~We Have Each Other

~We Have Each Other

Chapter 1: The First Glance

Isabella Morgan had a reputation. She was the girl who always knew the answers, who could solve complex equations in her head and recite Shakespeare from memory. Teachers praised her, parents envied her, and her classmates either admired or resented her. To many, she seemed almost perfect—diligent, polite, and unfailingly kind. But beneath the surface of her composed exterior, Isabella harbored a secret so startlingly at odds with her image that even she sometimes struggled to understand it.

Her secret began with a glance.

It was a rainy Tuesday afternoon when Isabella first noticed him—not for the first time, but truly noticed him. She was sitting in the school library, her sanctuary, surrounded by stacks of textbooks and notebooks. The soft patter of rain against the windows provided a soothing backdrop to her studies. Lost in the world of quantum mechanics, she barely registered the commotion at the entrance.

That was until he walked in.

Liam Carter, the school's most notorious troublemaker, entered the library as if he owned the place. He had a swagger that spoke of endless confidence, a smirk that suggested he found the world amusingly trivial. With his dark, tousled hair and piercing blue eyes, Liam was every bit the quintessential bad boy. Teachers dreaded him, parents warned their children about him, and most students kept their distance, fearing his unpredictable temper and infamous pranks.

Isabella had heard all the stories. Everyone had. But seeing him up close, she felt something shift inside her. It wasn't fear or disdain, as she had expected. It was curiosity, a magnetic pull she couldn't explain.

Liam sauntered to a table at the back, where his usual group of friends awaited. They were laughing, talking loudly, and generally ignoring the "Quiet" signs posted around the room. Isabella watched out of the corner of her eye, trying not to be obvious. She noticed how Liam's eyes sparkled with mischief, how his laugh seemed to light up his whole face. He had a charisma that was undeniable, even to someone like her who valued order and discipline.

As she pretended to focus on her notes, she couldn't help but replay the scene in her mind. Liam, despite his rough edges and unruly behavior, had a presence that was hard to ignore. There was a fire in him, a raw energy that contrasted starkly with her own methodical and cautious nature.

Over the next few days, Isabella found herself noticing Liam more and more. In the hallways, during lunch breaks, even in the rare classes they shared. She saw how he moved through the world with a confidence she envied, how he seemed so free from the expectations that weighed heavily on her. And the more she watched, the more she realized that her feelings were growing stronger.

It was absurd, she told herself. She was Isabella Morgan, top of the class, destined for greatness. She had no business feeling anything for someone like Liam Carter. He was trouble, pure and simple. Yet, there was something undeniably magnetic about him, something that drew her in despite her better judgment.

One afternoon, fate—or perhaps mere coincidence—threw them together. Isabella was leaving the chemistry lab, arms laden with books, when she collided with someone rounding the corner at speed. Her books scattered across the floor, and she felt herself begin to topple.

Strong hands caught her just in time. She looked up, heart pounding, to find Liam staring down at her, his blue eyes filled with a mix of surprise and amusement.

"You should watch where you're going," he said, his voice low and teasing.

Isabella felt her cheeks flush. "I—I'm sorry," she stammered, hastily gathering her books. "I didn't see you."

Liam knelt to help her, picking up a heavy textbook with ease. "You seem pretty distracted for someone who's always so focused," he remarked, handing the book to her. His fingers brushed hers, and she felt a spark of electricity at the contact.

She straightened up, clutching the book to her chest. "Thank you," she said, avoiding his gaze. "I should get going."

"Hey," he said, stopping her as she turned to leave. "Isabella, right?"

She nodded, surprised he knew her name. "Yes."

Liam's smirk softened into a genuine smile. "See you around, Isabella."

As she walked away, her heart racing, Isabella couldn't help but glance back. Liam was still watching her, a curious expression on his face. She hurried down the hallway, trying to calm the flurry of emotions inside her. For the first time in her life, Isabella Morgan found herself utterly and completely distracted. And the reason was none other than Liam Carter, the school bully who had somehow, inexplicably, captured her heart.


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