Forbidden Love

Forbidden Love

Engagement with the prince

My name is Diane von Clifford and I am the second princess of the kingdom named Clifford. I have an older brother named Ren von father is the king of the kingdom. Both of my father and brother cherish and love me. My mother died in an accident. Therefore I am the last child of the king.

One day, in my 18th birthday I met a prince on the castle balcony, his name is James von Wart, the crown prince of the kingdom of Wart. My father was in a meeting with the king of the kingdom of Wart about our engagement of prince James. But I don't like the prince because there is a rumor about the prince that he spend all of his money to some illegal investment and kidnapping children to sell in the neighboring kingdom. Our engagement only purpose is for political. Because our kingdom has been attacked  by a lot of dangerous monster.

Because of that, my father was forced to search for help on the attack, and the only kingdom that answer our help is the kingdom of Wart, but they have a condition, which is to marry the first princess of the kingdom of Clifford to the crown prince of the kingdom of Wart, which is me and this prince. Because of lack of soldier to defend our kingdom against the monster. My father was forced to accept this because the kingdom of Wart is one of the strongest kingdom in the land of Wave.

Hi there princess.(said the prince)

Oh, hello there my prince, nice to meet you.(reply of the princess with a fake smile because she knows the truth about there engagement, and about the rumor of the prince)

Their talk continue, until a maid interrupt them and said "excuse me princess, prince, but king John of the Wart want to talk to the princess". Oh, ok, I'm coming. I'm sorry prince James but I have to go to talk to your father(said the princess)

it's ok (reply of the prince)

(the princess go to the room where both of the king waiting for her)

**knock\, knock**

(doors opening)

Excuse me my king, the princess is here(said the maid)

Greetings my king, father

Its a pleasure to meet you, king John von Wart, my name is Diane von Clifford

Oh, what a lovely princess you have their king Carl,(said by the king John)

Thank you king John for your compliment to my daughter. Say thank you to the king Diane. Yes father, thank you king John to your compliment(the princess said).

Come her Diane. The king of wart want to talk to you.(king Carl's said)

Yes father (the princess replied with respect)

What do you want to talk about my king. I know that you already knew the engagement between you and my son, so I would like you to convinced to live on my country together with the prince, so you can talk to each other daily.

(The princess was surprise to the offer, and doesn't want to accept this offer because she doesn't want to leave behind his father and brother).

My king, could you give me some time to think about it.(The princess said)

Certainly, but I'm hoping for a positive answer(the king reply)

On the next day, both the king and the prince of the kingdom of Wart said goodbye to the kingdom of Clifford because there going back to their kingdom. And the princess doesn't give her answer to them, so she said that she will give her answer through a message given by the messenger, and the king accept it.

On the beautiful night, inside the castle in the dinner the king said to princess Diane "Diane my daughter please accept the offer of the king, its the only way to save our kingdom". I know father, But how about you and brother.

will be okay Diane(prince Ren replied). But will you be ok their Diane, I don't know brother, but I hope I will be ok their.

Days pass on and the princess was ready to give her answer. So she write a letter about saying yes to the offer of the king and called a messenger to deliver the letter.

The king receive the letter of the princess a few days later, and tell his son that the princess will come to their palace. So the prince patiently waited on the castle door until the princess will arrive.

Few days later, the princess is here (said by a maid to king John and prince James)

the prince hurriedly run to the castle door to greet the princess. While the princess ride on the carriage arrive on front of the castle .The prince help Diane to get down on the carriage and the prince thanks the prince

Hello there princess, nice to meet you again(said the prince)

Nice to meet you again prince James, starting today I will be at your care my prince(the princess replied)

Its my pleasure princess.

So the new life of princess Diane will start on the house of the Wart. What will happen to her now.



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