episode 15
This bodyguard of mine was impossible.
By the way that Patt on my cheek in the name of the slap was nothing princess, gain some strength*smirks and held her shopping bag*
I ignored him and entered the car and took my seat.
Camila Robinson
Drive*said coldly*
*puts the bag on the backseat and starts driving*
The way to the mansion was quiet until he stopped the car
Camila Robinson
Now what happened?*eyes rolled*
Ice cream*looks at the street*
I looked at him direction and saw a little girl selling ice cream with her mom maybe
Camila Robinson
That's from street side it could be unhealthy an-
Oh forgive me princess I have issues following all the orders of Robinsons besides I will have it for myself*turns off the key*
Camila Robinson
*rolled her eyes*
Besides a High class princess only eats high quality gold carod ice cream*smirks and left*
He taunts me as If I have borrowed some money from him.
Camila Robinson
Arrogant man*eyes rolled*
I looked at him, crossing the streets and buying an icecream
Camila Robinson
Seriously a crazy man*shook her head*
*gave a bunch of cash to the little girl and came back*
Camila Robinson
*eyes widened*
How much is he getting paid that he gave a bunch of cash?
Camila Robinson
Something is suspicious*low voice*
He came and sat in the car and I took out my gun and pointed at him
Wow ... princess ready to kill for what reason?
Camila Robinson
Who are you?*asked coldly*
I am Dav, your personal bodyguard hired by your brother*said looking at her*
Camila Robinson
You gave that girl a bunch of money*said coldly*
Oh*eats his ice cream*
Camila Robinson
I am not kidding I will shoot you right now if you don't tell me who you are?*asked coldly*
Two thoughts were going in my mind, either he is very a good person by heart or he is an enemy in disguise
Slapping me wasn't enough that you wan-
Camila Robinson
*pulls the trigger pointing at the window while glaring at him*
The glass was bullet proof so I knew no one would get hurt
But he needs to know I am not joking here
Camila Robinson
The truth*said coldly pointing at his head with a glare*
But he wasn't scared at all
He looked amused and a psychotic smile appeared on his face.
Find out yourself princess,but don't regret if you get to know I am innocent*eating ice cream*
He was eating ice cream as if it didn't bother him whatever I did.
He wasn't scared of death
I have defeated your brother in the fight to be near you,do you think I can't break the hand who is pointing the gun at me princess?*smirks and looks at her while eating ice cream*
His voice held the darkness and the promise that he could do it if he wanted
Camila Robinson
*puts the gun down*
*licks his ice cream while looking at her intensely*
I don't know why my breath hitched while he was running his tongue on the ice cream
I felt wetness in my core while he was licking the ice cream
Camila Robinson
(why does my body react to him?)
Your brother pays me a good amount of salary to protect you princess,but next time if you do that then I won't think twice before breaking them*said coldly and starts driving*
I felt shivers down my spine when he said that
Camila Robinson
I was just being vigilant*low voice*
Tell your brother to fire me if you have this much problem*said coldly while driving*
I didn't say a word on that
I am not some bitch of Robinsons whom you will abuse and will listen*said coldly*
Damn!! What was happening to me?
mii chann ≛⃝🔱
wowwwww she is intelligent 😘😚😙😙😗iam impressed
she isn't bossy she IS spoiled