Whisper's Of Time

Whisper's Of Time

Chapter 1 - The unexpected Leaders

In the bustling halls of Glenwood Academy, anticipation hung thick in the air as students hurried to their classrooms, eager to reunite with friends and embark on a new academic year. In the vibrant Sapphire classroom, where sunlight streamed through arched windows, Prince Alexander Sterling and Lady Evangeline Montrose took their seats among their classmates, their hearts aflutter with excitement and nerves.

Princr Alexander, his brown hair tousled slightly, and his dark brown eyes scanning the room, found himself seated beside Evangeline, her cascading waves of light orange hair catching the light as she exchanged smiles with their friends. Her silver eyes sparkled with anticipation, mirroring the excitement reflected in Prince Alexander's gaze.

"Good morning, Evangeline," Prince Alexander greeted, his voice tinged with a hint of awkwardness as he shifted in his seat.

"Good morning, your highness," Evangeline replied, her cheeks flushing slightly as she returned his smile. The air between them crackled with unspoken tension, a palpable awareness of their proximity and the forbidden nature of their burgeoning friendship.

As their classmates chatted animatedly, discussing their summer adventures and sharing stories of mischief, Alexander and Evangeline exchanged furtive glances, their hearts pounding in sync with the rhythm of the new school year. Among their friends, Lady Charlotte Hastings, with her fiery red hair and mischievous grin, teased Lord Henry Sinclair about his latest escapade, while Lady Sophia Pembroke, with her gentle demeanor and warm smile, listened intently, her eyes alight with curiosity.

"So, did anyone have any exciting adventures over the break?" Charlotte exclaimed, her voice breaking through the chatter of the classroom.

"I went horseback riding in the countryside," Henry replied, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "It was exhilarating!"

Evangeline glanced at Prince Alexander, a faint smile playing at the corners of her lips. "I spent most of my time reading in the garden," she admitted, her gaze lingering on Prince Alexander's face for a moment before darting away.

Before Prince Alexander could respond, the classroom door swung open, and their teacher, Professor Theodore Ashford, entered with a warm smile. "Good morning, class! Welcome back to Glenwood Academy," he announced, his voice filling the room with warmth and enthusiasm.

As the day unfolded, filled with lessons and laughter, Alexander and Evangeline found themselves drawn together by a shared sense of curiosity and camaraderie. Despite the lingering awkwardness between them, they couldn't deny the undeniable spark that ignited whenever their eyes met, signaling the beginning of a journey filled with hope, uncertainty, and the whispers of forbidden love. and camaraderie. Despite the lingering awkwardness between them, they couldn't deny the undeniable spark that ignited whenever their eyes met, signaling.

As the class neared its end, Professor Ashford cleared his throat, drawing the attention of the students. "Now, before we conclude, I have an announcement," he said, clasping his hands together. "It's time to elect a class president for the term. Who among you would like to step up and take on the responsibility?"

Silence hung in the air as the students exchanged uncertain glances. No one seemed eager to volunteer for the position.

Prince Alexander leaned over to Evangeline, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Looks like no one's jumping at the chance to lead," he remarked with a smirk.

Evangeline chuckled softly. "your highness ,perhaps they're just waiting for the right moment to make their grand entrance," she replied, casting a playful glance around the room.

Their friends, Charlotte and Henry, joined in the conversation, speculating on who might eventually take on the role of class president.

"I bet it'll be someone unexpected," Charlotte mused, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Maybe someone who's been quietly observing from the sidelines."

Henry nodded in agreement. "Or perhaps someone with a natural knack for leadership, but who's been too humble to put themselves forward," he suggested.

As the discussion continued, Professor Ashford addressed the class once more. "Well, it seems we have a bit of a dilemma," he said with a chuckle. "I'll leave the position open for now, but I encourage each of you to consider taking on the responsibility. Leadership is not just about titles, but about guiding and supporting your peers."

As the bell rang, signaling the end of the lesson, the students gathered their belongings and prepared to leave the classroom. Prince Alexander and Evangeline shared a knowing smile, their thoughts already drifting to the possibilities of the upcoming election and the adventures that awaited them at Glenwood Academy.

Little did they know, the path to leadership would lead them down a journey of friendship, rivalry, and self-discovery, as they navigated the twists and turns of adolescence and forged bonds that would last a lifetime. And amidst it all, the whispers of time would continue to shape their destinies in ways they could never have imagined.

Their classmates buzzed with anticipation as Professor Ashford entered the room during the evening for his secon session , as his authoritative presence commanding instant attention. With a flick of his wrist, the room fell silent, and all eyes turned to the front of the class.

"Good evening , students," Professor Ashford began, his voice carrying a tone of warmth and authority. "As you know, it's time to select our class presidents for the upcoming term."

A ripple of murmurs spread through the room as the students exchanged glances, some eagerly volunteering while others hesitated.

"However," Professor Ashford continued, "since no one has come forward to volunteer, I have taken the liberty of choosing based on academic performance."

The room fell silent as all eyes turned to Professor Ashford, anticipation hanging in the air like a tangible veil.

"After careful consideration," Professor Ashford announced, "I am pleased to announce that our new class presidents will be Lady Evangeline Montrose and Prince Alexander Sterling."

A chorus of applause erupted from the students as Evangeline and Alexander exchanged surprised glances, their expressions a mixture of shock and pride.

"Well done, you two!" exclaimed a voice from the back of the room, followed by a chorus of congratulations from their classmates.

"Thank you, everyone," Evangeline said, her cheeks flushing with color as she rose from her seat. "We're honored to serve as your class presidents and will do our best to represent you."

Prince Alexander nodded in agreement, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "Indeed, we'll work diligently to ensure the success of our class."

As the applause died down and the class settled into their seats, Evangeline and Prince Alexander exchanged a knowing glance, a silent understanding passing between them. In that moment, they realized that their journey together was only just beginning, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead, side by side.

With determination in their hearts and the support of their classmates behind them, Lady Evangeline Montrose and Prince Alexander Sterling embarked on a new chapter of their lives, united in purpose and bound by the whispers of destiny.


...to be continue...



janu wijayalakshmi

janu wijayalakshmi

this chapter made me feel like



janu wijayalakshmi

janu wijayalakshmi

I unexpectedly found this in novel section, the story looks soo nice can't wait to read it again 😀 😊 author please update us 😀 ❤️🥹



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