EP 20
- I just can't end the story here when I am more excited than my readers, can I?-
- Anyone who dares to report mh story one more time, your account will get reported automatically by MT.-
- While Penelope and Sebastian were having their own little WWE against the Richard siblings, something else was cooking in Hilton family's mansion.-
Alastor Hilton(ML'S ADPOTED SON)
This is a serious problem *Eating tangulu*
Natalie Hilton/Tsaritsa(ML'S MOM)
I swear your granpa can be a real glue sometimes
Natalie Hilton/Tsaritsa(ML'S MOM)
Like whattttt, why does he want Vivienne and Sebby to get married so bad? *Crunch*
Alastor Hilton(ML'S ADPOTED SON)
I donn like her *Pouty*
Natalie Hilton/Tsaritsa(ML'S MOM)
You don't even know her *Side eye*
Alastor Hilton(ML'S ADPOTED SON)
Do I need to know someone to dislike? *Tilts his head*
Natalie Hilton/Tsaritsa(ML'S MOM)
Not really *Sighs*
Natalie Hilton/Tsaritsa(ML'S MOM)
Ahhhh, JUST WHY CAN'T THAT SEBBY GET MARRIED *Feels like pulling her hair*
Alastor Hilton(ML'S ADPOTED SON)
Paitence, Natty *Patting her back*
Natalie Hilton/Tsaritsa(ML'S MOM)
Make tangulu of paitence *pissed*
Alastor Hilton(ML'S ADPOTED SON)
It'll be sweet
Alastor Hilton(ML'S ADPOTED SON)
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
I swear you gonna regret it *Entering*
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
Challanging Arson Richard? *Yawns*
Alastor Hilton(ML'S ADPOTED SON)
they are back *Watching them from 2nd floor*
Natalie Hilton/Tsaritsa(ML'S MOM)
Natalie Hilton/Tsaritsa(ML'S MOM)
*Looking down*
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
What can he even do? *Shrugs hus shoulder*
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
What he can! *Dramatic Grasp*
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
Do you even have any idea about Arson? That guy is a total nerd who won't stop until he reads an entire book from first to last and memorize it throughly. And you *Points at Penelope*
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
*Moves back*
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
You are the book *Annoyed* he wants to read the most now
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
*Blinks her eyes*
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
Is that bad? *Clueless*
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
Alastor Hilton(ML'S ADPOTED SON)
*Can't understand everything but pities his dad*
Natalie Hilton/Tsaritsa(ML'S MOM)
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
Its not bad to you? *In disbelief*
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
Not really.
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
He is a cute guy you see
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
Alastor Hilton(ML'S ADPOTED SON)
*Tangulu falls on the ground*
Natalie Hilton/Tsaritsa(ML'S MOM)
*Tries not to laugh*
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
He doesn't look like he will make things hard for me either.
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
I don't mind having such a cute assistant *ehehe*
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
*Can't say anything*
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
Im tiredddd, Sebastian.
Penelope Elion/Ladyboss(FL)
You can scold me later *Waves her hand and walks away*
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
Sebastian Hilton/Kniaz(ML)
( This woman is CRAZYYYYYY!)
PEPPA PIGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!
yesssssssssss 😆😆😆😆😆😆
Saheba Khan
well done