Echoes Of The Apocalypse

Echoes Of The Apocalypse

Episode 1

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The bell rang, signaling the end of another monotonous school day. Students filed out of classrooms, laughing and chatting, oblivious to the dark clouds gathering on the horizon. Inside Classroom 4B, Jack Rivers packed his books, glancing around at his unsuspecting classmates. They saw him as just another quiet, unassuming student. None of them knew that beneath his calm exterior lay the mind of a genius and the skills of a top fighter.

As he walked down the hall, Jack's phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out and frowned at the message displayed on the screen. It was an alert from the secret agency he had been a part of since he was a child.

"Zombies spotted in downtown. Confirmed outbreak. Code Red."

Jack's heart raced. He had been trained for this, but he never imagined it would happen so soon. He quickened his pace and slipped out of the school unnoticed.

Once outside, Jack darted towards the hidden alley where he had stashed his gear. A tactical suit, weapons, and a small arsenal of gadgets were carefully concealed behind a loose brick wall. He quickly donned his suit, feeling the familiar weight and security it provided.

Armed and ready, Jack headed towards the source of the outbreak. The streets were already in chaos, people running and screaming as the undead began to spread. Jack's mind raced with strategies, prioritizing the safety of civilians and containment of the infection.

He moved swiftly and efficiently, his training kicking in as he dispatched zombies with precision. His actions drew the attention of a few survivors, who watched in awe as he fought off the undead with skill and ease.

By nightfall, Jack had cleared a small area and gathered a group of survivors. Among them was Lisa, a fellow student who had always been curious about Jack but never dared to approach him. Now, she saw him in a completely different light.

"Who are you?" Lisa asked, her voice trembling.

Jack paused, looking at the frightened faces around him. He knew he couldn't keep his secret forever.

"I'm Jack Rivers," he said, "and I'm here to save the world.

^^^ - To be continued ^^^


Updated 2 Episodes


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