A Mysterious 12:00am Birthday Gift

A Mysterious 12:00am Birthday Gift

Chapter 1

Sweet Dreams

[Part 1 ]


-> At last Shaurya had reached his house, that is, his apartment,floor 15.Correctly he was parking his car below the flat. He just had to rest for some time after reaching home, so that he could feel a little relaxed and peaceful....but as if the peace and calmness had been lost from Shaurya's life for a few days.

He is constantly in tension and trouble these days, as if he does not understand what to do and what not to do. But even before Shaurya could take a sigh of relief after reaching home, seeing a gift box lying down outside the door of his house, he felt like getting electrocuted....

Before he thought anything else, immediately picked up the gift..... looked at his right and left once and went straight to his room after opening the door with the gift.

He was now again upset, because upon checking the gift, it was found that once again there was no name, address, nothing written on it.

He left that gift lying on the table in his room and ran towards mummy's room.... He actually wanted to ask his mummy about this gift. He thought maybe mummy knows something about it.. .. Or has someone come home to visit and left it outside the door!! But all these questions remained in Shaurya's mind, because when Shaurya reached mother's room, she was not there at all.

He could not understand where his mother had gone... He had checked all the rooms in his flat, but no one was at home. He was getting very irritated because of these things. He kept his frustration on site for a moment and thought about opening the gift...he ran back to his room.

As soon as he entered the room, he broke down on that gift and started opening it very angrily and rudely. But once again he felt like getting an electric shock when he found that gift empty from inside. He slammed the box on the bed.

In frustration, he tore apart the soft bed sheet and cushions on his king size bed, and Shaurya's mobile fell down on doing this condition of the bed sheet. Hearing the sound of the mobile falling, he thought that he should call mom...but when he picked up the phone, he came to know that the phone's battery was dead and the phone was switched off.

Shaurya angrily ran his fingers through his sweaty hair and pulled them lightly, as he felt like smashing the phone on the ground at this moment, but he controlled his anger and calmed himself down. Shaurya picked up the mobile and attached it to the charger kept on his study table and kept the phone charging.


❤****Dear valued reader,

As I sit here, pouring my heart and soul into every word, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude for your unwavering support and dedication. You are the driving force behind my creative journey, the very reason I find solace in crafting tales that whisk you away to other worlds.

Writing a novel is no easy feat. It requires countless hours of contemplation, sleepless nights spent refining plotlines, and relentless determination to breathe life into characters you can connect with. With every chapter I upload, I am offering you a piece of my imagination, a part of my very essence, hoping it resonates deeply within your hearts.

Your love and comments have the power to fuel my creative spirit, elevate my prose and breathe life into my narrative. Your words are the nourishment that nurtures the seeds of my passion, pushing me forward even when doubt may cloud my path. Knowing that my work has touched your soul, inspired your emotions, and left you yearning for more is the ultimate reward.

Please understand the immense impact you hold within your fingertips. By taking a moment to express your thoughts, to share your appreciation, you breathe life into my artistic pursuit. Your comments, whether they be filled with praise, constructive criticism, or personal reflections, are invaluable to me. They remind me why I embarked on this literary endeavor in the first place—to forge connections, ignite emotions, and create a community of fellow dreamers.

In this vast ocean of words and stories, your support means the world to me. It fuels my determination to explore uncharted territories, create characters who defy conventions, and weave intricate narratives that leave an indelible mark on your souls.

So, my dear readers, I humbly request your continued love and support. Let each chapter be an opportunity for us to embark on a shared adventure, a canvas upon which we paint the tapestry of emotions. Your comments likes, and shares are the lifeblood of this journey, the very essence of our connection as writers and readers.

Together, let us revel in the power of storytelling. Together, let us create magic.

With heartfelt appreciation,🙏

#Author 🌟



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