My Reborn Life [~~Taekook~~]
Hola Senoritas and Senors.
I know you are upset with Jungkook as Ji Eun was rebuking him for not taking care of his son...and you may think Ji Eun has no right to let Jungkook feel bad cause Taehyung pushed his family away ..
But......But...have you ever heard about a mother's aggression to protect their child...When she saw her youngest son lying on the hospital bed, she lost control...She really did wrong for screaming at Jeon. But, that was just her outburst which made her a 'mother'
i don't know about others author nim but i don't blame ji eun for scolding jk bcz in my opinion even jungkook also has not completed his responsibility of being a husband....some readers are blaming tae for not opening up to jk but how will tae even open up to jk when jk has never try know tae, never try to confront him, never try to make tae comfortable around him, then how will tae open up to him, he is already gone through soo much he is already depressed so he will sure not open up to anyone untill he feel comfortable around that person or that person will make him feel safe which jk never did...
jieun is also right here...i don't her at all💜
Bunny's Tiger
i really don't blam her even if I was in her place i would have slapped him !but he's also doesn't know him
Manja Nis