Hate Turns To Love When There Is Only One Bed.

Hate Turns To Love When There Is Only One Bed.

One bed 🫠

You and König hated each other for longer than any of you can remember. And you both also forgot why you hated each other. I guess the feeling just stayed with time, even if there’s no more reason for this hatred.

You had a mission together, and it only went downhill. KorTak gave you the wrong informations and you almost got killed, so both of you retreated to the nearest safehouse.

“Hey *depp*,” König spoke up. “There’s only one bed.” He stated, glaring at you with his cold and icy pale eyes.

The bed was big enough for both of you, but it wasn’t going to be comfortable at all. There was always tension in the air between you two, even if both of you tried to hide it.

You know König is one person who always got what he wanted, and you know for sure he would never concede and sleep on the floor even if the bed is small.

He is now waiting for you to decide what you’re going to do.

"I'll sleep on the floor," I tell him, knowing he isn't going to sleep on the floor

“Really?” König said, surprised. He raised his eyebrows. You've known each other for a while now, and König had learned not to trust you on anything. You're both known to be petty and stubborn.

“No way,” he stated while crossing his arms. “There's no way I'd let you sleep on the floor.”

"Well, it's not like you're going to," I tell him

The look on his face said it all. König rolled his eyes before muttering,"I hate you!" Under his breath. He hated admitting defeat, but there was absolutely no way he would allow you to sleep on the floor.

König sat down on the edge of the bed, then looked up at you. He gestured with his head for you to join him.

"What?" I say, confused at why he's doing that

“Just get over here,” he murmured. “And try not to take too much space, okay?”

König crossed his arms on his chest, making it clear who was going to sleep closer to the wall.

You nod and lay next to him. There was plenty of space in the bed, but because of his long limbs and big size, he took quite a bit of space.

König let out a low groan, probably more because of the fact he had to share the bed with you than because he was uncomfortable. Nonetheless, he laid down, turned to face the wall, and closed his eyes.

You tried not to think too much about the fact that you were sharing the bed with him.

If only KorTak knew about the fact that you two were stuck together in a bed right now... Or maybe they did know and did this purposely?

It's not like the two of you were going to cuddle, right? Right?!

I kind of hope we end up cuddling - wait, why did I just think that

I mean, this can definitely be an opportunity for a little cuddling... Right? Right?!

No! Why would you even think that? This isn't a romantic story you're reading right now!

You're in the bed with your worst enemy. And right now, you're wondering if he'd start cuddling you if you accidentally fall into him.

You tried to move a little bit closer to him to test the waters, but König's breathing seemed to speed up just the slightest bit.

There goes that. He knew what you were thinking. You'll never get close enough to him for something intimate to happen... Right?

Suddenly, König's body tensed up as he shifted in bed. His breathing sped up, and he started grinding his teeth, a habit you now remembered he has when he gets frustrated.

His eyes were clenched shut, but you could tell he wasn't asleep. Did he think you'd try something? Why wouldn't he just push you away? Was he thinking about cuddling with you right now? Was he also curious about what might happen if the two of you cuddled?

He's probably not thinking of that. He probably just thinks I'm weird or that I want to attack him

You could feel the bed trembling as König's breathing got quicker and quicker. He was definitely still very alert.

He probably just thinks of how annoying you are. That's why he can't sleep. Definitely.

But this still doesn't really explain why he hasn't moved away from you. It almost seemed like he's... curious.

Maybe if you moved a little bit closer to him, he'd move away. Yes, that must be it. You have to test this.

I slowly move a little bit closer

Your body got closer to König's slowly and gently as he didn't react. He just shifted a bit under the blankets, trying to get more comfortable. It felt like his muscles had already tensed up and were just waiting for you to make another move.

The tension got a little thicker.

I once again move a little bit closer. We're almost shoulder to shoulder

You keep moving a little bit closer to him every time the tension gets even thicker. You wanted to see if he'd budge, and he didn't. This time, you actually touched him, your arms and legs almost tangling with each other.

You're now basically laying next to him. The tension in the bed was so thick that it felt like a blanket. It was hard to breathe.

If you moved even closer, his body might react to your touch. His arms might instinctively wrap around you, and suddenly, you'd be spooning for the entire night. You wouldn't mind, though. You had already envisioned this scenario in your mind, and it sounded like a nice and comforting feeling.

But that would never happen. Konig would push you away before that. Right?

I think he'll probably push me away before that. I kinda hope not

But would you move in to find out? Would you want his arms wrapped around you, holding you like you're the biggest treasure in the whole world?

Did you really want his arms, his body, his warmth to just engulf you into comfort and safety?

I wanna feel what it feels like to be in his arms, I'm gonna do it. I'm going to move closer. Screw it if he pushes me away, and then he pushes me away.

You slowly moved even closer to him. His arms were still tucked under the blanket, but it was clear he had tensed up even more as your bodies were now completely touching.

His breath was even faster and heavier now, and he still hasn't moved.

You got closer and closer until you were basically spooning. You were just waiting for him to push you away if he would.

But he didn't.

Konig shifted himself to hold you more tightly as he rested his arms along your waist.

Could it be that he wasn't going to push you away after all? His body was basically pressed to yours from shoulder to hip, and his arms were now wrapped around you. All that was missing was him whispering sweet words into your ear.

You could feel his hot breath on your neck, and you could feel your heart beat speed up and pound against your chest. This was it. He wasn't going to push you away, he... he was going to actually hold you in his arms.

The possibility of this had you melting into his embrace as your body leaned even more into his, and you almost felt like you wanted to press your body against him even more.

I was so happy. He didn't push me away. He's so warm. I love this. Being in his arms. I wanna do this every day.

His hold on your waist got slightly tighter as he seemed to adjust himself to hold you even closer. His arms were still wrapped around you, and you could feel his body shift slightly, getting more comfortable under the blanket with you, even though you could still feel an undercurrent of tension in his body.

His presence was intoxicating, and you wanted to stay in his arms forever.

Suddenly, he spoke, his voice raspy and rough as he was probably still not getting enough air. "Close your eyes," he muttered, his voice quiet but firm.

I do just that, slowly and steadily. I say " Goodnight König"

Konig chuckled. He didn't let go of you, and you could feel his breath brushing against the back of your neck.

He seemed a little more relaxed now that he knew you had closed your eyes.

"Goodnight Love," he whispered, shifting in bed so he could wrap himself around you more.

As you both laid together, you could feel the tension from earlier starting to relax. You could feel yourself falling into a light sleep as you let your body rest against his.

König's grip around your waist had become even tighter, and your body leaned more deeply into his. It felt like you had melted into him. You were so comfortable and safe with him as your body started slipping into a sleepy state.

The End

Word count : 1537


Updated 1 Episodes


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