supposed to be ready and normal on the first day? I'm freaking out inside but it's not like I can say this to anyone as I've fought for this. 

“When are you leaving?” I snapped out of my thoughts as he inquired again. 


“You know how to get there, right?”


“Okay! I'm hanging up! Don't be late!”


I've been here for the last 20 days and have learnt the ways around here. I picked up my bag and left for college. My first day in College.

God, please don't let me forget the way. Just this time! Help me please! 

I took a taxi as it is an hour away from where I currently am, thanks to the traffic. I've reached here quite early I guess. And I'm feeling kinda awkward with all these new faces around me. Would it help if I was blind and couldn't see? But I can't even see right now. I'm too nervous and I tend to get rude in moments like this. 

I headed to the library after calling my dad to tell him that I reached safely. The library was stuffed I guess. I couldn't find a single chair as I've gone blind from all the nervousness and awkwardness. Well, I found one and i made my way towards it bumping into several other people. These kids are so annoying. For the love of god! Can anyone just ask them to shut up? A bunch of them are sitting behind me and they've been laughing and talking loudly which is getting really irritating. Can i just punch these Mannerless kids? This is a library not some cafe or zoo. I took out my phone and a notebook as I've no clue which book I should read. I tried focusing on the eBook in front of me but I couldn't as I'm busy eavesdropping. There is a guy sitting beside me who has brought a fucking laptop here. What the fuck is he even doing? Searching word meanings on google? Stupid guy! He looks kinda ugly though and introverted too. The stupid kids behind me are making plans for hanging out. I don't know when but they are for sure making plans. Maybe if i made some friends, I would behave like this too. Forget it! I checked my phone for the time and there's still half an hour left for my class. Sad! I texted my new friend who I met just a few days ago here. I got her number too. I asked her to wait for me when she gets there. She's my only friend here. At least, I know someone here. I continued eavesdropping and giving side eyes.

The bright lights are making my head hurt. 

Painfully, I looked again at the screen. 15 minutes left. I think I should go and find my seat. 

I got up and left after bumping into another guy. I'm too nervous to look at anyone's face. I scurried away as if death itself is following me. 

I asked a staff member if they knew which classroom I should head to and they helped me out. I peeped through the door. Holy shit! It's full! Am I late? WTF? 

I opened the door and got in as several heads turned towards me. Please don't look at me guys! Please! I made my way to one of the empty chairs as more people started coming inside the classroom. 

“Hey! Can you move to the other seat, please?" 

“Y-yeah! Sure!” 

She was a bubbly girl and pretty too. I think I got another friend here. 

“Is this your first day here?”


“My name is Nina!”

“I am Lily!” I said excitedly. 

A few more girls came and sat behind us and all of them started talking and everyone introduced themselves to me as I did the same. 

I looked up at the door as I saw my friend walking with some of her friends. I asked her to sit beside me but she just smiled and walked up to the front seat. My heart shattered at that moment but forget it. I made new friends! Yay! 

So all of us talked until the teacher walked in and holy shit! He's drop dead gorgeous. Masculinity is radiating from his body. Tall, sharp, handsome. His eyes look so fucking beautiful. Damn! Is this really a teacher? Judging from his looks he's in his 20s only. 

I came out of my thoughts as he started teaching loudly. Asking the kids which topic he's going to cover today and what else we're gonna learn. 

Whatever he's talking about, I don't know a damn thing. I'm fucking confused man. Like, really! 

He asked some students if they took the test last weekend and some nodded while those who didn't got scolded. 

Can this class just be over? I've no fucking clue what he's teaching and the kids are writing whatever shit he's talking about. I sneakily peeped in Nina’s notebook and copied those words. 2 hours of crazy torture and now it's over after he gave us some homework. 

He left and we all started talking again. I asked them about tomorrow's class and they told me what to bring and what was the last homework assignment. We all headed out. 

Dad called and we both strolled the whole evening just talking and completing the procedure for a dorm room Or even an apartment.

By the end of the night, I decided I wanted to stay in the hostel for the rest of the time. 

2 days later, my dad left me at the door of the dorm with all my stuff and though I don't wanna admit it, I was bawling my eyes out. I tried to control my feelings as my new roommate started showing me everything and then she left for her class.

I talked to her and got to know that she's a senior, and she's here for some more months,, and then she'll move out.

That makes me want to cry even more but looking at the bright side, she introduced me to another senior who lived in the next room.





ooh start



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