The Enemy (Simon ’Ghost’ Riley X Reader)

The Enemy (Simon ’Ghost’ Riley X Reader)

You <3

*Ghost is on a mission with TF 141, and unknown to you, this is a trap. You are an enemy sniper task to eliminate TF 141. You are the best of the best, and TF 141s task is to capture you. Ghost is being used to distract you as Soap, Gaz, and Keegan sneak up on you.*

"There's my favourite sniper"

*Ghost says through his intercom to the rest of his team.*

*Ghost continues with his distraction:*

"How does it feel to finally be in my sights?"

*You start scanning the surroundings to find Ghost.*

*Ghosts teammates are close by and sneaking closer to your location. You feel you are being tricked but still are cautious and not willing to fall victim.*

*Your patience is being tested, and Ghost is still trying to get a rise out of you.*

"C'mon, I hear you're the best, but can you really be the best if I have you so easily cornered?"

"I am the best sniper, not the best at hide and seek," I mutter to him

"You're the best? I call bs. My shots are more accurate."

"I highly doubt that," I say with confidence

"Oh yeah? Prove it, then. Let's see how "good" you are."

"OK," i say as I aim for the target right above his head and hit it perfectly in the dead centre

"Oh wow, such good aim."

*You hear a slight smirk behind that mask.*

"But you couldn't hit the target next to it, could you?"

I stay silent and aim for the target next to him. I almost don't hit it, but I still hit it in the centre

"Well, damn, I guess you are as good as they say."

*You get a glimpse of the smirk in his mask, becoming a grin.*

"But are you really better than me? If not, you should just surrender now."

"I know I'm better than you, so why would I surrender, give me a good reason?" I say with a smirk on my face.

*Ghost stays silent for a moment as he thinks.*

"Surrender, and I'll make your death quick and painless."

*He chuckles as he realizes the irony in his words.*

"Now why would I want my death quick, I wanna make you remember the chase, then the kill," I say, smirking at him

*Ghost thinks to himself; this guy seems to actually enjoy the thrill of a good hunt. Ghost's blood begins to boil as he hears you smirk at him. It's not often he meets his match, and he has an unhealthy habit of needing to dominate everyone around him.*

"Just because you have a good aim doesn't make you a match for me."

"Ohh who said I'm trying to match you, I know I'm better so what is there to match?" I tell him while smiling to my self, seeing that I already got under his skin

"You're a smart ass, huh? A bit of a cocky bastard too."

*Ghost thinks he may have underestimated you. You're the first person who's actually had the nerve to provoke him and make him question himself.*

"I'd say I am, yes"

*Ghost is visibly shaken by your cockiness and lack of fear. He almost feels...respected.*

"You've got some balls for a dead man, I'll give you that. You're right, this is going to be a hunt for the books."

*Ghost cocks his rifle, finally ready for the real hunt.*

"Well, let's see if you can catch me" I say as I start sprinting away while being hidden by the walls so he can't shoot me

*Ghost runs alongside the walls, trying to keep up. He can hear you moving and is getting closer, but still can't see you. He knows he has to keep up while waiting for his chance to get a good shot.*

"You're getting good at this game, but I've got more tricks up my sleeves. You can't keep this up forever."

I smile while running. This is the most fun I've had in a while. If I were to die now, I wouldn't be mad.

" Are you enjoying the chase as much as I am running?"

*Ghost chuckles, he's actually enjoying the rush of the hunt for once. The thrill of the challenge brings out a new side to him. He's normally the one hunting, not the one being hunted.*

"Yeah, I actually am. It's refreshing to finally meet someone who can keep up with me. I'm starting to enjoy this hunt, but I'm gonna enjoy killing you more."

"That's good," I say, chuckling along with him. " But I think it's the other way around, I'll be enjoying the kill more 😉 " I say, thinking at him

*The thought of you killing him sends a shiver down his spine. He's usually the one dominating everyone around him, with everything going his way. The thought of dying for the first time is terrifying.*

"Oh yeah? What makes you so sure you're gonna be the one winning?"

I stop running jumping behind him and putting my arm around his throat, holding him in a choke hold, letting him drop his gun.

"I'm pretty sure I'll be the one winning cus you didn't even notice me behind you," I say, smiling at him

*Ghost is stunned. You were right, he didn't see you at all. His grip on his own gun becomes tighter as his heart begins to beat faster. He's angry at how easy you disarmed him.*

"You know what, you're right. For someone who's the best sniper, this is a really embarrassing mistake on my part. But I'm sure you know that this only ends one way."

*Ghost reaches for his knife from his hip. Maybe he could use the blade to escape this chokehold.*

"You're wrong. This could end in more ways than one," I say while letting him out of the choke hold. " I surrender," I tell him with a smirk on my face, " I wanted to enjoy a good chase one last time, with someone who nows what that veels like"

*It's almost like you've taken him by surprise with your surrender. The thrill of the chase has actually made him like you. It's not often he meets someone who can keep up as well as you.*

"Well, I'll be damned... I must admit that this was actually fun. A good chase is more thrilling than just an easy kill. You've got guts."

"Well it was fun to do that, so tou gonna kill me now or what ?" I say winking at him " or are you gonna rey and get info on my bosses?"

"Hmmm... I haven't decided yet."

*Ghost stays silent for a moment as the thought of executing you enters his head again. He actually enjoys this banter with you. Usually, he makes all of his targets surrender without a challenge, but there's something more satisfying about this one.*

"What if I told you that I wanted to keep you alive for now? I have a proposal for you..."

"I think we can both admit that you put up a good fight. There's something about you that I like. And it would be a waste of talent to just kill you off here."

*Ghost pauses, thinking of how he should approach this next part.*

"But my loyalty lies with TF 141. I can't let you walk free after just hunting me down like this. So I have a proposition for you..."

"What's this proposition?" I ask intrigued

"I propose that you join TF 141. We're on a mission to wipe out an evil organization that's planning on starting WW3. We could use your help..."

*Ghost gives a genuine look, as if he is actually serious.*

"Sounds like fun," I say, smiling. "I'm in, along as we can do this again," I say, winking at him

*Ghost is pleased that you're in. It felt a little odd to just kill off such an impressive enemy. It's not often he comes across someone that will be of use in this war. He returns a smirk and a wink as he extends his arm out to shake hands.*

"It's a deal. This will definitely not be the last time we see each other, that's for sure."

" Good," I say, winking at him, " When do we start ? And where should I meet you ?"

"Well, we're en route to the mission site right now, actually. I'll give you the exact coordinates of where we'll be once we're closer. And this mission will be a big one, so don't be surprised if we're outnumbered 2:1."

*Ghost pauses as he realizes who he'll be fighting.*

"It's against Russian forces in a remote region of Europe, so it won't be an easy fight."

"I'd say we'll win it easily 😏 "

*Ghost smirks at you as he notices your confidence. It makes him even more excited for this mission. There really is nothing like a good challenge.*

"I see that you've got confidence in your abilities. I have confidence in mine as well. We're going to win this war one way or another, and I'm glad you're by my side with this."

"Me too ghost,"

*Just hearing you call him by his nickname fills Ghost with excitement.*

"I know this mission will be tough, but the victory will be so sweet once it's all over. Get some rest and recharge, 'cause this one's gonna be a hell of a ride."

**Fast Forward**

*Ghost is sitting in a helicopter alongside the rest of TF 141. They're nearing the coordinates of the enemy base, preparing to attack.*

"Alright, team, are you ready? This might be the toughest mission we've faced so far."

"Ready" I say confidentiality

*Ghost nods and begins to speak into his intercom,*

"Alright, be careful, everyone. We're about to enter Russian territory, so there's no telling what kind of opposition we'll encounter. Stay alert and cover each other's backs, and let's get this done."

*The helicopter sets down in a remote forested area near the base, just outside of enemy range. Ghost leads the unit as they make their approach on foot. The journey is slow and meticulous, but Ghost's planning every step of the way.*

*The team approaches the entrance of the base stealthily, sneaking past enemies as they go. The plan is going well, but Ghost knows that the hardest part is yet to come.*

*Ghost leads the team into the base, carefully evading enemy patrols. They sneak past several soldiers without being detected.*

"Stay quiet and watch where you step. We're almost at the entrance to the underground research facility, but there'll be plenty of armed guards in our way. We may have to take the fight straight to them."

"Can't wait" I mutter under my breath excitedly

*The team keeps moving forward, inching toward the entrance to the underground facility. Ghost is the first one to reach the door, looking for a way in. He sees a set of stairs leading down into the facility. He looks over at you for a moment, noticing that you seem eager for the fight as he gives an approving nod.*

"Alright, you ready for this?"

I nod smiling at him ☺️

*Ghost nods back, knowing that the real fight has just started. He heads down the stairs into the facility, motioning for you and the rest of TF 141 to follow. The team proceeds quietly, ready for combat at any moment. Ghost checks his radar, making sure there aren't any surprises waiting for them down below.*

*No surprises on the radar, it looks clear. The team makes their way past more guards, heading deeper and deeper into the base. The atmosphere is eerie and tense, it's clear that they're in enemy territory.*

*TF 141 continues following Ghost deeper into the research facility. The deeper they go, the more guards seem to pop up. It's getting increasingly more difficult to navigate through the base without being detected. Ghost takes his time with each step, assessing new ways of bypassing the guards without raising their alarms.*

*The team has made it about halfway through the facility when one of them bumps into a guard. The guard whirls around, instantly recognizing the group as intruders. He pulls out his weapon and alerts the rest of the nearby guards.*

*All hell breaks loose as the guards open fire, spraying bullets on the spot and rushing toward the intruders to engage in close combat. Ghost leads the group to find cover from the hail of bullets and return fire. Several guards are injured during the exchange and fall to the ground, but the rest of TF 141 is under fire.*

*The team keeps firing back as they take cover. The guard's fire starts to dwindle and they realize that they're losing ground. Ghost uses this opportunity to lead the group forward, pushing against the guards until they've got them on the defensive.*

I see more guards coming our way and get ready to fire at them. I aim at their head and shoot, I have kill 15 out of 30 of them, when I have to reload letting one of them who I have already shot but most graze stab me in the stomach. I ignore the pain I feel and continue to reload and kill the rest of them

*Ghost sees you take a stab in the stomach and shoots the guard who stabbed you in the head. He checks to make sure the others in TF 141 are ok as he walks over to you.*

"You got hurt. We'll take care of that once we find somewhere safe, but for now we've got to finish this mission."

" I'm fine it's not that bad or deep," I say, smiling at him, trying to him the pain. " Let's finish this mission"

*Ghost smiles back, impressed at your stoicism. He knows you can handle yourself, and it's good to see that you're not letting the injury bother you.*

"That's the spirit."

*As Ghost leads the group forward, he makes sure to keep an eye on you. He knows you'll be good, but he wants to make sure that he'll have your back just in case, especially now that you're injured.*

*TF 141 continues their fight through the facility, taking on wave after wave of guards. The mission is still far from over, but TF 141 is slowly and steadily overcoming the enemy forces. Ghost keeps leading the team, making sure that everyone is safe and that their backs are covered.*

*The team has almost cleared out the facility, taking out the majority of guards as they approach the research area. The last batch of enemies is waiting for them just around the corner, but they have yet to be spotted. Ghost checks his radar once again; it seems to be clear.*

"Alright, let's take this last group by surprise. We'll take care of them before they even know we're here. Get into position and stay still. This is gonna be quick and quiet."

I get ready to kill them all when I start to feel dizzy. I ignore it knowing that if I faint right now, someone might get killed. "Let's go in and finish this," I say quietly

"You sure you're ok?"

*Ghost notices you struggling to stay upright. He knows that you're strong but he also knows that you're injured and doesn't want you to push yourself. Ghost reaches out and puts a hand on your shoulder, concerned.*

" I'm fine, " I say, trying to hide my pain " WE need to finish this mission"

*Ghost nods and releases his grip on you.*

"Okay, let's go."

*Ghost leads the way around the corner, where the last batch of guards wait for them. He keeps a close eye on you since you're still injured, but keeps silent since no one has been caught yet.*

*The last several guards are taken by surprise, not even knowing what hit them. TF 141 takes advantage of this opportunity and takes them down before they can react. The team advances slowly and steadily, making their way to the research area.*

*They enter the research area, finally getting to the last part of their mission. Ghost takes a moment to survey the area, making sure they're safe before he takes his next move. The team is ready to complete the mission once they find the research they were sent to recover.*

*The research area is surprisingly quiet. They're close to where the research was being conducted, but there don't seem to be any guards inside. Ghost checks his radar one last time; still no sign of danger. He motions for the team to proceed, hoping that all will go well.*

*They reach the door to the main research area. The team pauses for a moment, getting ready for the final stretch. Ghost readies his weapon and gets in position to go through the door. He gives a quick three-second signal before he kicks the door down and leads the charge inside.*

*The team advances into the research area, ready to take on whatever comes at them. But to their surprise, the area is still empty. They walk up to the main terminal, where they hope to find the research they've been looking for. Ghost checks his radar just to be sure they aren't walking into a trap and sees that it's still clear.*

*Ghost checks the terminal screen, looking for any signs of the research. He sees that one screen is already powered up and seems to have what he's looking for. Ghost clicks open the terminal, seeing a long document on the screen that seems like the right one.*

*Ghost taps through the document, scrolling down past all the data and getting to the actual research that he's been looking for. It seems like they've found what they came here to find, but it's not over yet. Ghost reads through the document on the screen, confirming that this is what they've been searching for.*

*TF 141 stands quietly behind Ghost as he reads through the document on the screen. Their hearts are pounding and their adrenaline is pumping, knowing that they're so close to the end of this mission. Ghost finishes reading the information that he was looking for, and taps out of the screen with a satisfied smile.*

" Did you get what we needed?" I ask, hoping that we're done here, I don't know if I can stay awake any longer.

"Looks like it. Everything seems to be here, like we thought it would. I think we can finally say that we've completed the mission."

*Ghost turns to look at you.*

"But we still have one last step left. We actually need to get this data back to base first before this mission is truly over."

"Ok," I say, hoping that I can stay awake until we reach the helicopter

*Ghost sees you start to sag. He knows that you're still injured, but you're doing what you can to keep going. Ghost puts a supporting hand under you to make sure you don't fall.*

"We're almost out of here. Just hang in there a bit longer for me, and I'll get you to a safe place just as soon as we're finished here."

"Alrig-h-ht" I start to say while I feel everything go black, I feel like I keep going in and out of consciousness

*Ghost watches anxiously as your eyes are starting to close. He sees that you're struggling to stay awake, though you're still fighting with all you've got. Ghost starts to worry for your safety, concerned about you passing out.*

"Hey, you have to stay awake, okay? We're almost at the helicopter. Don't fall asleep now."

"I'm trying" I say as we reach the helicopter without out to much trouble

*The team makes it to the helicopter without any issues, helping you along the way. Ghost keeps a close eye on you and watches as you start to lean against the helicopter. He sees that you're almost unconscious, and he's worried for you. He holds you up as he helps you into the helicopter.*

*Once you've been secured in the copter, Ghost looks up at you and checks your injuries as best he can. He sees that the stab wound in your stomach is still causing you pain, and he hopes that it's not too deep.*

" Ghost, I don't feel like I can stay awake much........." I say as I lose conciseness

*Ghost watches as you lose consciousness, feeling helpless. He tries to keep you awake, but your eyelids are too heavy and you can't keep them open any longer. Ghost stares at you with concern as he keeps checking for any changes in your breathing or heartbeat.*

*Ghost sees that your breathing is shallow but steady. And while your heartbeat is slow, it's still there. Ghost lets out a sigh of relief, knowing that you're still with him for now. He holds your hand tightly as he watches you, hoping that you'll come to soon.*

*Your heartrate starts to slowly return to normal as you finally start to come to. Ghost sees this and lets out another sigh of relief. He keeps watching you as he waits for you to wake, not letting go of your hand.*

I slowly start to wake up seeing that we're still in the helicopter "Oh don't look so worried, I told you I wanted to have another chase with you" I say as I feel like I'm going to go unconscious again, but waiting for his answer.

*Ghost smiles at you even as he notices how tired you still are. He's relieved that you're awake, and he makes sure to keep his eyes on you just to make sure you don't pass out again.*

"Haha, yeah, you did say that. But I would've liked to have a chase with you when you were awake and not half-unconscious."

*Ghost continues to hold your hand tightly, watching over you as you start to open your eyes finally. Your vision is still a bit blurry, but you're definitely much more awake now.*

*Ghost lets out another sigh of relief as he sees your vision start to clear up. He can't stop smiling, even as he realizes just how tired you still are. He's just happy that you're awake now and safe.*

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I need to watch a movie and eat junk food," I say, smile lightly

*Ghost chuckles at your reply, happy that you're back to your usual self, if only for a moment.*

"I feel like we could both use that right about now."

"Then let's do that when we get back," I say smirking at him

*Ghost smiles back, loving how you're being your usual self again. He nods in agreement, hoping you'll hold on to your current energy levels until they get back to base.*

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. We could even get dinner together too."

"Yeah, oooh how about we get McDonald's." I say excitedly while noticing that he was still holding my hand, I blush

*Ghost chuckles at your suggestion, finding it a little cute. He sees that you're blushing, which only makes him chuckle even more.*

"It's been a while since I've had McDonald's, so sure, it sounds good to me."

"Great," I smile, noticing that I'm going to fall asleep any moment now. I tell Ghost, "Ghost come here, I tell him"

*Ghost sees that you're about to fall asleep again. He gets a little anxious and comes over to you, wondering what you want to say. He holds your hand tighter, wanting to keep you awake as long as possible.*

"Lay with me ?" I ask " I'm cold, not cold as in I'm dying just temperature wise"

*Ghost sees your request and his heart flutters with the intimacy of the situation. He nods and lays down beside you, pulling you in close to him. He wraps his arm around you, pulling you close against his body.*

" I know it's probably soon," I say feeling as if I'm going to go unconscious after I finish this sentence " I like you, like like you " I say going unconscious

*Ghost's breath catches in his chest when he hears your confession. He wasn't expecting this at all, but the truth is, he feels the same way about you. However, Ghost is too late to reply since you pass out almost immediately after talking. He holds you close against him, listening as your breathing becomes softer and deeper with each passing second.*

*Once you pass out, Ghost just stares at you with adoration. He can't believe that you just confessed your feelings to him. He starts to smile with joy, slowly leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss on your cheek.*

*Ghost lays there with you in his arms, holding you close. He wants to stay like this for as long as he can, just enjoying the moment and your presence next to him.*

Fast forward

I start to slowly open my eyes, I see that I am in the 141 medical bay, I see ghost asleep on a chair next to me. "Ghost" I say softly trying to wake him up

*Ghost slowly wakes up when he hears your voice, opening his eyes and looking over at you. He immediately smiles, seeing that you're awake, and reaches for your hand with his free hand, squeezing it tight.*

"Hii," I say, smiling at him lovingly. " When can j get out of here? " i ask him

*Ghost smiles back at you, feeling so happy that you're awake and that you feel much better now. He squeezes your hand even tighter, just glad to see you conscious again. He nods at your question.*

"The doctors said you need to stay here for another day or two just to make sure that everything's alright. After that, you'll be released to go home."

" Awww whyyyyyy" I whine " I wanted to watch a movie and eat McDonald's in my room with you"

*Ghost chuckles at your reaction, not at all surprised that you want to leave as soon as possible. He also wants to watch a movie and eat McDonald's with you, but he knows that you need some rest first.*

"Trust me, I'd rather do all that right now too. But we need to make sure that you're fully healed first, okay?"

"Okayyyy" I say, whining

*Ghost smiles at your playful response, not surprised that you're still feeling whiny. He understands that you want to get out as soon as possible, and he hopes that'll be the case, but he also wants to respect the doctors' decision.*

"Hey, I know it's not the most exciting thing, but trust me, it'll be worth the wait when you get out. We'll watch our movie and eat McDonald's as soon as you're released. I promise."

"Okay" I smile

*Ghost keeps holding your hand tight, still smiling. He makes sure to stay with you as long as you need him; he can't bear the thought of leaving you alone in the hospital. He keeps a quiet watch over you as the two of you just enjoy each other's presence.*

*They stay like this for the rest of the day, Ghost staying with you at the hospital. The doctors tell him that you're healing at a steady pace and there aren't any signs of complications. Ghost is relieved to hear this good news, and he keeps waiting anxiously for your release.*

*Ghost stays by your side for the rest of the day, just keeping watch over you again. He sees how sleepy you are and decides not to bother you too much as you close your eyes and rest. He smiles at you, glad that your recovery is going well.*

"Would you lay with me ?" I ask him

I suddenly remember asking him the same thing on the helicopter and telling him I like him. 🫣 I wonder if he likes me back

*Ghost is caught a little off guard by your request, since he thought you'd be too sleepy to even ask. But he takes that as a good sign considering the circumstances, so he nods and gets into bed with you, gently pulling you in close against him. He wraps his arms around you, pulling you even deeper into his embrace as he holds you close.*

*Ghost whispers as he holds you tight.*

"Of course I will. I can't say no to you right now."

"Thanks Simon" I say sleepily

*Ghost chuckles slightly at your sleepiness, finding it a bit cute. He smiles at you and rests his head on your shoulder, closing his eyes as he waits for you to fall asleep again.*

*He holds you close against him until you fall asleep, continuing to keep a quiet watch over your unconscious body for a little while. Once you do fall asleep again, Ghost closes his eyes as well and starts to doze off, his arms still gently wrapped around you as he slowly falls asleep.*

*Ghost wakes up sometime later, his eyelids still heavy as he feels himself slowly coming back to reality. He sees that you're still asleep beside him, snuggling up tightly against his body, leaning against his chest. He watches you for a moment, before slowly trying to pull away so he doesn't disturb you.*

*As Ghost tries to pull himself away, he realizes how tight you're holding onto his body, not letting him go. He can't help but smile and decide not to fight your hold on him. Instead, Ghost lets himself be a pillow for you as he stays in bed with you, wrapping his arms around you even tighter.*

"Uhhhh..." I say, stretching and slowly waking up."hiii......." i mumble to Simon, noticing that he's awake

*Ghost laughs quietly as he sees you start to wake up. He smiles and lifts his head up to look at you. He sees you slowly stretching and rubbing your eyes to get rid of your sleepiness. Ghost can't stop smiling, loving that you're starting to get back to your usual self.*

"Hi, sleepyhead. Did you have a nice nap?"

*Ghost laughs again, loving how cute you look right now. He leans forward to gently kiss your forehead, feeling overjoyed to have you back again.*

"Yea, I did," I say, yawning. " Can I leave nowwwwww?" I ask him in a whine voice

*Ghost chuckles at your request, noticing that you're actually being quite serious. He understands your eagerness to leave, but he knows that you still need to spend a bit of time here in the hospital before you're released.*

"Patience, my love. The doctors say you need to stay here for just another day, and then they'll let you go. I know it's hard, but you can pull through it."

"My love?" I blush questioningly, why would he call me that ? He doesn't like me back does he?

*Ghost pauses for a moment at your response, realizing he may have said too much. He didn't want to make it too obvious that he liked you as well, but now he's wondering if he said too much.*

"N-nevermind, forget it. I- I didn't mean to say that..."

*Ghost stares down at the bed for a moment, feeling embarrassed at his slip-up.*

*Ghost's face starts to turn red from embarrassment, unsure of how to explain his slip-up. He's sure he's now made it blatantly obvious that he likes you as well. He's about to try to explain himself, but a nurse enters the room at that exact moment and he stays quiet, deciding not to say anything just yet.*

"Do you like me back?" I ask him quietly

*Ghost is surprised when you ask him that, not expecting you to say it so boldly. But he doesn't avoid the question; he takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly.*

"Yes, I like you back."

*There, he's said it. He said it out loud and can't take it back now. He stares at you, trying to gauge your reaction.*

"Can I kiss you ?" I whisper quietly to him

*Ghost blinks a couple of times, still not expecting you to ask something like this. Your bold approach catches him off guard, and he's not quite sure how to respond. But his heart is racing at this sudden turn of events.*

"You can."

*Ghost's tone is shaky, but he makes sure not to turn you down. He stares at you nervously, feeling a sense of anticipation as he waits for you to make the first move.*

I slowly lean in to kiss him, I finally reach his lips. His lips are so soft. I deepen the kiss

*Ghost continues to let his lips linger on yours for as long as he can, feeling like he can't get enough of it. The heat between you two is starting to grow intense, and Ghost can't seem to pull away, not even if he wanted to.*

I finally pull away after what seems like hours. It was only like 10 minutes. "We should do that more," I whisper, laying my head in the crook of his neck.

*Ghost is still grinning widely from the kiss, feeling so happy that he can't resist you. He looks down at you, nodding as he wraps his arms around you and pulls you in closely against him.*

"Yeah, that was amazing."

*He sighs contently, placing his head upon yours and enjoying that you're resting against him like this.*

It is 11 pm. I was starting to get sleepy. " Let's sleep." I say,' Then I can leave this place"

*Ghost looks down at you again, realizing just how late it is already. He also notices how tired you're starting to get again, and he's starting to feel tired himself.*

"Yeah, let's sleep. There's nothing we can do until tomorrow, so might as well, right?"

*He lays his head down against yours again, settling into a comfortable position as he cuddles up next to you.*

"Yeah........ I love you" I say falling asleep

*Ghost freezes when he hears those three words. He smiles and glances down at you as he processes what you just said. You look so peaceful when you're asleep, and that combined with the love you just showed him, makes his heart skip a beat. The words you just said to him echo through his mind as he stares down at you.*

*Finally, he leans forward and kisses your forehead once more, squeezing your hand as he whispers, "I love you too," and falls asleep alongside you.*

*Fast forward to the next day*

*As the two of you sleep soundly in each other's arms, you suddenly feel gentle hands softly shaking you awake. It takes a couple of moments before you realize it's one of the nurses. She gently taps your shoulder, trying to remind you to wake up.*

*You slowly open your eyes and look at the nurse as you rub the sleepiness out of your eyes. As you wake up, you see Ghost still fast asleep next to you, not even realizing that you've been woken up. He looks so peaceful, and the sight of him like this makes you feel a sense of warmth within your chest.*

*The nurse is also looking at Ghost kindly, but she has a gentle reminder.*

"Miss, it's time to wake up. Doctor wants to see you."

*Ghost still rests soundly asleep next to you, completely unaware that you just got woken up. You can't help but notice how peaceful and cute he looks as he sleeps, his face showing no worry at all.*

"Alright," I say, "let me just wake him up"

*The nurse nods and waits patiently as you gently try to wake Ghost up. You notice how cute he still looks as he sleeps, his facial features soft and peaceful as you look at him. You start to gently shake his shoulder, trying to get his attention.*

"Ghost, wake up darling"

*Ghost's body responds to your voice, slightly moving as he slowly starts to wake up. He opens his eyes, but it's clear that he's still a little groggy from just having woken up. He sees you looking at him and smiles slightly, feeling slightly embarrassed at being woken up from such a deep sleep.*

*Ghost sits up slowly, looking around for a moment as he tries to shake off his sleepiness. He stretches his arms out and yawns loudly, obviously feeling like he just woke up from the best sleep of his life. He sees that you're already up and looking at you warmly, a slight hint of blushing on his face.*

"The doctor wants to see me," I say to ghost. " I'm ready," I tell the nirse

*The nurse nods and starts to walk out of the room, but Ghost gets up and grabs your arm, stopping her.*

"Can I come with you?"

*Ghost feels slightly anxious at the thought of you going alone, not wanting to let you out of his sight. The nurse is surprised by his sudden request and looks over at you for permission.*

"Of course you can" I tell him

*Ghost smiles and squeezes your hand as he walks side by side with you, still holding onto you tightly. He notices that you're being very quiet and pensive as you walk, which makes him worried that something is bugging you. He decides to ask you about it, hoping to get some insight.*

"Hey, is something wrong? You seem a little quiet all of a sudden."

"Just a little worried that the doctor is going to tell me something I don't like" I tell him cautiously.

*Ghost keeps a gentle hold of your hand as you walk together, listening quietly to your voice. He nods in understanding as he hears your reasoning for being quiet, feeling somewhat relieved that nothing else is wrong.*

"I get it, but you've been making a steady recovery so far. The doctors have said that everything's been going fine, nothing to worry about. I'm sure they'll say the same thing today."

"I hope so" I say quietly

*Ghost glances down at your face, noticing that you're still a bit worried. He smiles at you and rubs his thumb over your hand, trying to give you some more reassurance. He wants you to know that he'll be here throughout all of this, no matter what the doctors say.*

"There's nothing to worry about. Everything will be fine."

I nod and smile at him

*You two keep walking to meet with the doctor, but Ghost is still doing his best to keep you calm and assure you everything is fine. He can't help but smile at you as he squeezes your hand gently, knowing you need all the extra support you can get right now. He wants you to know how much he cares about you.*

*In the doctor's office, Ghost and you walk in, ready to hear what the doctor has to say to you. The nurse closes the door behind you two and leaves the doctor's office as the two of you take a seat, Ghost holding onto your hand still. Ghost is silently praying that everything goes well in this appointment and the doctor gives you the green light to go back home.*

*The doctor walks into the room, a bit delayed but he's still here now so all is well. He walks over to his desk and picks up your file, looking it over before addressing you two.*

"Miss Y/n, we're glad you've made such a swift recovery over the last few days. Your condition has been fairly simple to treat, and it looks like everything is going exactly how we expected it to. We were actually going to release you tomorrow, but as you're making such a rapid progress, I see no reason why we can't let you go home today."

" That's amazing," I reply with a sigh of relief

*Ghost can't help but feel a sense of relief too, hearing those words. He had been nervous for you, so now that the doctor has given you the okay to go, he feels like the weight of the world has been lifted off his shoulders.*

*The doctor nods in response to your relief, then goes on to say, "Of course, once you are home, you'll still need to take it easy and not overexert yourself. And you'll still have to come back for weekly checkups for the next couple of weeks."

*Both Ghost and you give a simple 'yes' to the doctor's orders as you agree to take it easy and not overexert yourself when you get home. The doctor then takes his time to make a couple more notes in your file before signing off on some papers and saying, "Well, that's everything, I believe. You are free to go now."

*Ghost smiles at the doctor when he says that you're free to go now, feeling extremely relieved that you've actually been given the green light to return home. He squeezes your hand slightly, making sure to keep it as the two of you get up and start to walk out the door. He's thankful that the hardest part is finally over and you're going home.*

"Great," I say excitedly. I turn to Ghost. " Can we go eat McDonald's and watch movies?" I ask him happily

*Ghost smiles at your enthusiasm, finding it a little cute. He's also quite relieved that you're excited to go home, and he can't deny that he's feeling a bit of that excitement himself now. He nods his head in response to your suggestion, feeling thrilled at the thought.*

"Yeah, let's do that. We can even get some pizza if you like. Just make sure not to overdose on greasy food and you can have anything you want."

*Ghost is amused at your specific choice of food, but he can't help but agree. Just the thought of eating delicious burgers together right now makes his stomach rumble.*

"Of course, we can do that. It actually sounds really good right now."

I smile widely, getting excited to eat some delicious McDonald's.

*Ghost looks at you, seeing your big smile and feeling a sense of warmth from it. He's excited to have some delicious food with you, and he's already looking forward to having a good time with you.*

*Soon enough, the two of you make your way to the McDonald's, ordering the double cheeseburger meal and milkshake that you wanted. You both sit down, enjoying each other the company as you each take turns taking bites from your burgers and having some sip of the milshake. It's so delicious and fulfilling, definitely a good start for getting back from the hospital.*

After we got our food, we decided to take it back to my room and watch a movie.

*Back at your room, the two of you start to eat your meals while watching a casual movie. He can't help but notice just how cute you look as you eat, your face lit up with a happy smile as you enjoy your food. The sight makes him feel all warm inside, feeling like the moment is perfect as it is.*

*When the two of you finish your meals, the movie is almost coming to an end, and a light yawn escapes your mouth as you lean back against Ghost, feeling a bit sleepy. Ghost glances over and notices that you're starting to look a little tired, but he's glad you still had a good time.*

"Do you want to watch another movie?" I ask him

*Ghost nods his head and looks over at the movie menu, not really sure what else to watch at this point but willing to watch anything as long as you're there. He leans against you, his body feeling relaxed and comfortable as you lie there together.*

*He glances down and notices just how peaceful you look as you rest. You're starting to get really sleepy, and he can't help but feel the urge to cuddle with you, wanting to keep you safe and close to him.*

"I love you" I whisper to him as i snuggle closer, now laying on his chest as he hold my waist. Slowly I fall asleep

*Ghost hears your soft whispering of those words, and his body feels that familiar sensation of warmth as a shiver passes through his body. He's not surprised though, since those three words never fail to give him the butterflies. He gently holds your waist as you lie on his chest, looking down at you as you slowly fall asleep.*

"I love you too," he says softly in response, stroking your hair as he watches you drift off into slumber.

The End

Word count: 7277


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