Azusa Mukami

Azusa Mukami

Mukami monologue

Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Mukami Prologue


ーー I asked him for eternal life.

As he looked back at me with a straight face,

a sudden laughter erupted from his lips and he spoke.

Rather than living peacefully as a pig,

I would rather suffer as a human. (1)

With a feeling of satisfaction, I gazed back at him.

I did not even have to say,

that this was exactly the answer I was looking for.

He continued.

I want you to watch over the entirety of the human world.

Since my life will soon to come an end.

I nodded while laughing.

Despite its casual, hasty nature,

I was strongly aware of the fact that,

our promise was more important than anything else.

I shall become his eyes and keep watch.

Until the end of time…

How people and those who are not human meet,

and continue to mingle with each other.

Without a doubt, this must be my duty, as someone who was given eternal life.

Taking the place of he who has set his mind on menkind’s knowledge,

seeking out the ultimate truth and therefore has chosen,

to live as a human…

???: However, I am in despair.  By this feeling of loss.

What has been lost? I do not need to give the answer…

As the person who ate the apple…Continued to live on…We lost something truly valuable.

Everything degenerated, rotting away, falling victim

to what is known as corruption… (2)

*Tick tick*

???: There is no other way. Our new Eve…I shall leave everything in your hands.


Yui: …!?

( Something made…an incredibly loud noise just now…? )

ー Yui awakens in her room

Yui: …!?

( It sounded incredibly close…As if something got destroyed…But nothing seems to be wrong…? )

Am I just imagining thi…Eh? Waah!?

Ayato: Zzー …. Zzー … The octopus…The octopus is…Its legs…

Yui: A-Ayato-kun!? Why are you here? …Wait, octopus!?

( I should have been alone when I fell asleep yesterday…Wait, huh…!? )

Laito: Nfu…~ Bitch-chan…Come on…My mouth’s right ・ over・ here~ ♪

Yui: Laito-kun as well…

( On top of that…He seems to be having a weird dream. …I don’t even want to imagine it… )

Kanato: Uunnー …Teddy…I can’t…eat no more…Mm…

Yui: Kanato-kun too…

( Haah…I thought I was having some kind of strange dream, but at some point, these triplets muts have snuck inside my bed… )


Yui: ( I’ll quietly sneak out…Trying my best not to wake them… )

Ayato: … ーー Hold it.

ー Ayato moves on top of her

Yui: Eh…!?

Ayato: Where are you trying to go, leaving me behind? Chichinashi.

Yui: …Ayato-kun…Y-You were awake…?

Ayato: ‘You’re awake’, my ass. (3) Answer my question.

Yui: Where…? …Well…I’m a little thirsty so…Could you get off me?

Ayato: Don’t wanna.

Yui: B-But…I’m just…gonna go have a sip of water…Promised.

Laito: ーー You’re such a naughty girl, Bitch-chan~

Yui: Laito-kun…!?

Laito: Instead of you…We are the ones who are truly parched, you see~? Fufufu…

As your owners, soothing our parched throats should come first, right? Nfu…~

Yui: Y…You may say that but…

Kanato: Exactly…I figured you would get the gist by now, without us having to actually say it out.

Yui: Kanato-kun, you too…!?

Kanato: …You are ridiculing us. It seems like you were wrongly assuming that you can act of your own accord just because we were asleep.

Yui: That’s not…

Kanato: Admit it…!

Yui: No…Even if you ask me to admit it…

( This is bad…By this point, it’s already too late to complain about their unreasonable requests so it can’t be helped, but…At this rate… )

Ayato: Oi, Kanato. Who cares ‘bout that bullshit. Move. I just woke up and I’m totally parched.

Chichinashi, let me suck you…

Yui: ( …! Of course it turns out like this! )


Ayato: ーー Hehehe…Keep still.

Yui: W-Wait…!!

Laito: Geez, Ayato-kun. You can’t hog her for yourself, you know? Nfu~

Did you forget about our gentlemen’s agreement which states Bitch-chan belongs to aaaaall of us~?

Ayato: Idiot. I’m not keeping her to myself or anything. It just means I get to suck her first.

Laito: I don’t like that excuse of yours…

Kanato: He’s right…Please don’t decide that by yourself.

Ayato: Shut up…Then why don’t we just all suck her at the same time!?

Laito: Nfu~ That’s what I like to hear! …Aah, Bitch-chan writhing around in pleasure…

While being ganged up on by three Vampires…Just by imagining it…Haah, it gives me chills…!

Yui: …W-Wait…That’s…

Ayato: What’s the matter? …Aah? Aren’t you happy? You lewd woman…No point in still hiding it, we all know you love this. …Don’t you?

Kanato: Fufu…Exactly. You love being toyed around with like this…almost if we’re treating you like a little doll.

Yui: That’s not true…!

Laito: Haah…No point in talking back when your cheeks are flushed like that…I’ve pretty much reached my limit…

Please give me your…delicious blood~ ♪


Yui: …!!

( A-At this rate, all three of them will…But…!! )


Yui: …Not right now…!!

( My body…won’t move as I want it to. )

Ayato: Hehehe…Haah…Only your blood is of the finest quality, Chichinashi…

ーー Here I come. I’ll trust my fangs right into you…Deeply…Pushing the limits…

Kanato: Haah…Hey, look this way…Look at me…

Open your eyes wide, and watch from begining till end, okay? …Fufu…

Yui: I can’t…!!

Reiji: That’s enough!

Yui: …!?

Reiji: Haah…You lot, are you truly trying to have your fill in such a way first thing in the morning?

Not only is it shameful, but it shows of no manners. Honestly, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Yui: Reiji-san…

( T-Thank god…! )

Ayato: Che…What’s your problem…? Things were just ‘bout to get good…You should just join us too, Four-eyes!

Reiji: In your dreams. Furthermore, I wish you’d refrain from using said nickname.

Come on, you too. Don’t just stand there with that dumb expression of yours and come over here.

ー Reiji pulls her closer

Yui: Ah…!

Reiji: Those fools snuck into your bed because you carelessly exposed your sleeping figure to them.

Yui: I…I’m sorry…

Reiji: Haah…I cannot help but doubt whether you are truly reflecting upon your actions or not.

Yui: ( I did lock my door before going to bed though… )

Reiji: Well then, you lot should stop lazing around and get up as well!

Laito: Haahー …When your delicious snack gets confiscated right in front of your eyes, it’s hard to find the motivation to do so.

Kanato: My thoughts exactly…If I collapse at school, it’ll be yours…and Reiji’s fault, understood?

Yui: But…!

Reiji: Kanato. I am more than aware that your body is much more sturdy than it looks like.

You too, Laito! This ‘movation’ you speak of something that only shows itself in front of women, is it not?

Laito: Nfu~ Seems like you know me veeeeery well…Haah…

Guess it can’t be helped. Guess I’ll go and kill some time at school then…

Reiji: I will not take responsiblity if you get expelled again. Father warned you that there will be no second chances as well.

Laito: So scary…Nfu…~

ー Laito steps out of the room

Ayato: Che…Oi, Chichinashi! If you think you’re getting away with this, you’re gravely mistaken!

ー Ayato leaves as well

Kanato: Exactly…! Until I’ve had your blood…This anger inside of me will not settle down, so brace yourself!

ー Kanato steps away at last

Yui: Phew…

Reiji: It’s too early to sigh in relief. You should reconsider your own position as well.

Do you understand? That your blood…

ー He moves closer

Yui: …!?

Reiji: Is more special than anyone else’s…

Yui: That’s…I’m trying to understand to the best of my abilities but…

Reiji: If you understand, don’t you think you should be a little more careful? …Of me.

…Why are you turning your head away?

Yui: N-No…Well…Your face is awfully close so…Besides…

Reiji: Furthermore…?

Yui: Y-Your hands are on my hips…

Reiji: This is to lecture you, making sure you properly understand the situation you are currently in.

Yui: ( Uuuu…Reiji-san’s kind of…silent and scary… )

Please let go…

ー He steps away

Reiji: If you understand now, please take into account your current situation a little more, would you?

It feels as if the finest of feasts has a ribbon wrapped around it, wandering freely and up for grabs, so to speak.

It is a nuisance, frankly speaking. Although the other brothers do not seem to realize that.

Reiji: I am not the kind of person to lunge at and greedily devour a meal as soon as I lay my eyes on it, nor do I wish to do so.

However, if you continue to be this defenseless, even someone as myself will no longer be able to suppress my instincts with reason.

See, like this…


Yui: …!?

( E-Even Reiji-san…!? )

Yui: S…Stop…!!

ー She closes her eyes

Reiji: You truly are a fool.

Yui: …Eh!?

W-Were you teasing me?

Reiji: Please do not ask me questions when the answer should be obvious.

Are you disappointed? That you didn’t get your blood sucked by me…?

Yui: That’s not…

Reiji: Well then, get ready already! The limousine will be to pick us up in twenty minutes.

Yui: Yes…

ーー Ah, furthermore…How is your heart’s condition?

Yui: Eh…!?

Reiji: Fufu…Well then…

ー Reiji leaves the room

Yui: ( Somehow…Reiji-san seemed very to speak some very profound words just now… )

Haah…Better get ready…


Almost one month has passed since I came to this Sakamaki Manor,

after my father, a Priest at the Church, had to relocate abroad for his job.

It might be rude of this to say all these things,

considering they are looking after me. However, the people living here,

are somewhat strange.

The ones sleeping in my bed earlier were the triplets,

Ayato-kun, Kanato-kun and Laito-kun.

The person who came to warn us midway,

is the second eldest son, Reiji-san.

I have yet to interact with them today,

but there’s also the eldest son Shuu-san,

and the youngest child Subaru-kun. The six of them are living here.

This may sound like a made-up story, but they are ーー

A family of six Vampires.

Furthermore, I’ve been told that I possess special blood and a special heart,

so I am being observed as their prey.

putting me into a position where I cannot run away.

I usually get to lead a fairly normal lifestyle,

attending the night school for students with special circumstances,

known as Ryoutei academy, however…

Yui: ( Haah…I’m living with a bunch of Vampires and on top of that, they are feeding off my blood. This can’t be called ‘normal’ at all… )

( That being said…I wonder why Reiji-san suddenly asked about my heart…? )


…I only found out about this after coming here,

but apparently my heart has been transplanted inside of me,

from Cordelia, who conincidentally happens to be the mother of the triplets.

I do not know the details either,

but a person called Richter who is their uncle,

transplanted the heart inside of me, or so they say.

On top of that, as the daughter of the Demon Lord,

Cordelia is from a special bloodline, so as long as her heart remains intact,

it would be possible to ressurect her.

The reason why my blood is special as well,

can be attributed to Cordelia’s - the daughter of the Demon Lord - heart,

which has been buried inside of me…

Yui: ( However, it is weird how it is acting up only now, right…? Am I just imagining things? )


Yui: Okay, I have to get going soon.

( If I run late, I’ll be scolded by Reiji-san again. )

ー Yui leaves her room and steps outside into the hallway

Yui: Uhm…I didn’t forget anything, right…? If I recall correctly, today it’s Japanese (5), maths and English…Did I leave my dictionnary at school?

Ah, I have to return this one book to the library as well. I believe the return date is either today or tomorrow…

ー Yui trips over something


Yui: …!? Eh…?

Shuu: Ow…

Yui: S-Shuu-san…!?

( While lost in thought…I accidentally stepped on him… )

Shuu: I was asleep, you know…? Waking me up by stepping on me, huh…?

Yui: I-I’m so sorry…!!

( B-But…Sleeping in the hallway is kind of… )

Shuu: Haah…Che…I’m wide awake now…

Yui: I’m sorry…I really am.

Shuu: Nothing will change even if you apologize.

Yui: But, what should I do then…?

Shuu: What a pain…Do you really not get it unless I spell it out for you?

Yui: Eh…!? Kyah…!!

ー He pins her against the wall


Shuu: Blood, of course? If you want to make it up to me…That’s the only pausible solution, right?

Yui: …No way…I do feel bad for stepping on you, but…

Shuu: If you feel bad…There’s something only you can do, right?

Yui: …!?

Shuu: Beg for me to suck your blood. …That’ll make up for it.

Yui: ( N-No way…That’s just asking for too much…! (6) )

Shuu: …Seems like I haven’t disciplined you quite enough yet…

Yui: …!!

Subaru: Oi, you’re in the way.

Shuu: …Ah?

Yui: …Subaru-kun…?

Subaru: Don’t make a fuckin’ fuss in the middle of the hallway.

Shuu: Don’t interrupt my breakfast…

Subaru: Che. Don’t go latching onto her first thing in the morning!

Shuu: …Shut up. …Whatever. Just go already and take her with you.

Subaru: …Che. Let’s go.

Yui: Ah…Y-Yeah…

ー Yui leaves with Subaru

Yui: ( I wonder if…Subaru-kun saved me just now? )

U-Uhm…Subaru-kun…Thank you for ear…


Subaru: Cut it out already!

Yui: …!?

Subaru: Do you even know your own position!? …Stop wanderin’ round while giving off that sweet scent!

Yui: Y-You may say that…but…

Subaru: I won’t stop you if you wish to to run into trouble like that. However, if you don’t, then use that brain of yours already.

Yui: …I’m sorry…Reiji-san told me the same thing earlier…

Subaru: Che. Then be more careful! I’m sure even you know what kind of fate lies ahead of a prey who carelessly loiters inside a beast’s cage.

Yui: Yeah…Sorry…

Subaru: Hmph. Don’t apologize to me, it’s annoying. Actually…Why did you choose to remain here despite the circumstances?

Yui: Why, you ask…?

Subaru: Have you never considered living by yourself if you don’t have any other place to go to? You do have a head sitting on top of your shoulders, don’t you?

Yui: Mmh…

Subaru: Haah…Fuck! Why am I this irritated!? I don’t get it!

Reiji: ーー Everyone! The limousine has arrived!

Subaru: …Hmph. Whatever.

ー Subaru walks away

Yui: ( …Haah…He left. )


Subaru-kun’s reasoning is flawless.

If I desperately tried to run away,

it might just have been possible.

Yet, the reason I’ve decided to stay here is…

Honestly, I can’t explain it very well myself either.

Of course, the fact they threatened to kill me if I run plays a part in it too.

However, regardless of that, I feel like something inside of me,

is telling me that I should remain here.

I also figured that because my heart has been transferred inside of me,

from Ayato-kun and the other’s mother, which is what eventually led to me,

wanting to stay here.

However, just maybe…

Staying here and having them suck my blood,

might just be something I wish for myself,

is what I find myself thinking.

Yui: ( I can’t just blame this heart of mine. I just don’t get myself anymore… )


ー Everyone is sitting in the limousine

Reiji: Good grief…I am impressed by you guys’ skill to make such a ruckus over something as simple as who sits where.

Ayato: But it’s hella important? This girl’s blood belongs to us all, right?

Kanato: Exactly…I have to keep a close eye so she doesn’t get taken from right underneath my nose…

Yui: …

Subaru: …Oi, Yui. What are you spacing out for?

Yui: …

Laito: Nfu~ Seems like she’s lost in thought. Hey, I know that you just can’t keep your mind off me but…~

Subaru: …Is it my fault?

Shuu: She’s just sleepy, right?

Subaru: She’s not you, you know!? …Oi, Yui!

Yui: Eh!? Ah…

Kanato: …I’m surprised you still have the nerve to be lost in thought in this situation. Right, Teddy? …This girl is so awfully inconsiderate…

Yui: I-I’m sorry. Did you try and talk to me?

Subaru: …Che. Not really.

Yui: R-Really…?

( No good…I can’t get what happened earlier off my mind… )

( Once I started thinking about why I haven’t ran away… )

ー The car suddenly comes to a halt

Yui: Eh…!?

Ayato: Woah…!?

Laito: Heeh? What is happening…!?


Yui: Kyaaaaaah…!!

ー The screen fades to white

( W-What on earth happened…? Was that an…accident just now? )

???: Have you awakened, Eve?

Yui: Eh…!? You are…?

???: Me? Are you interested in knowing who I am?

Yui: Of course I am…Actually, where am I…!?

???: Fufu. Eve is quite curious it seems. You, who does not fear losing something…You are the very definition of Eve.

Yui: U-Uhm…My name…isn’t Eve. Aren’t you mistaken me for someone?

???: …To tell the truth, I am just a little embarrassed, knowing I should not to be doing this.

However, you have kept me waiting a little too long.

Even though I counted on your strength, waiting for the apple to ripen naturally…

The apple rotted away instead…It simply can’t be helped, so I have summoned you back here.

Yui: U-Uhm…

???: What do you think caused its degeneration?

Yui: Eh…?

???: I suppose you don’t? …Very well. The next time you meet, I shall have you know…

ー The mysterious man fades away

Yui: …!? W-Wait…!!

Ayato: Oi, Chichinashi!

Yui: …!?

Kanato: Ah, seems like she has awakened…Geez…Don’t scare us like that.

Yui: Who was that man earlier…?

Laito: The man from earlier? Who are you talking about?

Reiji: I wonder if she is confused by the shock of the accident. Good grief…Don’t cause us trouble.

Yui: Accident…? Ah, right…What happened…? I…

Shuu: Geez…You’ve been unconscious.

Yui: Eh…!?

Reiji: While it is a relief to see you are unharmed…We were just walking about where the culprit has run off to.

They sure have guts, pulling a hit-and-run on us like that.

Ayato: Do you think a human is behind it?

Reiji: Our car is being driven by a familiar, you know? I doubt this is the work of a human.

Laito: Hmー Then it would have to be someone from the Demon World…Or a blood relative of one of the creatures of the dark, I suppose?

Kanato: That seems very pausible, don’t you think?

Subaru: Well, our family has plenty of enemies after all. I wouldn’t call this unusual.

Shuu: Ahー …This sucks. Honestly, I don’t give a damn…Haah…

Reiji: Either way, let us step away for now. We can leave the clean up to the familiars.

Yui: I-Is it okay for us…to just leave like that?

Reiji: If we stay behind, it will only cause more trouble, I’d assume. Or would you perhaps like to stay here by yourself?

Yui: N-No…

( …I wonder what happened? Is everything really okay…? )

( Who could be targeting them? Besides…Who is that person…Who appeared in my dream earlier…? )

( Am I just…overthinking things? )

ー The scene shifts to a back alley

???: …Seems like it was a success.

???: Fufu…Those guys…They realized Vampires were behind it. Is that okay?

???: Keh…! Who cares…Our cover will be blown soon enough. Nothin’ to worry ‘bout.

???: …So that girl is…Eve.

???: Hmph. She looked as if she had completely submitted to those guys…Yet she is supposed to be Eve? …Don’t make me laugh.

???: You think so? I don’t dislike girls like her. …They’re worth playing around with, you know?

???: If you wish to turn her into your toy, then go for another girl. That man seems to have taken a liking to her after all. Let’s go.

???: Rogerー …Haah…

???: She kind of…has the same scent…


ー Yui has arrived at school by now

Ayato: ーー But you know, it’s been a while since we’ve gotten directly targeted like that, right?

Laito: Good point. Honestly…Ever since that guy made a name for himself this world (7), we haven’t been caught by surprise. Nfu~

Yui: Did those kind of happenings…occur often before?

Kanato: …They did, every now and then. We’ve been targeted plenty of times.

Yui: How come…?

Laito: Nfu~ …Because this world is full of fools, I assume? They never stop trying to try and steal that man’s throne. They should just give it a break.

Yui: ( ‘That man’ is their father, right…? The politician, Sakamaki Tougo… )

( To think that someone whose name was not foreign to me would turn out to be a Vampire… )

( I haven’t noticed, but there might actually be quite a few people who are not human in this world… )

???: Ah! There you are!!

Ayato: Haah? The fuck are you…?

???: Eh? Me? I’m Reinhart. The school doctor.

Laito: Hmー? The school doctor…That’s odd. I’m pretty sure we had a female school doctor up until now…

Reinhart: Ah, she is currently on maternity leave, so I will be taking her place from today onwards.

Laito: …Hmmー …I see…

Yui: U-Uhm…Sensei. Is something the matter?

Reinhart: Ah, right. I’d actually like to have a talk with you.

Ayato: …Oi, you bastard…I don’t get what you’re suddenly here for!? The fuck are you planning?

Reinhart: Aah, my bad. When I spotted you bunch earlier, I realized she looked a little pale…

Yui: Eh, me? I don’t really…feel bad or anything…

Laito: Why not? Let’s go to the infirmary. That’s much better than continuing to listen to those boring lectures in class.

Ayato: Laito, you jerk…I won’t let you hog all the fun for yourself.

Laito: Don’t accuse me of such things. I’m not doing any of that. Nfu~ They call this ‘skipping’.

I consider this a humble gift by Bitch-chan, which I shall gladly accept. Why don’t you two do the same?

Kanato: Laito does have a point. …Let us go. Sensei, do there happen to be any sweets over at the infirmary?

Reinhart: …Seems like have a bunch of weird ‘knights in shining armor’ surroudning you, huh?

Yui: R-Right…

( …They’re all Vampires though, so ‘knights’ doesn’t exactly fit them… )

ー They all head towards the infirmary

Yui: That being said, I’m surprised you were able to judge by condition from so far away, sensei.

Reinhart: Hmー …Your aura seemed a little…

Yui: Aura!?

Reinhart: Hahaha. I just end up spotting those. Ah, but I might just have been a mistake on my part.

Yui: ( Auras…Can you really tell someone’s condition by that…? )

Laito: Hey hey, sensei~ What color is this girl’s aura? My guess would be a vibrant pink.

Reinhart: Hahaha. It’s kind of difficult to attach a color to it…However, if I had to pick…Mouse grey (8)…?

Yui: Mouse grey…!?

Kanato: Mice? Fufu…That fits you perfectly. You look exactly like a common rat after all…

Reinhart: It’s a vague color which hasn’t quite become black, yet cannot be called white either. The aura of someone who has a lot of doubts in their heart.

Ayato: Heeh, Chichinashi. Do you have any worries other than the fact that you’re flat as a board?

Yui: T-That’s horrible…! O-Of course…Even I have…plenty on my mind…

Reinhart: …

Yui: Sensei?

Reinhart: How are you feeling? Are you really okay?

Yui: Ah, yes…Thanks to you…

( If anything, I’m in better shape than usual! It’s like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders… )

Reinhart: ーー I see.

Yui: …?

Ayato: Geez, humans really are so weak and useless. Oi, teach, at least offer us something to drink.

Reinhart: Oh dear…Classes will resume soon. Let’s postpone our tea time to some other occassion.

Ayato: Aah!? What did you just say?

Laito: I’d love to stay in this bed a little longer though. Come on, Bitch-chan, you should join me as well. It’ll be fun~?

Yui: I-I’m going to class!

Kanato: …I’m not going. Right, Teddy?

Reinhart: Come on, don’t say that. Here, I’ll give you a candy.

Kanato: …Heh. I see you are trying to bribe me with your puny candies. However, I’ll be so kind to accept it.

Yui: Sensei, thank you very much!

Reinhart: No need to thank me. If you’re in trouble, feel free to drop by any tim.

Yui: Yes!

( He’s such a nice person, looking out for the students who seem to be in bad shape… )

( Lately I’ve been surrounded by nothing but those kind of people, it must have affected me… )

ー They leave the infirmary

Reinhart: …

ー The scene changes back to the hallway

Laito: …Don’t you think that sensei was a little suspicious?

Yui: Eh?

Ayato: You do have a point. …How do I put it…He smelled really fishy.

Yui: Y-You think so? I think he’s normal though…Aren’t you just being paranoid because of what happened earlier…?

Kanato: …That’s not it!!

Yui: …!?

Kanato: That guy…is definitely fond of you…

Yui: Eh!?

Laito: Nfu~ Did you think so too, Kanato-kun? Exactly. So suspicious~

Yui: That’s not true…!

He’s the school doctor after all, I’m sure he’s just looking after the physical health of the students, for sure.

Ayato: Aren’t you being a little too cheeky for a Chichinashi, aah?

Yui: …

( I don’t like where this is going…I feel as if things would go south if somebody were to spot us now… )

W-We’ll be late for class, you know!? Let’s go!

ー Yui runs away

Ayato: Ah! Oi!! Wait!

Yui: ( If I get too deeply involved in them, no amount of blood will do! )


*Ding dong - Ding dong*

Yui: Uuー … Somehow today…I’m even more exhausted than usual, I feel…

Female student A: Ah, Komori-san. Sorry, but could I ask you for a favor?

Yui: What’s wrong?

Female student A: I have to hurry home you see. Can you take over my cleaning duty? (9)

Yui: Yeah, I don’t mind.

Female student A: Really!? You’re my savior! Thank you!

ー The female students runs off

Yui: ( Well then…The limousine got destroyed today, so I doubt it’ll come and pick us up…I’ll head home after everything is spick and span…! )


Yui: Phew…This should do.

( Come to think of it…Where did Ayato-kun and the others run off to? )

( Usually they’d wait here in this classroom for our ride to come pick us up… )

Oh well, I’m sure they’ll return eventually? I’ll go take out the trash.


ー Yui has moved to the back garden

Yui: And now I’m done…

???: Is it okay for a livestock such as yourself to leave its master side and wander around by themselves?

Yui: Eh?

( Who’s this? I’ve never seen him…An upperclansman, perhaps? )

???: Fuck off with your stupid ‘Eh?’…! My ass!!


Yui: Eh!? What are you doing…!?

???: We were finally…able to talk to you…Eve…

Yui: …Eve!?

( Actually…The person I met in that dream also called me ‘Eve’, did he not…? )

???: Hey, hey~ No need to be so frightened. ♪ You should become friends with us as well, M-neko-chan ♪

Yui: ( Maso kitty…!? )

…Be friends but…When a stranger suddenly calls me by such a name, I can’t possibly…

Besides, my name isn’t Even. You’ve got the wrong person.

ー She tries to step away but gets stopped by Yuma

???: Hold it.


Yui: Kyah…!! L-Let me go!


???: Che…Behave already…Fuck…You stupid sow…!

Yui: !?

( S…Sow!? )

ー Ruki joins in and inspects her face

???: Hmph.

Yui: …!?

( What’s wrong with these person…He suddenly grabbed hold of my chin… )

???: Oi, Yuma…Make sure to restrain her. I feel as if this livestock would not hesitate to bare her teeth even at her master.

???: Rogerー

???: …

Yui: …! P-Please back off…Don’t bring your face…so close…

???: Not only are you a dimwit, but you are strong-willed as well. I fear for the future.

Yui: The future…What the heck is you guys’ problem!?

Ruki: Hmph. I have yet to name myself, right? I am Ruki…Mukami Ruki.

And the guy who is keeping you in check your right now is…

Yuma: The name’s Yuma.

Kou: I’m Kou! Nice to meet you!

Azusa: Azusa…Haah…My heart is still racing…

Yui: …Uhm, so, did you need something from me…?

Kou: Fufu. We just transferred to this school today, you see~

Yui: Transfer students…? But, what does that have to do with it?

Ruki: …Don’t you think you are being a little condescending? …That is not the right way to talk to your seniors.

Yui: …!?

Ruki: Don’t turn your head away. If you are that feisty, you should look me right in the eyes.

Yui: …

Shuu: …What are you guys doing?

Yui: …Shuu-san…!?

Shuu: Haah…I ended up running straight into trouble…

However, if I leave things as if, I guess it’ll only get more troublesome…Could you let go of her?

Ruki: Hmph. …The eldest son of the Sakamaki’s, huh? …Oi, Yuma.

Yuma: Che. Fine. I just need to let ‘er go, right? …Scram!


Yui: …!?

Shuu: …

( …That guy…? No…I must be imagining things. )

Yui: Shuu-san…!

Shuu: Just when I was wondering where you had wandered off to…Honestly…Could you not create more trouble?

Yui: S-Sorry…

ー Reiji walks up to them

Reiji: What is this ruckus about? …Hm? You lot…

Ruki: You guys, let’s go.

Azusa: Eve…See you later…Let’s hang out again, okay…?

Kou: Bye bye~ ♪

Yuma: Che…Honestly…This pisses me off…Geez…

ー The Mukami brothers walk away

Subaru: …Oi, the fuck was that?

Yui: …! Subaru-kun!

Honestly, I don’t really know myself…They suddenly started talking to me…I felt as if they were mistaking me for someone else though…

Reiji: …

Subaru: Che…

ー Laito and Ayato arrive as well

Laito: What’s this? This awkward mood…Did something happen?

Ayato: We passed by some new faces earlier, don’t tell me you…

Yui: I’m okay, Shuu-san arrived just in time…

Shuu: I haven’t really done anything.

Ayato: Next time I see them, I’ll crush them. Those creeps…

Kanato: …Their…scent…

Subaru: It stinks…

Reiji: Hm. I see…

Yui: Reiji-san?

Reiji: …We’re all gathered here now, so let us head back. The car is waiting for us.

Yui: Did the limousine get fixed?

Reiji: No, I arranged a different one.

Laito: Nfu~ This time for sure…I’m sitting next to Bitch-chan!

Reiji: Whatever floats your boat. Hurry up and get inside.

Yui: Ah! But my stuff…!

Reiji: A familiar will fetch it for you. Come on, hurry!

Yui: Okay…

( I wonder who those people from earlier were… )

( Do I have a doppelganger who goes by the name Eve or something…? )

( However, they seemed to talk so confidently for that to be the case… )

( …I wonder if this is somehow related…to that person from my dream? )


ー They are inside the limousine

Subaru: ーー The happening when we were heading to school…

Shuu: Aah?

Subaru: Don’t you think those guys could be behind it?

Yui: Eh…?

Kanato: Probably…It is…rather fishy…

Ayato: Yeah. It reeks.

Yui: Scent? I didn’t notice that at all though…

Laito: Bitch-chan~ If you don’t stop playing dumb, I’ll punish you, okay? Not that kind of smelly. (10)

Seems like…those guys aren’t pureblood Vampires.

Yui: …!? Those guys are Vampires!?

Reiji: You are the only person stupid enough not to realize…Good grief…After I warned you so many times.

Shuu: …Those guys…Are they gonna attend that school from now on…?

Yui: They did tell me they were transfer students…

Shuu: On top of that, seems like they’ve already got their eye on you.

Laito: Nfu~ Shuu, you actually don’t seem relaxed for once. Are you…jealous, perhaps? Nfu…

Shuu: Shut up…I’m in a bad mood right now. My music got ruined because you guys won’t keep your damn mouths shut.

…The fact you even think of bringing up the concept of jealousy says more about you than about me…You fake pervert.

Laito: …Do you have a death wish~?

Shuu: Hmph…Go ahead?

Yui: ( …Everyone seems to be on the edge. I’d say I’m used to it by this point, but I guess they aren’t amused by the fact they’re being targeted. )

( I hope nothing happens… )

( Those guys might have approached me as a way to get in touch with the Sakamaki’s. )

( I don’t really understand why they called me Eve though… )

( Haah…Honestly, today really was exhausting…After taking a shower, I’ll hit the hay early today… )


ー Yui finds herself in an unknown room

Yui: (Eh…? )

( Where…am I? )

???: Hello there…And so we meet again.

Yui: You are…

???: I’ve casted a nifty little spell on you.

If this does not succeed, rewinding time will have been for nothing.

Yui: …?

???: ーー Daughter of the Demon Lord, I’ve come for you.


Yui: …My heart…

???: If you are there, the apple might rot again…? Well then…Come here.


Yui: …!?

( His fangs are…against my neck… )

W-What are you…

???: Don’t be scared. …Come on, close your eyes…

I have a very good reason for doing this. …Well then, keep still. …Nn…


???: Nn…


Yui: ( He’s…drinking my blood…? )


???: …Phew…


Yui: …

( All strength is…leaving my body…What is happening? It kind of feels like…I’ll die at this rate… )

???: This should do…

Yui: …!?

???: Fufu, seems like it worked wonderfully.


Yui: What did you…?

???: Fufu. Eve really is a curious girl. You should fear what lies ahead at least a little.

Well then, Eve. Now you are ready. Everyone is waiting for you.


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