Taekook: Home!

Taekook: Home!

Side to side -1

"I've been here all night I've been here all day And boy, got me walkin' side to side"
❗This story is pure imagination and nothing to do with real life. This might feel uncomfortable for some readers as it contains mature theme, hybridization, cruelty. Please check before reading.❗
isn't it today we had a meeting with Rousseff?
Yes sir, he informed he'll be there like in ten minutes.
Then let's not waste time, get there as soon as possible.
Yoongi aka Black God, the highest seller of the finest drugs in South Korea. More than 75 cases are on him but still the police and detective are unable to find the nest of their durgs factory. Yoongi sells more than 500 kg of drugs to several parts of the world per day, 1 kg can buy a house. It's that expensive and refined freshly. V, the right hand of yoongi. He works under him as his manager, bodyguard, etc. More over he's a gunman for yoongi. An order from his like a opportunity to achieve something for V. he's been with yoongi for years since his parents died in an accident. Yoongi found him and trained him and gave his a special position.
Random (named as per in story)
Random (named as per in story)
ROUSSEFF: Welcome Mr. yoongi! have a seat let's talk!
Sure! Mr. Rousseff!
Yoongi pulled the chair and sat in front front of the Other. It was one of Rousseff's basement. Dark, a metal table separating them and a hanging yellow light on top. It really looked like a dangerous deal. Behind Rousseff, stood two bodyguard's on both side while yoongi had V on his right side.
We shall not make it late. Tell me the deal.
Random (named as per in story)
Random (named as per in story)
ROUSSEFF: Mr. Min, I'm really impressed by your production. Make me impressed by you kind heart too.
Random (named as per in story)
Random (named as per in story)
ROUSSEFF: I'm hoping for a good and valuable deal. North has a population of 50k around Euphoria. I'm talking about 800 million dollars to me and North to you!
Yoongi tapped the table while thinking. His thoughts reached the peak when he smirked at Rousseff, before retreating his hands.
Mr. Rousseff, I've been dealing a lot since years! According to me this is rubbish!
Random (named as per in story)
Random (named as per in story)
ROUSSEFF: Excuse me?
I know North has only population of 30k with 3.5% of youngsters. Even though you rule there, I have everything on board.
My drug attracts youthful minds which your North has not enough and for that 800 million would be a little OVER!
Random (named as per in story)
Random (named as per in story)
ROUSSEFF: Mr. Min, this is the way we can only deal! *glare*
then I don't want your stupid North! I've the whole Medo (Place name) with me. Your Euphoria does not deserve it.
Random (named as per in story)
Random (named as per in story)
ROUSSEFF: I think you don't understand Mr. Min. You haven't clearly known me. I RULE euphoria.
Rousseff, you ruling euphoria doesn't help me fear... I've seen more blood than you!
Random (named as per in story)
Random (named as per in story)
ROUSSEFF: I don't like where this is going! *gritted his teeth*
then don't! *stood up slamming the table* The deals off.
Yoongi buttoned up his coat and turned getting off the chair. The growling Rousseff called yoongi with his harsh voice.
Random (named as per in story)
Random (named as per in story)
ROUSSEFF: You're gonna regret it Min. I'm warning you! *points at him*
Yoongi sighed. Nothing's new to him. He side eyed V and murmured.
Finish him!
yes sir!
With a splish, V turned and chopped Rousseff's head off his neck.
V stopped the grand Roles Royes on the front porch of Black God's heaven. Yoongi along with 2 bodyguards got off. Before V could go yoongi leaned down before the window and said.
We need to go to Church tomorrow. Come early!
Hyung..... i-
You don't need to get down the car. It's important to me!
hmm! *nods*
V drove away from there to his small luxurious home yoongi bought him.
He parked the car on garage and got off. He took some wipes out from the car and wiped the seat which had some blood from his coat. From his slightly opened back door,some rustling sound was heard but he didn't mind. After cleaning and locking the car, V went to unlock his door and get him.
V halted, he had a sense that someone was behind him. He was quick to turn but saw no one around the dark night. V sighed but was alerted. He opened the door and entered.
It was dark inside he closed the door from inside, without switching on the lights and went straight to bedroom with knowing not two but four legs were following him.
(ignore the end)
V stepped out of the bathroom after a hot shower. He came wearing a robe and wiping his wet hair and stood in front of his mirror. He threw the towel away and bend to take comb when his eyes notice a paper with red paw prints.
*wrinkled his brows*
V took the paper and read it seriously.
(is it a note from Rousseff's men? but why is it a cat paw?)
V looked at his coat thrown at the floor and could see a print around the blood he had. It like a stamp on the paper.
Cat entered the house? *sigh* How?
V got outside his room and looked at the door. It was closed. He looked around all the house and saw it was all isolated... how did the cat entered the house. He shrugged thinking may have entered when he was not home and it's not here since he had looked around.
V stood alone outside the church with his work suit on. Yoongi stood in between the bench along with a bodyguard behind him, looking at big statue of Almighty. Suddenly a man similar as Josser came hand handed yoongi a thick book. Yoongi claimed it and stared at the cover. The josser left. Yoongi closed his eyes and let out his words.
For my all sins.....
Outside, V turned around he didn't want to recollect the bad nightmares. He closed his tight, he could hear the cries and beggings of a woman sitting next to her killed husband.
He quickly opened his eyes not want to panick. He swiped the sweat off his forehead and hid is face in his palms in frustration. From few distances back from him, the eyes grew wider, wiggling the tail while it sat and starred at V's back.
Bodyguard walking in front, yoongi came behind him after his confession. It's not first time. It's what yoongi believe. For his job, for all the lifes he'd take, he'd come here and confession his sins as a forgiveness however it doesn't even take a second to kill someone. He's not a nonbeliever Or believer. But for what he did he will ask for spare himself. He would take V with him even though it's a nightmare for V. As yoongi's workmen V never declines it and as a part of himself yoongi never let's V decline it.
let's go V! I need to be at airport in 3 minutes.
V noded and entered the car even though it takes 2 hours from here to airport. Yoongi believed V because he never disappoints him, 2 hours is like 2 second for him. Yoongi sat on the car and leaned back on his seat closing his eyes and relaxed feeling like a burden off.
The four legged misery which V failed to notice, watched the car going away from it. The pupil expanded and tail wiggled up in the air. Without a second later, the four legs jumped and made it's way behind the car.
My new one! are there any readers from previous one? I've changed the layout of my writing. This might be long and interesting one. Please have patience and understand the plot as in episodes!
I'll see y'all here! 😁




me is here 🤚. is this story based on ghost story or what after reading the first chapter i sensed some ghostly vibe





me is here, from different acc! 😁





me is here and damn it's seems so interesting 😍🤩🤩



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