Never Going Back

Never Going Back

the story detail first chapter 1

lily propose by her lover Jimmy she was so happy that she want to tell Sofia (best friend) about that she was going sofia's house and she see that at car parking Her fiancis car was there She was thinking that my fiance don't leave here when she see the car plate number that was the car Jimmy drive .

when Lily take the elevator she was thinking that Jimmy most want to meet my best friend to tell her that I proposed lily , she was so excited that how will Jimmy proposed to me but lily saw Jimmy and Sofia sleeping in the same bed after that she weeping so much that when Jimmy came she say I seen you with my bestie what were you doing with her in the same bed .

Jimmy tall lily that it was a plan to win I make a bat that if I sleep with you I can have $1000000 dollar but you didn't sleep with me so let's breakup Jimmy Say,s that we don't have anything so don't come back Lily cry and talk to Sofia that that was you who made the bat and Sofia say yes because you have everything but I can have it so I will Starel it from you everything Lily say but I give you everything my affection love etc everything why did you be betray me did I do something wrong Lily say I think that you were my friend Sofia after that Jimmy and Sofia was talking about Lily Lily send a message that she has some clues that you are playing with me I record your voice when Sofia know that see she go to lily's house Lily did not send the voice record to police Sofia saying that we were best friend the main actress Lily we have nothing between us you are not my best friend you betrayed me you play with my heart Sofia you and Jimmy both go to the police station after Sofia get scared Lily was in the terrorist Sofia push her down the terrorist and laughing saying that no one no that's I kill you lily was alive Jimmy know that but did not save lily after knowing the truth both her best friend and fiance she say that I will come back and punish you Sofia say that after this I will take your house saying that Lily last World was you should take my house Lilly say that will not happen because I will come back you just wait and watch and see died.

She travel back when she was meet Jimmy but this time she did not drink what Sofia give her she changed drink with Sofia and Sofia trying to drug Lilly Sofia was drug with her on drug she slept with Jimmy this time but Lily did drug and slept with a man but when she woke up she did not see anyone around her?title reader in Jalna


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