Mikuku Lore [Diary Of The UnderAchiever]

Mikuku Lore [Diary Of The UnderAchiever]




 May 29th, 2024,

Year of the Dragon

Summary: Rajay, Nayeet, Marituay, and others

Entry: Hello? Is it anyone here? Oh, hey, hi. I'm Digger. You know I'm just a Dermatophyte, you know, a nail infection. All I want is to get in here in front of your nail. Ask your doctor about Lamasil, Get your nail infection where it GROWS.

About the Indian-Hindu Fantasy Fiction Novel that I made in June 2023 when I graduated from 9th grade (Freshmen year), about a young Indian man who got reincarnated with the ability to live 100 lives and die in 100 deaths to save his bride-to-be and his friends from the Marshakis with the help of the white snake that saved him from the wedding fire in the form of the faithful wife and many more countless tots.

It's been a year since I go on a hiatus with this novel due to me working on more episodes of AIDOWIANAV (Am I Different or What? I Am Not A Villainess), And LINNG, and I'm not sure how A Bollywood movie inspired me in the first place. The Bollywood movie was "Nigahen". And If you don't know what Bollywood is, It's an Indian movie industry that makes a lot of Bollywood movies. I discovered them when I was a kid, and it grew into a lot deeper when I started watching them.

And I decided to make the light novel to be in a Hindu theme about reincarnation, the choices between being sold to the devil or fight back for faith, and many more. It was an awesome experience with this novel, and why it was on a 1-year hiatus. The Protagonist of the novel, Rajay, along with his bride-to-be and the white snake that saved him and protected the gemstone and the household was killed in a carriage accident and a grand fire that almost killed the wedding by a mad sage who feared that a white snake that will ruin his meditation and can bring never-ending rage, and he decided to kill the 3 main characters (Rajay, his bride-to-be, and the white snake) so he can get infinite power!

Wait wait. The woman on the music on this Animal Cruelty PSA, "Dumb Animals" is having a permanent hiccup problem.

It about those supermodels showing off their new fur coats to the audience and starts to splatter blood all over the auditorium, causing them to freak out while they were splattered in blood and one of the models were dragging her fur coat with a path of blood. "It takes up to 40 dumb animals to make a fur coat, but only one to wear it." The live sheep trade: It's a bloody disgrace.

Songmin Fae (Moe Girl Cafe 2 User) wants to sleep... FOREVER....

I wanted it to be thanful for you. And now, I will translate it in languages.








AIDFWIANOV (Am I Different or What? I am Not a Villainess) と LINNG のエピソード制作に取りかかっていたため、この小説の執筆を休止してから 1 年が経ちました。そもそもボリウッド映画が私にインスピレーションを与えたのかどうかはわかりません。そのボリウッド映画は「Nigahen」でした。ボリウッドが何なのかわからない人のために説明すると、ボリウッドはインドの映画産業で、多くのボリウッド映画を制作しています。私は子供の頃にボリウッドを発見し、見始めてからさらに深く理解するようになりました。


待って。この動物虐待のPSA「Dumb Animals」の音楽を担当している女性は、ずっと調子が悪いようです。それは、スーパーモデルたちが新しい毛皮のコートを観客に見せびらかし、観客席中に血を飛び散らし、観客が血まみれになり、モデルの一人が血の跡が残る毛皮のコートを引きずっているのを見てパニックに陥るという話です。「毛皮のコートを作るのに40匹の愚かな動物が必要だが、それを着るのはたった1匹だ。」生きたまま羊を売買するのは、まったく恥ずべき行為です。

Signed, MikukuI_L2019 [🚫Isekai Demon Waifu🚫]

🏳️‍🌈PS: BL is CRINGE!🏳️‍🌈

🏳️‍🌈PPS: Like this novel and Bl if you say "Levi Ackerman"!🏳️‍🌈


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