Chapter 10
The engagement day has finally came
Aarya konadi/fl
Ma we have to go we are getting late
Siddharth konadi/fl dad
You kids go in one car
Siddharth konadi/fl dad
We all will come in other car
Akriti Konadi/fl niece
Atha (aunt)
Aarav konadi/fl nephew
Atha (aunt)
Aarya konadi/fl
Aishh my babies you look so cute 🥰
Aarav konadi/fl nephew
And everyone went to the venue
First I will show their outfits
Nisha konadi/fl cousin in law
Nisha konadi/fl cousin in law
Sreeram konadi/fl grand pa
Likitha konadi/fl grand ma
Rithesh Varanasi/ml dad&fl uncle
Shreya Varanasi/ml mom&fl aunt
Shreya Varanasi/ml mom&fl aunt
The engagement rituals has started
The groom started doing pooja
Varun Konadi/fl elder bro
After that the bride's parents give clothes to groom
And after that the bride will start doing pooja
Anupama Desai/konadi/ fl sis in law
And grooms parents will give new saree to bride
before changing the clothes
After changing the clothes
The groom will sit in the mandap and will do some rituals after the bride's side sisters and brothers will come and feed sweet to groom
After the bride will sit in mandap
Anupama Desai/konadi/ fl sis in law
After that the groom's family will present the gifts
Mera konadi/fl mom
And this is for you
Anupama Desai/konadi/ fl sis in law
Thank you athya (aunt)😊
After that they will exchange the wedding rings
Varun Konadi/fl elder bro
Anupama Desai/konadi/ fl sis in law
After that they cut the cake
After the they will have the food
We still have so many rituals but i couldn't write here
Aarya konadi/fl
let's go home brother I am tired
Arun konadi/fl 2nd bro
let's go
Arjun Varanasi/ml
I will drive
Arun konadi/fl 2nd bro
Ok Bava(brother in law)
After that they reached the house