The Fated Heir (Love Or Trust)

The Fated Heir (Love Or Trust)

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

“I lost, I lost, I accept my defeat”; said sir Carson catching his breath. Lying in the dirt in his armour and leather clothing fully drenched. Beads of sweat are visible on his neck and forehead.

“You didn’t give your best again”: I replied stepping back and I was right. He never gives his best when it comes to sparring with me. He still thinks of me as a child.

“Don’t accuse me of something like that. Like always I really did my best”; rising up from the ground he still insisted. But I can’t believe him, would any one belief if the captain of the Royal knights with years of training and battle experience lost to some teenager.

“I don’t believe you.”

“Why? Either you’re pretending to be too humble or you’re just not self-aware.” He said wiping mud from his beard. Why is he still not ready to budge.

“Urgh! Fine. You won. I can’t argue with you anymore.” Yeah! As always. I just can’t argue with him over something so trivial. It’s getting super boring to spar with sir Carson. I like swordsmanship so much that I have been doing it from the age of five but I don’t believe my few years of practice can rival his decades of expertise.

Oh no! Why am I even bothering with this right now? It’s almost time for breakfast; Uncle would be furious if he gets to know about this.

“I shall be taking my leave now sir Carson or I’ll be late. Please keep this sparring session between us only.” I bid sir Carson farewell and went for my chambers.

“Yes, my lady”, I heard from a distance.


‘Click-clack-click.’ The sound of my steps was loud enough to echo in the quiet corridor. I dashed right into my room as soon as I turned the corner. All the guards and servants were present but little did I care. Everybody knew this was my every day thing except Uncle, I guess Aunt disciplined them enough to not let this slip into Uncle’s ears.

“You are back my lady” Asked Marry in her hand maiden’s uniform with grey gown and white apron, her chestnut hair tied down back of her head in a messy bun, keeping her head and eyes bowed. She was fidgeting a little as being a newbie.

“Yes, I am. Did you prepare the bath? I am all sweaty from the training grounds.” I asked her.

“Yes my lady. I have prepared everything. You can take a bath till then I’ll sort out your dress.” She said and bowed.

“Alright.” I entered and asked all handmaidens to leave. Even while slipping down my corset, my mind was full of thoughts but as I entered the bath tub the warm water calmed them down. There was a sweet fragrance probably from the rose petals floating on the water. I closed my eyes and lied there for a while until it was all disturbed by Mary’s knocking on the door.

“My lady! Her royal highness, the Duchess, has sent her word for you to come down for breakfast.” She said from outside the door with a little panic in her voice.

Oh no! I didn’t realize how the time passed by so quickly in the bathtub. I scrubbed myself as fast as I could and stepped out.

Emily and Mary pounced onto me with the gown and accessories, till my brain could process anything I found myself standing with hands laid out and Mary fixing the lace of my dress while Emily adjusting my accessories. After they were done with that, both pushed me towards the mirror. I sat, while they both struggled with my hair panicking. I could see their faces clearly now that they weren’t bowing with only their forehead visible.

Emily had a mole near her lips with almond eyes pinned slightly to the side whereas Mary had freckles over her nose and cheeks accompanied by drowsy eyes. They both frowned a little as they struggled tying my hair in a side braid.

“My lady its done. Now you’re all ready to go down.” As they said this, I jolted out of my day dreaming and glanced in the mirror. How could they assemble a different attire with so much perfection every day. I really admire their everyday efforts.

I gave them a smile appreciating and went downstairs towards the dining hall.



I greeted everyone as soon as I entered. “Long live Enchandel with blessings of the goddess. Good morning Uncle, Aunt and Elis.”

“Long live Enchandel with blessings of the goddess”, they said altogether.

“Good morning sis. ˮ

“Good morning, Cynthia. Come and have breakfast. ˮ

“Yes Aunt.” I nodded and sat down while Aunt ordered the attendants to bring in the dishes as she sat in her lush green gown. Her brunette hair tied back in a bun. She wore her ‘I am good’ smile but her heavy eye bags and pale complexion slipped the truth.

She must be lacking sleep with her busy schedule and her poor health. Just how much she must be suffering from that illness that even her face lost its charm. But I couldn’t ask her because again she will try her best to not worry me and next time even put a thicker layer of makeup.

Elis also looks worried and tried to ask her but I shot her a sharp look to keep quiet.

She pouted. It’s so cute. Her big and round eyes looks so pure like a young maiden in her orange lace dress. At this I couldn’t stop myself and let out a giggle.


Just then someone barged right through the door.

“Long live Enchandel with blessings of the goddess. Good morning Mother, good morning Father, and both sisters!”

I turn towards knowing who it was, Elex. This little devil always hopping around like some cricket.

“Good morning Elex, may I ask why you are so late for breakfast? ˮ: asked Uncle after being quiet for so long. He is sitting at the end of the table in his blue and white mantle. Being a Grand Duke, he must be in hurry to go to his office to complete that load of work.

The little devil replies; “Um. I was walking tony, Father. He ran after a cat so I had a hard time catching that stupid dog.”

Again, he has that puppy eyes expression on his face to escape punishment.

“Just how many times must I tell you to stop with those childish games. You are a man! You ought to do swordsmanship, ride a horse, practice combat, master spells and elements, learn politics and tactics for the frontiers. And here you are chasing after a dog.” Said Uncle;

“When I was around your age, I was already acing all this…”

There he goes again, boasting about his achievements and himself. Until a few years ago he used to be such a sweet and supportive person. God knows what got into him or who dumped trash into his ears, now he’s turned into a completely different person.

It must be his new adviser in the court. But alas! I am just too lazy to dig anymore into it. I tried to at first but Uncle called me off many a times, rudely on top of that. Without even realising it we grew even more apart. Now it’s just small talk and arguments between us that’s left. I really do miss the old times when all of us would giggle and laugh heartily over meal.

“But Father! Eldest sis is much better at all that. Why don’t you praise her rather than being enraged at me. She could also teach me if you allow her.”

This brat. He unknowingly gave me away. I am doomed to get an earful now.

“What? Am I hearing this correct Cynthia? You are still fooling around, even when I forbid you to. I tolerated your little plays since you were young but now that you’ll be having your coming of age ceremony in a little more than a year, you should learn how to be a proper lady. You will be having your etiquette, flower arrangement, tea sessions, dance, and posture classes from tomorrow onwards.”

“But Father sis already knows all this then why__”

“Then she will take them again and you will be accompanying her on all this Elis, well I can see that you have learned to talk back to your elders! Now finish your breakfast and enjoy your today as you won’t have the time nor the energy to bicker around tomorrow.”

“Honey, please calm down. They are children, please don’t force them into something they don’t like. Calm your anger and have your breakfast with peace of mind”: Aunt tried to speak up for us even though she sounds exhausted.

“No, you don’t understand. If we don’t correct them now then they will turn out like those queens who tend to run a kingdom which isn’t appropriate.” He persisted.

I can’t take it anymore.

“Sigh— Clink!" I put down my silverware.

“I am done. I don’t have any more appetite so

I’ll be leaving then.”

I pushed back the chair and stood. Adjusted my skirt and left that room. It feels really stuffy in there, I can’t get any peace of mind at all.

Let’s go back to my room.



As I entered my room everything was in place as if nothing happened here. Until a while ago this same place looked as if someone turned it upside down. But now—

Emily and Mary must have done this after I left. Now in here its only me and loneliness but at least there’s no arguments.

“Hmm. Let’s see, it should be over here.” I walked over to my bed and bent down; reaching my hand out under the frame. I dragged my twin swords from beneath, they clanked together. I held the hilt, my grip firm.

The metal felt cold against my skin while the blade glistened into the light mirroring a pair of turquoise eyes, following, my lips turned to an involuntary smirk. I unsheathed it and began to swing in rage.

I felt devastated at Uncle’s words even though it wasn’t my first-time hearing those. No matter how much I try to hide it they always succeed to cut deep into my heart and sting.

I know that I am a very sensitive person and expect too much from others. But I don’t hate it, in fact I love my true self. ‘Myself.’ I try to lessen them, the expectations, but sometimes even the most basic ones are shattered.

I have learned to ignore them but sometimes they cross the limit. Although I can pretend to be strong in front of him but just how long do

I have to be pretentious.

Suddenly I heard footsteps coming down the corridor.

In a panic I sheathed the blade and shoved it under the bed.


It was Elis and Elex, I welcomed them inside.

They were accompanied by two attendants who brought tea and snacks.

“Bring them in and place it here.”

“What’s all this Elis?” I asked surprised.

“I and Elex brought these to enjoy with you because you didn’t seem to eat much just now.”

I felt touched at their thoughts. They always do things which I cherish in my memories whenever I am in a bad mood. I just can’t love them enough for their sweetness.

“Thank you. Now come and sit here, let’s all enjoy this tea party.”

“My lady! My lady!”


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