The Maestro And The General: A Play Of Destiny

The Maestro And The General: A Play Of Destiny

Ep 1

Hi dear readers!
This is your Author :)
And this is a new chat story of mine. I hope you like it and enjoy it.
Have fun reading!
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It was spring. There was a soft spring breeze carrying falling blossoms with it, filling the air with floral fragrance.
There were a lot of people, precisely couples, walking on the pathway filled with peach blossom trees.
Under one such peach blossom tree stood a young lady. She had beautiful full waist length hair, her skin pale and illuminating a gold radiance due to the sun rays that peeped through the tree and fell on her.
The young lady raised her head with her eyes closed, as she breathed in the floral breeze. There was a tranquil look on her face, as if nothing bothered at her at the moment.
The beautiful lady then slowly opened her eyes, revealing a surprising color natural purple. Her eyes that twinkled under the sun, had an extremely lonely expression.
She slowly raises her hand to block the sunlight that fell on her eyes.
She sighs softly, and whispers to herself "It's been 3 springs since I last saw you"
The young lady stays for a few more minutes before walking away. Her lonely figure slowly fading away.
Meyers University
Meyer School of Business building
Violetta Fitzroy
Violetta Fitzroy
'Walking in the corridor after a lecture'
Violetta is a beauty that made heads turn wherever she went. But she was a beauty that nobody dared to approach. One reason being her persona. She was an unapproachable elegant beauty. Extremely talented but never giving another glance at others. This made people admire from afar as they didn't feel worthy enough to speak to her. Because she never smiled.
Yes, it's her third year in this university and not even one person saw her smile. Not even at official meetings or presentations. Her rare violet eyes always held loneliness, which was always misunderstood as aloofness and arrogance.
The second reason as to why nobody approached her was Adam Richards.
The university heartthrob, who similarly doesn't smile much. But yes, people have seen him smile.
Coming from a powerful family, arrogance of spoiled brat was etched in his bones. Which is why no one wants to go against him, as they wanted to have some peaceful time at the university.
And as to why this is related to Violetta.... Adam and Violetta had a peculiar relationship. Which everyone has assumed them to be lovers.
Violetta Fitzroy
Violetta Fitzroy
'Usual unbothered eyes, walking with elegance'
Adam Richard
Adam Richard
'Appears in front of her'
Violetta Fitzroy
Violetta Fitzroy
'Stops and looks at him with no expression'
Everyone had their eyes on them, as both of them were famous. And good looking.
Adam Richard
Adam Richard
'Expressionless eyes' Be ready by 6.
Violetta Fitzroy
Violetta Fitzroy
'Stays there with no expression' I have things to do. I'm not coming.
Adam Richard
Adam Richard
'Doesn't wait to hear her response and leaves from there. '
Oh right, with his three bratty friends.
Ken Lin
Ken Lin
'Sneering at her'
Miles Smith
Miles Smith
'Looks at her with disgust'
Niel Voicu
Niel Voicu
Violetta Fitzroy
Violetta Fitzroy
'Annoyed but walks away with no expression on her face. '
This interaction leaves the bystanders with confusion. Though they are not really surprised as this was usually how they interacted but this way of talking makes them doubt whether they are really lovers.
But listening to what Adam said, convinces them that they must be lovers.
So... what exactly is their relationship?


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