Worth It... (Taekook~)

Worth It... (Taekook~)


unknown 1
unknown 1
unknown 2
unknown 2
Why are you giggling
unknown 1
unknown 1
What do you mean by why
unknown 1
unknown 1
Finally my bestie came Korea
unknown 1
unknown 1
And also continue to study here
unknown 1
unknown 1
These makes you happy
unknown 2
unknown 2
But it is not making me happy
unknown 1
unknown 1
Stop your nonsense
unknown 1
unknown 1
I know how much of dramaking you are
unknown 2
unknown 2
unknown 2
unknown 2
Just don't be happy
unknown 2
unknown 2
Give me some welcome gifts
unknown 2
unknown 2
You don't even give me welcome gifts and calling yourself bestie
unknown 1
unknown 1
Why do you need gifts when you already have me
unknown 2
unknown 2
unknown 2
unknown 2
You are useless I don't want you😤
unknown 1
unknown 1
Then bye
unknown 1
unknown 1
I am also not free
unknown 1
unknown 1
unknown 2
unknown 2
unknown 1
unknown 1
At same time
Two besties who met after whole 3 year's were going to a school
unknown 2
unknown 2
Is this school ok
unknown 1
unknown 1
unknown 1
unknown 1
But you know like everywhere rich spoild kids
unknown 2
unknown 2
Means you
unknown 1
unknown 1
You too
unknown 2
unknown 2
unknown 1
unknown 1
unknown 2
unknown 2
Hey we are not spoilde
unknown 1
unknown 1
I know
unknown 1
unknown 1
Just joking
unknown 1
unknown 1
But stay away from everyone
unknown 1
unknown 1
Don't talk with anyone without me
unknown 2
unknown 2
unknown 2
unknown 2
Dear momma
unknown 2
unknown 2
Stop nagging
unknown 2
unknown 2
We are going to get admission
unknown 2
unknown 2
And the school hasn't started yet
unknown 1
unknown 1
I am not talking only inside school but also outside school
unknown 1
unknown 1
After all I know how much of a idiot you are
unknown 2
unknown 2
You called me idiot
Who are these two guess


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