After A Nightmarish Story In The Cursed Hotel Behind The Mirror, Evil Still Roams The City, The Acti

After A Nightmarish Story In The Cursed Hotel Behind The Mirror, Evil Still Roams The City, The Acti


Ottawa 1976!

After I entered the damned room 213, I noticed a closet from which burnt hands were climbing out screaming


After this closet opened completely and a black hand came out of it, I wanted to run out of this room, but when suddenly the door was locked with a key, the hand got closer to me, grabbed me, and dragged me to the very bottom of the closet, all I remember is dead lights! Then I wake up on the beach and the old hotel keeper is sitting next to me! He decided something with me!

-Hello Andy! -he said smiling-


-How are you doing?


-oh... what happened, if it’s not a secret?

-My dad went crazy and he almost killed me and my mom! Now I won't be underhanded!

-do not worry! I have a present for you! Look here! This box will save you from all, absolutely all fears that you can’t even imagine....!

I wanted to test it, but suddenly it disappeared! Mom ran up to me, easily

in panic!

-Andy! My God! Andy, where have you been? “I’ve been looking all over for you!” she said, hugging me.

- sorry! There won't be anything like this anymore!

-OK! Let's go home!

After I saw an ad about a missing girl! There was a mark from the hotel behind the mirror!

Some time later I was already at home, and on TV my mother and I watched the movie "A Nightmare on Elm Street"

Mom was waiting for popcorn to watch!

-Here's your popcorn!) Aren't you scared?

-No! I'm not afraid of anything!

I heard some children's voices from my room, I gradually came to my room, and there was this monster in the closet! I immediately closed the door to my room, and I felt a warm stream flowing down my pants, my mother came to me and asked!

-Oh...Andy! What happened?

I kept silent because I was scared of this monster!

-Oh...god, you're all wet! OK! Let me wash your pants! Here are the new ones! Andy, I want to get to know you! Why have you stopped talking to me since you moved?

I showed her that I will no longer be behind the scenes!

-Oh don't worry Andy! You have nothing to fear! I'm always there no matter what happens! I will live forever for you! - this was a hint that when she dies, she will become a behind-the-scenes voice in my head -

-Good night Andy!

In the middle of the night I heard sounds from the closet again while everyone was sleeping! I locked the door, took the box and carefully but bravely walked towards the closet! I soon overcame my fear of locking it in the box!

Meanwhile outside the city!

I definitely remembered this dead girl! As the old hotel keeper told me, “These creatures will devour everything behind the scenes.”

This is the story of this girl! <<1 day ago>> the body of a 6-year-old girl was found in the city of Ottawa!

“Violette, where are you going?” asked the girl’s mother.

-collect flowers!

Soon this girl found a couple of flowers leading to a pond, and by the pond sat a woman in a hat, nicknamed "The Hatter", she was sitting on a stump and humming a beautiful song about an Irish bouquet! And soon she says

-Hello Violette! -Rose Hatter said in a calm tone-

“How do you know my name?” Violette asked.

-I know a lot! Because I'm a magician! -Rose said smiling-

-Are you probably looking for flowers? Is not it?

-Yes! Do you know where they are?

-Yes! Do you want to show me a trick?

-I want! -suddenly 7 people surrounded Violette and Rose-

“Who is this?” Violette asked.

-ah... yes so my friends! They are magicians too! Just don’t interfere, otherwise you’ll miss the trick! Abra kadabra! -beautiful flowers fell from Rose’s hat-

-Wow! So cool!

-take it if you want!

-Thank you! But my parents told me, don’t take things from strangers! And it’s time for me to go! - Rose grabbed Violet’s hand and the situation became tense -

-do you want another trick? - the crowd suddenly ran up to Violetta and began to suck the backstage steam out of Violetta, a loud scream was heard from her, but soon Violetta died -

Ottawa 2011

Hammerfest is taking place in the city center! Two men were playing at a shooting range!

Shooting gallery worker: won the prize!

Adrian: thank you!

Girl from the shooting gallery: I want this hat too!

Adrian: don’t worry, you’ll win it too! - Adrian said with a smile -

Bill: let's go Adrian! - said his friend Bill -

Since Bill and Adrian were gay, they were noticed by local gopniks!

-Do you have any problems, fagots?

Adrian: mine? Personally, no problem! But.. with Billy it’s possible!

Billy: let's go Adrian!

After a while, they took aim at the Kissing Bridge!

Adrian: good evening! Isn’t that right, Bill?” Adrian asked with a smile.

Bill: I agree with you, the evening is just a blast! Can we kiss?

Adrian: I thought you wouldn’t offer it!

They kissed, but after a while these gopniks took a closer look!

-Do you know what we have in our city, from talking half to death? People like you are fagots and drug addicts!

Adrian: so what will you do to me? This is nothing! You're just a son of a bitch! Do you have any other arguments girls???

Suddenly one of the gopniks hit Adriana, and their father began beating her until she bled, and approached one guy, about 16 years old, and picked up the hat that hit Adriana!

-cool cap! She is mine!

One of the gopniks puts Adriana on the pier of the bridge, and the situation becomes tense!

-boy, give me this cap! - said one of the gopniks -

-but she's mine!


The boy gave the cap to Gopnik, and Gopnik put the cap on Adriana, and then said

-welcome to Ottawa bastard! -Gopnik threw Adriana off the bridge into the water-


- let's run away from here! Quicker!

Bill decided to go down the bridge!

Adrian: HELP! -then he noticed some sparkling yellow eyes - it was the Party Man from Backstage -

Bill has already gone down and sees that some monster is holding Adriana in his arms, after the monster smiles widely and opens his mouth with thin teeth wide, this monster has bitten off the flesh from Adriana-

Billy: NOOOOO!!!!!! - suddenly the monster smiled broadly and bloodily again, and then multi-colored balls with the inscription began to fly from the bridge -

(One day later)

I remembered being in a bar and playing pool!

Andy: wow! I'm lucky today! Andy said while playing pool!

-If your dad Andy saw this now, he would be happy!

Andy: but it’s a pity that he’s no longer alive!

-he's alive!

Andy: why?

-there is such a clan as the <>, it has existed since the 18th century. The Knot of the Faithful are vampires who eat food that is unacceptable to them as Backstage People! And they live for 1000 years, to kill them, you need to shoot them twice, and they will die, and very painfully! And in order to resurrect the family of believers, a ceremony must be performed!

Andy: oh!

- and you are one of them!

Andy: no, that's not true!

-you are one of us!

Andy: shut up!

-you are one of us

Andy: damn!

-you are one of us

I hit him and blood poured from his nose and he lost consciousness! I woke up at five o'clock in the morning because I wanted to vomit, but I saw my stubborn wife lying on my bed, my wife died about 1 year ago, I was shocked, even very much! She looked like a zombie!

Wife: Andy! Protect our child!

Suddenly the child turns around and he, too, was in the form of a zombie!

Child: PAPAA!

...I sharply pushed myself into the wall because my wife died 1 year ago, but everything seemed to me and I just saw the leading! And I thought that I had lost my mind! Suddenly I quickly went to the toilet to vomit because I was at the bar yesterday and drank a lot...


After all this, I was forced to go to work with the Ottawa police!

“Hello Mr. Brooks!” I greeted with a smile.

-oh...hello Mr. Torrence! We have new colleagues!

“Let me see them!” I said with an awkward but pleasant smile on my face.

-Certainly! Certainly! They are waiting for you in the office!

Some time later we arrived at Officer Brooks' office!

-Hi guys! This is Andy Torrance! - Soon Officer Brooks received a call about a dead body found in Ottawa -

-Sorry, I need to go away! Have fun without me!

“Andy Torrance?” said the red-haired woman, “do you know the name?” Is not it?

-So!-ah...are you by any chance Beverly Hills?

“Yes!” Beverly said in shock

“Have we ever seen each other somewhere?” said Jack.

-without a doubt! -Silver said smiling-

-Wait! You're Beverly! You are Jack! You are Silver! Mike! Ben! A...and you are John! All this is somehow familiar! Did we really see each other in childhood?

And then Beverly looked at her right hand and where they left the scar as an oath about the monsters from Backstage!

-Listen guys! We all had a dark past, because of what we left there in the past, and now the monsters from the Backstage want revenge! - said Beverly -

-That is, what happens... I....I....! Oh my God! “I just had to remember how zombies attacked me!” Mike said with excitement.

-This is not real! Party people, those monsters who play with our minds, and only those who are afraid of them see their deep fears! - I said bravely-

-so we should be together! Like in childhood, when we were 14 years old, we were all scared, but we still stuck together! - said Beverly -

Soon Major Brooks burst in!

-Guys, we should go to River Side Street! A corpse has been discovered! - said Major Brooks -

10 minutes later we were there! And we found the body of Adrian Hoxter!

-from the point of view of the sharp fangs, he was killed by that monster! - said Mike -

While I was wandering behind everyone, after a while I found a burst blood-red balloon with the inscription and I grabbed a flashback when I saw this balloon in the ghost hotel, which led me to room 213! It’s like my whole life is in front of me, like a movie has been played out!

-Y-YES! IT WAS A MONSTER! - I said with excitement -

-Wait...! What other monster? - asked one of the majors -

-damn us, but you should believe in the current story! I know 2 terrible secrets of humanity! When I first left Ottawa, one Indian clan told me about these creatures and how they appeared!

- T-T-Party People! - Silver exclaimed nervously -

-Yes! It's them! It was the 18th century, and there lived one man who had a good and friendly family! This guy's name was Ernest, he lived in one of the areas of Ottawa, where the ghost hotel Behind the Mirror stands, his house used to be in the 18th century, and this guy worked in a circus, but he was considered a loser, and one day he was almost beaten Only teenagers don't care about death! And then the last time he performed, he accidentally smeared himself with a special permanent makeup, and he completely painted himself yellow, and one fine day, he was overtaken by an endless thirst for hunger, and the food in the house was running out and he began to eat people, luring with your funny and attractive shows! But then he cut out his own eyes and made a wide smile, and took on a devilish appearance! And he attacked his wife, but his wife shot him 3 times in the chest, and he woke up the next day in another world!

He could be anyone!

“That’s the story!” the major said in slight shock. “What about the second one?”

-It was still the 17th century when this decrepit disease shrouded the whole world in darkness! Then this disease was considered an apocalypse, and the first person who fell ill with this crap was a 12-year-old boy Timmy from Australia in the city of Auckland, in a day he killed 20 people, all that witnesses saw were the bodies of dead people, semi-skeletons, they saw how they died very painfully in agony! After 50 years, he created a clan of 7 people just like him, called the “Knot of the Faithful”, who themselves live about the 1st century! But if you shoot them twice they will die!

In the evening, a couple from the clan decide to go to the cinema to watch a black and white film

- good movie! Isn’t that right Rose?” Raven asked smilingly.

“Yes, this film fits well into this wonderful evening!” said the Hatter.

After a while, they notice a man about 40 years old and his young beautiful girlfriend comes to him, and her name was Mike and she was about 15 years old!

“Hello Fin!” said Mike, late for the session.

-Hi Mike! You're late for doing something stupid!

-Yes, I know! Are you tired after work? - asked Mike -

-Yes! Very tired!

-whoa, look! Something romantic is planned for them! - said the Raven to the Hatter -

-quiet! “Don’t interrupt the double show!” said the Hatter.

-Then! Go to sleep! -Mika told her boyfriend-

This guy suddenly fell asleep under Mikey's hypnosis, while Fin was sleeping, Mike was sleeping, took out a knife, and began to cut his neck, while the Hatter repeated her phrases exactly

-Look! She will now tell him that “you will always work in my favor,” said the Hatter.

- You will always work in my favor! - Mike began to cut his throat with every phrase -

“You will re-sign your profile on Facebook, and write in the description that you love little girls!” Rose said.

- you will re-sign your profile on Facebook, and write in the description that you love little girls! - the T-shirt left 3 cuts on Fin, on his neck and after which he died, and Mike kissed him on the wound site -

Mike left the cinema hall and was getting ready to go somewhere, and the Raven and the Hatter followed her! Suddenly Rose grabbed Mike's hand!

-What do you want? - asked Mike -

-oh... Mike! Is not it? I saw you in the movies! And, I liked your ability!

-What do you want?

“ you want to be just like me?” asked the Hatter, “so beautiful, strong, and super powerful?”

“If you insist, then I don’t mind!” said Mike.

“Then follow me!” Rose said with a smile.

They got into their car and drove through the mountains with a beautiful view, as if they were driving across a blanket to their base!



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