Rebirth In Dumb Novel

Rebirth In Dumb Novel

chapter 1

this is my first chat story hope you all like it 😃😚🤩
A boy was reading a novel
but after some time he throw a novel out side the window
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
fucking author go in hell
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
Kim taehyung personality- kind , sweet, cute, funny, childish, and trouble maker two only close ones and for people rustless , and cold hearted person any orphan business tycoon CEO of number one company rustless Mafia king top fashion designer and world champion in taekwondo top model and top singer world most handsome man have so many award like - sweets , strawberry milkshake and kides and traveling, animals dislike- gold digger, bitch,and anyone harm kids and animals and have a secret- like to read comic and novels and horror story
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
what the fuck how does MLS kill villain and after marriage two days later fl give poison to them and after there death he also suicide
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
what the hell is happening in this fucking novel
the destiny of fate A novel where the FL loves another person ho is MLS step brother MLS fall in love with FL when they know about FL loves there step brother so they kill there step brother and force FL to marry them so on wedding villian try two kill MLS but they kill him after wedding on wedding night they rape her and after two days FL give poison two to them and he also sucide end~~~~
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
why MLS forse her we can't take some one Love's by force
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
and there step brother such a innocent person ho don't know that Fl love him and he never go and talk with them and never see them
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
then why and villain ho love his step brother ho is FL so much but he secrifice his love because his brother love his best friend but he never ask mls step brother that he love her brother
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
if I was there I make FL fall in love with his step brother the villian
right hand
right hand
* shot him from back*
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
*I think it's my death time closed his eyes*
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
in space
Goddess of life
Goddess of life
my child get up
God of death
God of death
child get up
Goddess of life
Goddess of life
Please talk gently death
God of death
God of death
ok for you
Goddess of life
Goddess of life
idoit( mumbled)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
*open his eyes*and then ho are you I am in heaven or in hell ahhhhhhhhhhhh
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
kim taehyung / jeon v( mc)
Goddess of life
Goddess of life
hey please don't shout
God of death
God of death
hay idoit stop shouting
God of death
God of death
I am thinking my eyer are bleeding
god and goddess intro
god of life
control life age- unknown creator of world
god of death
control death age- unknown
hope you all like it ok by 😘😘







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