My Brother Become My Bride

My Brother Become My Bride


doctor sha
doctor sha
Calm down madam
doctor sha
doctor sha
Calm down
james arora
james arora
Arhhh I am ready calm ahh...
james arora
james arora
Arhhh ...ahhhh
james arora
james arora
Ahh Huff 💨 huff 💨
baby lucas
baby lucas
Uaaa ....waaa 😭
doctor sha
doctor sha
Good job madam now the second
doctor sha
doctor sha
just a little
baby cherry
baby cherry
Waa 😭 ...waa 😭
doctor sha
doctor sha
Congratulations madam you have twin boys
doctor sha
doctor sha
One in the white hair is the omega mad one in the black hair is the alpha
james arora
james arora
Hmm let me see the boys
doctor sha
doctor sha
Sure ma'am
james arora
james arora
They are so beautiful 😍
doctor sha
doctor sha
Madam name the children
james arora
james arora
Hmm 🤔 ok in the black hair will be lucas
james arora
james arora
And in the white hair will be cherry
doctor sha
doctor sha
such a beautiful and sweet name ma'am
doctor sha
doctor sha
Let me call sir
james arora
james arora
No.... Don't call them
doctor sha
doctor sha
But madam ....
james arora
james arora
No * a little loud *
james arora
james arora
Doc. I want to somewhere far from here
james arora
james arora
And i don't want anyone to know about it even my husband
james arora
james arora
So please....
doctor sha
doctor sha
Ok but....
james arora
james arora
No... I want him to be strong and powerful enough so that no one can touch us
james arora
james arora
Or harm us
james arora
james arora
So it's better to be separate for us for some years
james arora
james arora
And yes... I am taking cherry with me
james arora
james arora
When he comes told him what I have said to you and hand him over my other child
james arora
james arora
Tell him that I want him to so powerful that he can rule over the world
doctor sha
doctor sha
Ye...yes madam
after that james ran away from there with cherry


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